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Cepiku Denita

University of Rome Tor Vergata

Full professor of Public Management

Coordinator of the PhD track in Public management & Governance

Department of Management & Law - University of Rome Tor Vergata

Editor-in-chief Azienda Pubblica https://www.periodicimaggioli.it/rivista/azienda-pubblica/1615063

Associate Editor Public Management Review https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/rpxm20

Country expert for the European Commission on the project "European Public Administration Country Knowledge" (EUPACK) since 2016.

Member of the National Observatory on Public Employment at the Department of Public Administration, Italian Presidency of Council of Ministers.

Chair of the Local Governance SIG of the International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM) (2008- ). Elected board member (membership strategy) 2011-2017.

Chair of the EGPA Study Group on Citizen Participation (2024-).

Her main research interests are in the areas of collaborative governance (network management and co-production), strategic performance management, social equity, public sector reform in developing and transition countries.