Student authentication

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Regular attendance – and the related engaged participation – is a very relevant ingredient of the Global Governance programme. We have seen a clear positive correlation between attendance in class and pay-off of your university investment in terms of final GPA and date of graduation (and therefore of future opportunities).

In order to be considered as an attending student you should reach a target level of actual presence in class. In addition, considering that everyone might have a health problem, a severe personal/family issue or an overlapping class, we will take into account relevant justifications (as described here below in a dedicated section).

More specifically, your actual attendance might fall in one of these three categories:

  • Green: if your actual attendance is equal to or greater than 80%, you qualify as an attending student in that course;
  • Red: if your actual attendance is below 60% (no matter for which reason), you will be considered a non-attending student in that course;
  • Orange: if your actual attendance is between 60% and 80%, your position will be evaluated depending on how much of your absences are related to significant and certified health problems. In case the sum of your actual attendances and your justified absences is equal or greater than 80% you will be considered an attending student. Differently you will be considered a non-attending student.

Please be aware that while we are strongly inviting you to attend regularly, non-attending students are not discriminated, and they can in any case reach the maximum grade if their performance is very good! This is true in any scenario, even more in case the absences should be related to very important reasons, being health- or family- or sport-related.

In order to manage your attendance, you will find here below two sections:

  • How you can register your attendance for the classes;
  • When a relevant absence can be justified.


Filling in the form for all kind of justification request
and then following the procedure

You maintain your status of “attending student” till up to 20% of absences. This 20% percentage already covers situations such as:

  • Any inconvenience on your way to the University (car break-down, traffic jam, public transportation strike)
  • Any short-term illness or tiredness
  • Most of personal/family reasons (from getting the stay permit or the marriage of a friend to the participation to a sport tournament)
  • Any spot situation related to your having forgotten to register your attendance at a given class or having had a problem in doing it for whatever reason (browser, connection, etc.).

Therefore, no special justification will be accepted/asked for such events.

You should manage your 20% absences carefully taking into account that these events might occur. Plan your absences for important personal life events ahead of time and keep track by yourself of the number of absences you have accumulated, making sure you arrive toward the end of the semester at least around 85% (100% is great for you we believe, but we don’t consider differently students with 80% or students with 100% presence).

A health-related justification can be asked (and granted) only when it is related to a relevant health problem certified by a medical declaration/document and it refers either to a health problem lasting more than two days or a chronic/recurring disability. Please be aware that in case your illness is very severe and lasts for more than two weeks, chances are that you will not be able to attend for the minimum of 60% of actual attendances (meaning that your participation in the course is too limited/fragmented) and you cannot qualify as attending student in any case. [Special remark: your overall bonus in the GG programme (mainly the extra point for thesis) will not be necessarily affected by long health related absences, but your attendance in a specific course might be].

In such a scenario of a long/chronic diseases or a not short health problem, in order to be justified you need to fill in the form at the following link and then wait for the mail of the secretariat to come and show the medical justification for the days of the request.

Please be aware that is forbidden send any kind of certification via e-mail for privacy reasons and that staff will not keep your certification, treating anyway the information acquired with maximum confidentiality.

A justification related to personal/family issues will not normally be accepted. Only when the case is very severe contact Prof Piga and discuss the case with him. After having received his agreement, fill in the justification link attaching a reference to the discussion you had. At this point the Secretariat will confirm whether/how the absence can be justified.

A justification related to overlapping classes is possible only through the justification link, by specifying properly the day and time of the classes you attended and those you were unable to attend, again specifying the time and date. The justification is given to you only if you are present in the classes you declared to be attending. However, the 40% absence rate must not be exceeded at all, ensuring at least 60% attendance for courses.

All the justification requests must be filled in after the period of request and never in advance.



Your attendance in classes will be tracked through your registration at our website at the courses page.

Starting from 15 minutes before the official start of the class till 15 minutes after the official start of the class (as from your timetable), you will be able to register your attendance selecting the course you are attending from “My courses”. After having accepted GDPR data processing by flagging it (as shown below), you have to click the button of attendance as presented here below:

Then you will have to include your enrolment number and your password to confirm your attendance. You will be able to access the system both using a PC or a smartphone.

Shortly after the registration, you will receive a mail confirming your declaration of attendance such as the one below:

In order to track your overall attendance in a course, you can access the Student Portal as reported in the last sentence of the screenshot above. There you will be able to check all your attendance in the course, as reported here below:

After the time window for the registration will have expired, the professor and the secretariat will receive a mail with a list of all students who self-registered themselves as attending and at that point they might check at any time your actual presence in class.

In case you need to leave before the end of the class for any reason, you will have to send the secretariat a mail before you leave stating that “I’m leaving class y”. In this case, your attendance will not be counted as valid for that class but in case of a check is carried out you will not be considered as “cheating”.

We trust that all of you will behave correctly, however we will check randomly whether those who have declared their attendance are not actually in the classroom or did leave without sending us an e-mail. These random checks will take place between 15 minutes after the start of the class and 5 minutes before the end of the class.

In case anyone is found to have claimed attendance while not being in the classroom for any reason, we will consider such a behaviour a very severe infringement of our trust-based relationship. The first time this happens he/she will have six-hour attendance cancelled in that course (two hours immediately and the remaining four hours at the end of the semester).

Should a second time happen, his/her attendance will be cancelled for the whole semester on all the courses, and, a result, he/she will be considered as “non-attending” student in all his/her exams of that semester.

It is better to be considered absent once or twice, than lose all your attendance.
So please don’t cheat and don’t force us to take severe measures.

A few additional points:

  • there is a 30 minutes time window around the “official” start of the class, so do not forget to start the attendance procedure early on. Don’t wait till the very last, as from time to time there can be small issues with the browser or the connection. If for any reason you forget to register and you don’t manage to register in the required time slot, you will be considered as absent for that specific class even if you will take eventually that class.

  • Register only when you are in the classroom, don’t do it on your way to the University as you might not manage to arrive on time. Registering before you have arrived in class usually leads to stress, unacceptable risks of driving fast for which you only bear responsibility and sanctions during an inspection, so don’t ever do it! Much better to be late once and lose one attendance than losing more and building unnecessary stress.

  • Please be aware that, if the class is starting at 11:00 and the professor, for any reason should be in late (let’s say, the professor happens to start at 11:30) in any case the time window for the registration still goes from 10:45 till 11:15, even in the case that at 11:15 the class has not started yet.

  • Please be aware that no justification will be accepted for having forgotten and having been unable to register your attendance, unless there is a severe technical issue preventing the whole class to register!