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Ravazzi Douvan Aldo

Ministry of Environment - Oecd

Chief economist at the Italian Ministry of Environment & Energy Security, DG Sustainable Development, EU & Global Activities, Sustainable Finance - TA Sogesid (100% company of Ministry of Economy & Finance).

President OECD committee on sustainable finance and vice-President OECD committee on environmental policies (2022-...).

Past-President OECD committees on Environmental Performance Country Reviews; Tax & Environment; Biodiversity, Water & Ecosystems; Integration of Economic & Environmental Policies (2005-20).

Italian expert for sustainable development, green tax reform, sustainable finance, green economy, green growth, green new deal, resource efficiency, circular economy, natural capital, biodiversity, non-financial reporting, environmental accounting, beyond GDP, ..., at OECD, Rio+20, EU, EEA, G7, G20, IRP, IPCC, UN-FCCC, UN-CBD, UNEP, UN-SEEA, WB, GGKP, ...

Technical Secretary of: Italian Observatory on Sustainable Finance, Italian Natural Capital Committee, Italian Catalogue of Environmentally Harmful & Friendly Subsidies (2015-20). Promoter and leader of the first team of 15 environmental economists in the Italian Public Administration (2015).

G20 Peer Review of Fossil Fuel Subsidies, Italy 2018, coordinator; G7-Environment 2017 Italian Presidency, technical coordinator.

“Enhancing an Environmental Fiscal Reform in Italy and in the EU” (EC-financed project in the frame of the Structural Reforms Support Programme), promoter.

EAERE Outreach Policy Committee. IAERE founder member. 2022 GCET Kreiser Award (Global Conference on Environmental Taxation).

Green Budget Europe (experts’ network on Ecological Tax Reform and Greening Budgets), President (2015-2020).

IRI economist (1984-2000); Economics U.Roma1 (1983); MSc York (1988). 

ravazzi.douvan@economia.uniroma2.it, ravazzi.aldo@mase.gov.it