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Bertinotti Anne Marie

University of Rome Tor Vergata

Born in Metz, France, Anne Marie Bertinotti is currently a lecturer of French language at the University of Tor Vergata in Rome. And lecturer of French language and translation at the Niccolò Cusano Telematic University in the master's degree program in International Relations.

She also collaborates with the Institut Français Centre Saint-Louis in Rome as an examiner for the official DELF French diplomas.

She graduated in Foreign Languages and Literature from the University of Nancy in France. She trained in teaching French as a foreign language (Fle) at Grenoble III “Stendhal” University.

She has done translation work on the French Revolution, the Ancien Régime and the Napoleonic period for Professor Alvazzi del Frate for La Goliardica publishing house and translated Professor Natalino Irti's essay “Le nihilisme juridique” for Dalloz publishing house in France.