Obiettivi Formativi
Il corso si propone di ampliare le conoscenze di base sul reporting acquisite durante i percorsi di laurea triennale. Reporting finanziario e non finanziario, elementi di auditing e taxation vengono passati in rassegna con l'obiettivo di fornire allo studente uno starter pack completo per l'esercizio delle funzioni di controller presso aziende di medie e grandi dimensioni
Conoscenza delle dinamiche generali sottostanti la formazione del bilancio d’esercizio in accordo con i principi generali generalmente accettati (GAAP – General Accepted Accounting Principles). Capacità di approcciare eventuali ricerche sulla qualità dell’'informativa esterna d’impresa non solo di tipo finanziario con riferimento ad aziende o gruppi aziendali di medie-grandi dimensione e complessità
Uso delle skills acquisitge nell’ambito dell’accounting e del reporting per la risoluzione di problemi di moderata complessità e capacità di legare l’andamento economico finanziario di un’'impresa col settore di riferimento e con l’'ambiente macroeconomico ove la stessa insiste.
Capacità di emettere giudizi, ancorchè soggettivi, sullo stato di saluto economico, finanziario e patrimoniale di aziende e/o gruppi aziendali di media e grande dimensione
Abilità di trasferire in modo scritto tramite report, ed orale, tramite meeting o briefing le proprie conoscenze e capacità di mettere i terzi interlocutori in condizione di far proprie le conoscenze di base trasmesse.
Capacità di leggere i cambiamenti nel contesto del financial reporting che condizionano l’'operare d’impresa, il settore della stessa ed il quadro economico e giuridico ove la stessa insiste e, viceversa ,comprendere come i cambiamenti esterni condizionano l'azienda, le performance aziendali ed il modo di fare e diffondere la comunicazione economico-finanziaria
Learning Objectives
provide an enlargement of knowledge about the reporting funcion of medium and big international firms. Financial and non financial reporting, alongside pillars of taxation and auditing instruments and outputs will be reviewed. The aim is to provide a starter pack useful to address the main tasks for financial controllers.
Knowledge about the use of General Accounting Accepted Principles (GAAP) for preparing primarily financial statements. Ability to approach researches and studes concerning the overall financial performance of listed firms and group of listed firms
Ability in using skills for accounting and reporting issues and in the two linked phases of problem setting and problem solving in addressing issues related to economic and financial trends of listed firms. Ability in transferring knowledge from business to the economic environment
Ability in releasing discretional judges about the overall listed firms financial and non financial reporting issues
Ability to well-perform during meeeting or briefing related to financial and non financial reporting issues in a peer to peer context
Ability to “read” changes in the financial environment that determine the firm’s success in its sector. Ability to provide a faithful picture in which firms are called to operate respecting financial uses and law prescriptions. Comprehension of how unstoppable economic dynamics make influence on financial, investing and operating activities of the firm
2. La valutazione delle più importanti poste di bilancio
3. Classificazione e Valutazione degli Strumenti Finanziari, con particolare riguardo ai Crypto Assets;
4. La qualità del financial reporting;
5. Elementi di Reporting non finanziario;
6. la fiscalità nei soggetti IAS-IFRS;
7. tecniche di base di consolidamento in ambito IAS-IFRS
2. Recognition and Measurement of the most important items of Financial Statements
3. Recognition and Measurment of Financial Assets with a focus on Crypto Assets;
4. Evaluating the quality of financial reports ;
5. Elements of Sustainability Reporting;
6. Tax reporting;
7. Elements of consolidated financial statements
Testi Adottati
Modalità di svolgimento
esercizi, casi pratici, lavori di gruppo circa 30%
Testimonianze esterne 30%
Teaching methods
Teaching methods:
Lecture 40%
Exercises, Discussion and group presentation 30%
(Homework assignments are the basis for class discussion)
Guests speakers 30%
Regolamento Esame
esame orale 70%
prova pratica in una delle ultime lezioni del corso 30%.
Inoltre, fattori come la frequenza, la partecipazione proattiva e la risposta a quesiti di natura facoltativa assegnati dal docente saranno suscettibili di produrre dei bonus individuali da aggiungere al voto finale a discrezione del docente titolare.
Il voto finale sarà rapportato per il 70% al grado di conoscenza e per il 30% alla capacità espressiva e di giudizio autonomo dimostrate dallo
La prova di esame sarà valutata secondo i seguenti criteri:
Non idoneo: importanti carenze e/o inaccuratezze nella conoscenza e comprensione degli argomenti; limitate capacità di analisi e sintesi,
frequenti generalizzazioni e limitate capacità critiche e di giudizio , gli argomenti sono esposti in modo non coerente e con linguaggio
18-20: conoscenza e comprensione degli argomenti appena sufficiente con possibili generalizzazioni e imperfezioni; capacità di analisi sintesi
e autonomia di giudizio sufficienti, gli argomenti sono esposti in modo frequentemente poco coerente e con un linguaggio poco
21-23: Conoscenza e comprensione degli argomenti routinaria; Capacità di analisi e sintesi corrette con argomentazione logica
sufficientemente coerente e linguaggio appropriato/tecnico
24-26: Discreta conoscenza e comprensione degli argomenti; buone capacità di analisi e sintesi con argomentazioni espresse in modo
rigoroso ma con un linguaggio non sempre appropriato/tecnico.
27-29: Conoscenza e comprensione degli argomenti completa; notevoli capacità di analisi e sintesi. Buona autonomia di giudizio. Argomenti
esposti in modo rigoroso e con linguaggio appropriato/tecnico
30-30L: Ottimo livello di conoscenza e comprensione approfondita degli argomenti. Ottime capacità di analisi, di sintesi e di autonomia di
giudizio. Argomentazioni espresse in modo originale e con linguaggio tecnico appropriato.
Exam Rules
Final exam 70%
Total 100%
The following factors are considered in the class participation and they can give to students additional bonuses:
1. Attendance.
2. Volunteering answers to questions or asking good questions.
3. Responses to discussion questions.
Students will succeed in the exam by getting a grade equal or higher than 18/30. Below 18 student will be rejected and invited to attempt again at a future date after having deepened the lackings reported.
Within the range of positive grades (from 18 to 30) it is possible to recognize the following sub-range and related features:
18-20. The student can succeed in the light of a very basic understanding of all topics and ability to report and discuss them with a very minor critical approach.
21-23. The student got the basics well and is able to understand and quickly well-debrief the major concepts and issues faced during the course.
24-26. The student is mature with respect to the course contents and related understand. He/she can fairly report all concepts in a correct manner by well balancing synthesis and analysis
27-29. The understanding is full and appreciable. The student not only has learned much, he/she is also able to infer his/her knowledge in connection with other subjects and discipline and he/she is also able to open up future critical issue.
30. The student's preparation and performance is outstanding. He/she is at ease in perfectly respond to whatever issue around those faced during the course. He/she is able to make connection and bridges in the vast field of business administration and this attitudes demonstrate the student's potential to succeed in the job market in the areas related with the course.
Obiettivi Formativi
The course provides an introduction to the modelling of economic and management variables using regression and multivariate methods, both in a parametric than a nonparametric framework; the emphasis is on business, marketing and industrial applications. The program will cover models for the analysis of dependence (linear regression, ANOVA, autoregressive model, logit and probit models) and exploratory techniques for data reduction (principal component analysis and clustering analysis).
Knowledge and understanding of parametric and nonparametric statistical techniques applied to marketing, sales and financial problems. At the end of the course students should be able to understand: (i) how to apply statistical models in a supervised and unsupervised approach; (ii) perfectly know the model’s assumptions and understanding of the tools needed to verify these hypotheses; (iii) understand the model selection techniques and measures of the model prediction capability. In particular, students will manage:
• Linear regression model
• Logit and Probit model
• Analysis of Variance
• Autoregressive model AR(1)
• Cluster Analysis
• Principal Component Analysis
Practical evidence of the concepts will be given with examples using statistical software such as STATA and SAS applied on real datasets. The students will have to practice both in class that with homeworks on the use of specific software so to be able to comment and understand the output.
Students will be able to choose the more appropriate statistical techniques and to select the right set of explanatory variables. On the basis of results obtained, they will be able to give an interpretation about the relationship between the variables under study.
Students will be able to prepare statistical reports using graphs, tables, figures and commenting them.
Students will have access to reading and understanding scientific articles using the multivariate methods considered in the course program. They will be able to identify the most appropriate methods to answer specific research questions.
Learning Objectives
provide an enlargement of knowledge about the reporting funcion of medium and big international firms. Financial and non financial reporting, alongside pillars of taxation and auditing instruments and outputs will be reviewed. The aim is to provide a starter pack useful to address the main tasks for financial controllers.
Knowledge about the use of General Accounting Accepted Principles (GAAP) for preparing primarily financial statements. Ability to approach researches and studes concerning the overall financial performance of listed firms and group of listed firms
Ability in using skills for accounting and reporting issues and in the two linked phases of problem setting and problem solving in addressing issues related to economic and financial trends of listed firms. Ability in transferring knowledge from business to the economic environment
Ability in releasing discretional judges about the overall listed firms financial and non financial reporting issues
Ability to well-perform during meeeting or briefing related to financial and non financial reporting issues in a peer to peer context
Ability to “read” changes in the financial environment that determine the firm’s success in its sector. Ability to provide a faithful picture in which firms are called to operate respecting financial uses and law prescriptions. Comprehension of how unstoppable economic dynamics make influence on financial, investing and operating activities of the firm
2. il nuovo conceptual framework for financial reporting (2018);
3. La qualità del financial reporting;
4. Elementi di Audit Reporting;
5. la fiscalità nei soggetti IAS-IFRS;
6. Elementi di Fusioni e Acquisizioni;
7. tecniche di base di consolidamento in ambito IAS-IFRS
2. a deep investigation of the revised conceptual framework for financial reporting (2018);
3. Evaluating the quality of financial reports ;
4. Elements of Audit Reporting;
5. tax reporting;
6. basics of M&A;
7. Elements of consolidated financial statements
Testi Adottati
Modalità di svolgimento
esercizi, casi pratici, lavori di gruppo circa 30%
Testimonianze esterne 30%
Teaching methods
Teaching methods:
Lecture 40%
Exercises, Discussion and group presentation 30%
(Homework assignments are the basis for class discussion)
Guests speakers 30%
Regolamento Esame
esame scritto 70%
prova pratica in una delle ultime lezioni del corso 30%.
Inoltre, fattori come la frequenza, la partecipazione proattiva e la risposta a quesiti di natura facoltativa assegnati dal docente saranno suscettibili di produrre dei bonus individuali da aggiungere al voto finale a discrezione del docente titolare.
Il voto finale sarà rapportato per il 70% al grado di conoscenza e per il 30% alla capacità espressiva e di giudizio autonomo dimostrate dallo
La prova di esame sarà valutata secondo i seguenti criteri:
Non idoneo: importanti carenze e/o inaccuratezze nella conoscenza e comprensione degli argomenti; limitate capacità di analisi e sintesi,
frequenti generalizzazioni e limitate capacità critiche e di giudizio , gli argomenti sono esposti in modo non coerente e con linguaggio
18-20: conoscenza e comprensione degli argomenti appena sufficiente con possibili generalizzazioni e imperfezioni; capacità di analisi sintesi
e autonomia di giudizio sufficienti, gli argomenti sono esposti in modo frequentemente poco coerente e con un linguaggio poco
21-23: Conoscenza e comprensione degli argomenti routinaria; Capacità di analisi e sintesi corrette con argomentazione logica
sufficientemente coerente e linguaggio appropriato/tecnico
24-26: Discreta conoscenza e comprensione degli argomenti; buone capacità di analisi e sintesi con argomentazioni espresse in modo
rigoroso ma con un linguaggio non sempre appropriato/tecnico.
27-29: Conoscenza e comprensione degli argomenti completa; notevoli capacità di analisi e sintesi. Buona autonomia di giudizio. Argomenti
esposti in modo rigoroso e con linguaggio appropriato/tecnico
30-30L: Ottimo livello di conoscenza e comprensione approfondita degli argomenti. Ottime capacità di analisi, di sintesi e di autonomia di
giudizio. Argomentazioni espresse in modo originale e con linguaggio tecnico appropriato.
Exam Rules
Final exam 70%
Total 100%
The following factors are considered in the class participation and they can give to students additional bonuses:
1. Attendance.
2. Volunteering answers to questions or asking good questions.
3. Responses to discussion questions.
Students will succeed in the exam by getting a grade equal or higher than 18/30. Below 18 student will be rejected and invited to attempt again at a future date after having deepened the lackings reported.
Within the range of positive grades (from 18 to 30) it is possible to recognize the following sub-range and related features:
18-20. The student can succeed in the light of a very basic understanding of all topics and ability to report and discuss them with a very minor critical approach.
21-23. The student got the basics well and is able to understand and quickly well-debrief the major concepts and issues faced during the course.
24-26. The student is mature with respect to the course contents and related understand. He/she can fairly report all concepts in a correct manner by well balancing synthesis and analysis
27-29. The understanding is full and appreciable. The student not only has learned much, he/she is also able to infer his/her knowledge in connection with other subjects and discipline and he/she is also able to open up future critical issue.
30. The student's preparation and performance is outstanding. He/she is at ease in perfectly respond to whatever issue around those faced during the course. He/she is able to make connection and bridges in the vast field of business administration and this attitudes demonstrate the student's potential to succeed in the job market in the areas related with the course.
Updated A.Y. 2020-2021
Updated A.Y. 2020-2021
This course aims to introduce you to selected issues in financial reporting;
After this course, you should be able to read and provide a general analysis of the financial reports of listed companies for different purposes and able to apply basic consolidation techniques;
Students would study this course in an international perspective. The course is based on current International Financial Reporting Standards – International Accounting Standards (IAS-IFRS), and some mention of the Us and Uk Gaap.
- Overview
This course aims to introduce you to selected issues in financial reporting;
After this course, you should be able to read and provide a general analysis of the financial reports of listed companies for different purposes and able to apply basic consolidation techniques;
Students would study this course in an international perspective. The course is based on current International Financial Reporting Standards – International Accounting Standards (IAS-IFRS), and some mention of the Us and Uk Gaap.
- Pre-requisites for the course
At least one course in basics of financial accounting and reporting
- Learning objectives
Knowledge and Understanding:
Main usefulness of primarily financial statements and their interpretations
Applying Knowledge and Understanding:
Ability to recognize main criticisms in financial reports and to understand overall financial health of firms overtime
Making Judgements:
Analysis of financial reports to outline basic judgments about the healthiness of firms
Communication Skills:
ability to disseminate proper actions of sell side analyst regarding not only desirable financial trends but also other relevant issues in the field of financial reporting
Learning Skills:
be aware to explore annual reports completely
- Program
Module I – Financial statements overview
- Conceptual framework for financial reporting;
- Regulatory framework and presentation of financial statements
Module II – Financial Analysis
- Basics of Financial analysis
- Evaluate the quality of financial reports
Module III – Audit and Tax Reporting
- Reporting for Taxes
- Audit Reporting
Module IV Basics of Consolidation
- The Notion of Group, Percentage of Interest and Percentage of Control;
- Theory of Consolidation;
- Basics Techinques;
- Learning by Doing
Teaching methods
Classic Lectures
Problem or interactive case discussions
Guest lectures
- References
A series of chapters extrapolated from different books and sources. A complete set of readings will be available at the bookshop (close to the faculty) from november 8th ongoing.
Additional readings uploaded on the course webpage.
All the materials uploaded on the course webpage
- Non mandatory references:
Kieso, Weygandt, Warfield, Intermediate Accounting – Ifrs edition, vol I, Wiley, 2011, 2 edition, chapters 3,4,5;
Aerts, Walton, Global Accounting and Reporting, Cengage, 2017, 4th edition, chapters 8, 9, 10 and 15;
International Financial Reporting Standars – Accounting and Financial Reporting Using IFRS, 2015, McGraw-Hill, chapters 1 and 2
International Financial Reporting Standars – Accounting and Financial Reporting Using IFRS, 2015, McGraw-Hill, chapters 1 and 2
All IAS-IFRS currently issued at the starting day of the course;
Any other paper, document and reading suggested by the lecturers during the course
Updated A.Y. 2019-2020
Updated A.Y. 2019-2020
This course aims to introduce you to selected issues in financial reporting;
After this course, you should be able to read and provide a general analysis of the financial reports of listed companies for different purposes and able to apply basic consolidation techniques;
Students would study this course in an international perspective. The course is based on current International Financial Reporting Standards – International Accounting Standards (IAS-IFRS), and some mention of the Us and Uk Gaap.
- Overview
This course aims to introduce you to selected issues in financial reporting;
After this course, you should be able to read and provide a general analysis of the financial reports of listed companies for different purposes and able to apply basic consolidation techniques;
Students would study this course in an international perspective. The course is based on current International Financial Reporting Standards – International Accounting Standards (IAS-IFRS), and some mention of the Us and Uk Gaap.
- Pre-requisites for the course
At least one course in basics of financial accounting and reporting
- Learning objectives
Knowledge and Understanding:
Main usefulness of primarily financial statements and their interpretations
Applying Knowledge and Understanding:
Ability to recognize main criticisms in financial reports and to understand overall financial health of firms overtime
Making Judgements:
Analysis of financial reports to outline basic judgments about the healthiness of firms
Communication Skills:
ability to disseminate proper actions of sell side analyst regarding not only desirable financial trends but also other relevant issues in the field of financial reporting
Learning Skills:
be aware to explore annual reports completely
- Program
Module I – Financial statements overview
- Conceptual framework for financial reporting;
- Regulatory framework and presentation of financial statements
Module II – Financial Analysis
- Basics of Financial analysis
- Evaluate the quality of financial reports
Module III – Audit and Tax Reporting
- Reporting for Taxes
- Audit Reporting
Module IV Basics of Consolidation
- The Notion of Group, Percentage of Interest and Percentage of Control;
- Theory of Consolidation;
- Basics Techinques;
- Learning by Doing
Teaching methods
Classic Lectures
Problem or interactive case discussions
Guest lectures
- References
A series of chapters extrapolated from different books and sources. A complete set of readings will be available at the bookshop (close to the faculty) from november 8th ongoing.
Additional readings uploaded on the course webpage.
All the materials uploaded on the course webpage
- Non mandatory references:
Kieso, Weygandt, Warfield, Intermediate Accounting – Ifrs edition, vol I, Wiley, 2011, 2 edition, chapters 3,4,5;
Aerts, Walton, Global Accounting and Reporting, Cengage, 2017, 4th edition, chapters 8, 9, 10 and 15;
International Financial Reporting Standars – Accounting and Financial Reporting Using IFRS, 2015, McGraw-Hill, chapters 1 and 2
International Financial Reporting Standars – Accounting and Financial Reporting Using IFRS, 2015, McGraw-Hill, chapters 1 and 2
All IAS-IFRS currently issued at the starting day of the course;
Any other paper, document and reading suggested by the lecturers during the course
Updated A.Y. 2018-2019
Updated A.Y. 2018-2019
This course aims to introduce you to selected issues in financial reporting;
After this course, you should be able to read and provide a general analysis of the financial reports of listed companies for different purposes and able to apply basic consolidation techniques;
Students would study this course in an international perspective. The course is based on current International Financial Reporting Standards – International Accounting Standards (IAS-IFRS), and some mention of the Us and Uk Gaap.
- Overview
This course aims to introduce you to selected issues in financial reporting;
After this course, you should be able to read and provide a general analysis of the financial reports of listed companies for different purposes and able to apply basic consolidation techniques;
Students would study this course in an international perspective. The course is based on current International Financial Reporting Standards – International Accounting Standards (IAS-IFRS), and some mention of the Us and Uk Gaap.
- Pre-requisites for the course
At least one course in basics of financial accounting and reporting
- Learning objectives
Knowledge and Understanding:
Main usefulness of primarily financial statements and their interpretations
Applying Knowledge and Understanding:
Ability to recognize main criticisms in financial reports and to understand overall financial health of firms overtime
Making Judgements:
Analysis of financial reports to outline basic judgments about the healthiness of firms
Communication Skills:
ability to disseminate proper actions of sell side analyst regarding not only desirable financial trends but also other relevant issues in the field of financial reporting
Learning Skills:
be aware to explore annual reports completely
- Program
Module I – Financial statements overview
- Conceptual framework for financial reporting;
- Regulatory framework and presentation of financial statements
Module II – Financial Analysis
- Basics of Financial analysis
- Evaluate the quality of financial reports
Module III – Audit and Tax Reporting
- Reporting for Taxes
- Audit Reporting
Module IV Basics of Consolidation
- The Notion of Group, Percentage of Interest and Percentage of Control;
- Theory of Consolidation;
- Basics Techinques;
- Learning by Doing
Teaching methods
Classic Lectures
Problem or interactive case discussions
Guest lectures
- References
A series of chapters extrapolated from different books and sources. A complete set of readings will be available at the bookshop (close to the faculty) from november 8th ongoing.
Additional readings uploaded on the course webpage.
All the materials uploaded on the course webpage
- Non mandatory references:
Kieso, Weygandt, Warfield, Intermediate Accounting – Ifrs edition, vol I, Wiley, 2011, 2 edition, chapters 3,4,5;
Aerts, Walton, Global Accounting and Reporting, Cengage, 2017, 4th edition, chapters 8, 9, 10 and 15;
International Financial Reporting Standars – Accounting and Financial Reporting Using IFRS, 2015, McGraw-Hill, chapters 1 and 2
International Financial Reporting Standars – Accounting and Financial Reporting Using IFRS, 2015, McGraw-Hill, chapters 1 and 2
All IAS-IFRS currently issued at the starting day of the course;
Any other paper, document and reading suggested by the lecturers during the course
Updated A.Y. 2017-2018
Updated A.Y. 2017-2018
This course aims to introduce you to selected issues in financial reporting.
After this course, you should be able to read and provide a general analysis of the financial reports of listed companies for different purposes.
Students would study this course in an international perspective. The course is based on current International Financial Reporting Standards – International Accounting Standards (IAS-IFRS), and some mention of the Us and Uk Gaap.
Module I – Financial statements overview
Conceptual framework for financial reporting;
Regulatory framework and presentation of financial statements
Module II – Audit and Tax Reporting
Going Concern and Audit Reporting
Reporting for taxes
Module III – Basics of Financial Analysis
Basics of Financial analysis
Evaluate the quality of financial reports
Module IV Analysis and Reporting in M&A
Merger and Acquisition processes under the consultancy lenses (I);
Merger and Acquisition processes under the consultancy lenses (II);
Updated A.Y. 2016-2017
Updated A.Y. 2016-2017
Dr Sandro Brunelli
Dr. Sandro Brunelli
Availability- office hours: by appointment
One university basic course in financial accounting or very close topics.
The objective of the course is to provide an understanding of financial accounting fundamentals for prospective consumers of corporate financial information, such as managers, shareholders, financial analysts, and creditors and in general any potential capital provider. The course focuses on understanding how economic events like corporate investments, financing transactions and operating activities are recorded in the three main financial statements (i.e., the income statement, statement of financial position, and statement of cash flows). The course will be based on the rules and provisions mainly made by the IASB (International Accounting Standards Board). Along the way, students will develop the technical skills needed to analyze corporate financial statements and disclosures for use in financial analysis, and to interpret how accounting standards and managerial incentives affect the financial reporting process. This course is recommended for students who want a more in-depth overview of the financial accounting required for understanding firm performance and potential future risks through analysis of reported financial information, such as students intending to go into companies, security analysis and investment banking and so on.
Lectures, business cases, problem solving, interactive case discussion, reverse lectures.
Kieso, Weygandt, Warfield, Intermediate accounting Vol. I – Ifrs 2nd Edition, (Wiley, 2015). (Chapter 1,2,3,4, 5, 18, 23 and 24)
Robinson, van Greuning, Henry, Broihahn, International Financial Statement Analysis, (Wiley 2009) (Chapter 7)
Additional readings
Other useful references are the following:
Weygandt, Kimmel, Kieso, Financial accounting – Ifrs Edition (Wiley, 2nd edition, 2012)
Nobes, Parker, Comparative International Accounting, Prentice Hall, 10edition, 2008
All Ias-ifrs currently issued by the IASB at the start-date of the course.
Papers suggested by lectures during the course.
Students will be engaged in a workgroup whose results will be presents at the end of the course in a public hearing context. The workgroup is aimed to develop skills in reading the financial statements and in making useful judges on the firm performance.
Slides and other materials uploaded on the course website.
Because of the concentrated nature of the MSc programme, attendance in class is crucial. Students who miss more than 3 lectures (including arriving late or leaving early) will be required to prepare ALL the chapters of the textbook (intermediate accounting Vol. I) and other materials for the exam.
NOTE: Attendance for the first class session is mandatory as important information regarding the course and the instructors' expectations are given. If you know in advance that you will be absent for one session, please contact your instructor to ensure that absence from a particular session is acceptable.
Students that are able to certify these situations have, in order to well-performed the exam, to study in depth two more chapters chosen among chapters 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 of the main textbook (intermediate accounting Vol. I). These chapters will be discussed with the instructor once you pass the written exam. Keep in mind that in any other cases all chapters of the main textbook will be required.
The exam is made up of three parts:
1. written exam (weighing 70 %)
2. oral exam if student wants to increase the final score of the written part (generally held in the same day of the first);
3. Groupwork project (weighing 30%);
Updated A.Y. 2015-2016
Updated A.Y. 2015-2016
Dr Sandro Brunelli
Dr. Sandro Brunelli
Availability- office hours: by appointment
One university basic course in financial accounting or very close topics.
The objective of the course is to provide an understanding of financial accounting fundamentals for prospective consumers of corporate financial information, such as managers, shareholders, financial analysts, and creditors and in general any potential capital provider. The course focuses on understanding how economic events like corporate investments, financing transactions and operating activities are recorded in the three main financial statements (i.e., the income statement, statement of financial position, and statement of cash flows). The course will be based on the rules and provisions mainly made by the IASB (International Accounting Standards Board). Along the way, students will develop the technical skills needed to analyze corporate financial statements and disclosures for use in financial analysis, and to interpret how accounting standards and managerial incentives affect the financial reporting process. This course is recommended for students who want a more in-depth overview of the financial accounting required for understanding firm performance and potential future risks through analysis of reported financial information, such as students intending to go into companies, security analysis and investment banking and so on.
Lectures, business cases, problem solving, interactive case discussion, reverse lectures.
Kieso, Weygandt, Warfield, Intermediate accounting Vol. I – Ifrs 2nd Edition, (Wiley, 2015). (Chapter 1,2,3,4, 5, 18, 23 and 24)
Robinson, van Greuning, Henry, Broihahn, International Financial Statement Analysis, (Wiley 2009) (Chapter 7)
Additional readings
Other useful references are the following:
Weygandt, Kimmel, Kieso, Financial accounting – Ifrs Edition (Wiley, 2nd edition, 2012)
Nobes, Parker, Comparative International Accounting, Prentice Hall, 10edition, 2008
All Ias-ifrs currently issued by the IASB at the start-date of the course.
Papers suggested by lectures during the course.
Students will be engaged in a workgroup whose results will be presents at the end of the course in a public hearing context. The workgroup is aimed to develop skills in reading the financial statements and in making useful judges on the firm performance.
Slides and other materials uploaded on the course website.
Because of the concentrated nature of the MSc programme, attendance in class is crucial. Students who miss more than 3 lectures (including arriving late or leaving early) will be required to prepare ALL the chapters of the textbook (intermediate accounting Vol. I) and other materials for the exam.
NOTE: Attendance for the first class session is mandatory as important information regarding the course and the instructors' expectations are given. If you know in advance that you will be absent for one session, please contact your instructor to ensure that absence from a particular session is acceptable.
Students that are able to certify these situations have, in order to well-performed the exam, to study in depth two more chapters chosen among chapters 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 of the main textbook (intermediate accounting Vol. I). These chapters will be discussed with the instructor once you pass the written exam. Keep in mind that in any other cases all chapters of the main textbook will be required.
The exam is made up of three parts:
1. written exam (weighing 70 %)
2. oral exam if student wants to increase the final score of the written part (generally held in the same day of the first);
3. Groupwork project (weighing 30%);
Updated A.Y. 2014-2015
Updated A.Y. 2014-2015
Dr Sandro Brunelli
Dr. Sandro Brunelli
Availability- office hours: by appointment
One university basic course in financial accounting or very close topics.
The objective of the course is to provide an understanding of financial accounting fundamentals for prospective consumers of corporate financial information, such as managers, shareholders, financial analysts, and creditors and in general any potential capital provider. The course focuses on understanding how economic events like corporate investments, financing transactions and operating activities are recorded in the three main financial statements (i.e., the income statement, statement of financial position, and statement of cash flows). The course will be based on the rules and provisions mainly made by the IASB (International Accounting Standards Board). Along the way, students will develop the technical skills needed to analyze corporate financial statements and disclosures for use in financial analysis, and to interpret how accounting standards and managerial incentives affect the financial reporting process. This course is recommended for students who want a more in-depth overview of the financial accounting required for understanding firm performance and potential future risks through analysis of reported financial information, such as students intending to go into companies, security analysis and investment banking and so on.
Lectures, business cases, problem solving, interactive case discussion, reverse lectures.
Kieso, Weygandt, Warfield, Intermediate accounting Vol. I – Ifrs 2nd Edition, (Wiley, 2015). (Chapter 1,2,3,4, 5, 18, 23 and 24)
Robinson, van Greuning, Henry, Broihahn, International Financial Statement Analysis, (Wiley 2009) (Chapter 7)
Additional readings
Other useful references are the following:
Weygandt, Kimmel, Kieso, Financial accounting – Ifrs Edition (Wiley, 2nd edition, 2012)
Nobes, Parker, Comparative International Accounting, Prentice Hall, 10edition, 2008
All Ias-ifrs currently issued by the IASB at the start-date of the course.
Papers suggested by lectures during the course.
Students will be engaged in a workgroup whose results will be presents at the end of the course in a public hearing context. The workgroup is aimed to develop skills in reading the financial statements and in making useful judges on the firm performance.
Slides and other materials uploaded on the course website.
Because of the concentrated nature of the MSc programme, attendance in class is crucial. Students who miss more than 3 lectures (including arriving late or leaving early) will be required to prepare ALL the chapters of the textbook (intermediate accounting Vol. I) and other materials for the exam.
NOTE: Attendance for the first class session is mandatory as important information regarding the course and the instructors' expectations are given. If you know in advance that you will be absent for one session, please contact your instructor to ensure that absence from a particular session is acceptable.
Students that are able to certify these situations have, in order to well-performed the exam, to study in depth two more chapters chosen among chapters 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 of the main textbook (intermediate accounting Vol. I). These chapters will be discussed with the instructor once you pass the written exam. Keep in mind that in any other cases all chapters of the main textbook will be required.
The exam is made up of three parts:
1. written exam (weighing 70 %)
2. oral exam if student wants to increase the final score of the written part (generally held in the same day of the first);
3. Groupwork project (weighing 30%);