Cardellini Valeria
Valeria Cardellini is associate professor in Computer Engineering at the University of Roma Tor Vergata. She received the PhD degree in computer science and automation engineering from the University of Rome Tor Vergata in 2001.
Her main field of research is in distributed computing systems, with a focus on Web-based and Cloud-based systems and services. Her recent research topics include deployment and self-adaptation for streaming analytics in geo-distributed systems, resource provisioning and pricing in Cloud systems, QoS-driven runtime adaptation of service-oriented systems. She has published more than 90 referred papers in international journals, book chapters, and conference proceedings and won three paper awards at international conferences (IEEE SOSE 2011, ACM DEBS 2015, ACM DEBS 2016). She was keynote speaker at IEEE MASCOTS 2016.
She has participated in several international and Italian research projects and networks, among which EU H2020 EoCoE (2015-2018) and the European tender "Realization of a research and development project (pre-commercial procurement) on Cloud for Europe" (2016-2017). She was member of the Management Committee of COST Action "IC1304: Autonomous Control for a Reliable Internet of Services (ACROSS)" (2013-2017).
She is program co-chair of UCC 2018, the premier IEEE/ACM conference covering all areas related to Cloud Computing as a Utility, and has been co-chair of various international workshops.
Since 2002 she has been teaching regular classes at graduate and undergraduate levels, mainly on distributed systems, cloud computing, big data systems, and computer architectures.
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