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Learning Objectives

LEARNING OUTCOMES:The course aims at providing the students with fundamentals on EU policies, strategies, actions in sustainable finance. The course will address ESG factors and their impact on capital markets and company law issues, instructing the students to analyze EU rules.
KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: Knowledge and understanding of the EU capital markets and company law framework on ESG and sustainable finance.
APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: Search for, understand, construe the EU sources of law on topics of interest
MAKING JUDGEMENTS: Ability to self assess and analize construing options of relevant norms on relevant topics
COMMUNICATION SKILLS: Ability to illustrate a legal topic related to financial markets regulation and sustainability
LEARNING SKILLS: Ability to read a EU legal text related to financial markets regulation and sustainability and to identify the crucial norms and issues


according to the University Programme


The course examines the EU regulatory framework for sustainable finance to understand EU strategies, policies, and sources of law for directing investments toward sustainable activities. The course tackles sources of law that aim to transform ESG factors from ethical incentives to drivers of investment strategies and organization of corporations, according to the following plan:
1. Introduction to European capital markets regulation (prospectus and investment services and firms) (WEEK 1 and WEEK 2)
2. EU action plans on sustainable finance (WEEK 2);
3. Regulation on taxonomy of sustainable assets (WEEK 3);
4. Regulation on sustainability transparency in financial services (WEEK 3);
5. Sustainability and corporate reporting and governance (WEEK 4);
6. Sustainability and the Mifid framework (WEEK 5);
7. Crypto-assets and digital finance (WEEK 6).


Course materials consist of legal texts (see below list) and handbook (European Capital Markets, by R. Veil, third edition, HART). Possibile additional readings to be suggested.
1.Overview of EU securities regulation: A) prospectus regulation no. 2017/2019
References: Book Chapters (2 paras. 7-9; 4 paras. 16-17) + Regulation text (relevant articles)
1.Overview of EU securities regulation: A) prospectus regulation no. 2017/2019
References: Book Chapters (2 paras. 7-9; 4 paras. 16-17) + Regulation text (relevant articles)
2. Overview of EU securities regulation: B) Mifid 2 Directive no. 2014/65
References: Book Chapters (5 (but for para. 24; 6 and 7) + Directive text (relevant articles)
3. Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive 2022/246 and Directive no. 2014/95
References: Directives Text (relevant articles)
4. Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation no. 2088/2019
References: Regulation Text
5. Taxonomy Regulation no. 852/2020
References: Regulation Text
6. Mifid integration of sustainability
References: Regulation text no. 565/2017 (relevant articles) + Directive text no. 2021/1269
7. Sustainability Due Diligence
8. Micar Regulation no. 2023/1114


R. Costi Il mercato mobiliare Giappichelli
A. Perrone Il diritto del mercato dei capitali Giuffre
F. Annunziata La disciplina del mercato mobiliare Giappichelli
Securities Regulations: The Essentials
by Stephen J. Choi (Author), A.C. Pritchard (Author)

Teaching methods

on site and in presence lectures. Discussion with students of issues.

Exam Rules

The exam will be in writing (on site): duration of 1 hour and 30 minutes, including 1 open-end question, 0-10 points; 2 true or false questions with a short explanation or 2 short-open end questions, 0-5 points each; 5 multiple-choice questions, 2 points each, no penalty for a wrong answer. The teacher retains the option to verify the written exam grade with oral questions on any part of the syllabus. Optional Take-home (each year with a different interactive approach and on a different topic): maximum 5 points.
The minimum grade is 18/30 the maximum grade is 30/30. Honors(Lode) are subject to an overall evaluation of particular value of the assignment. Grading is based on completeness, accuracy, clarity and argumentative ability.