Exam schedule
Spring 2025 Exam schedule
Please be informed that the written exams for the Spring Term 2025 have been scheduled as follows:
- at the School of Economics, Tor Vergata University of Rome:
- Econometrics, part 2 and 3 (Maura Mezzetti, Federico Belotti), to be defined in April or June;
- Macroeconomics (Andrey Alexandrov, Gaetano Bloise, Paolo Varraso), to be defined in June;
- Microeconomics 2 (Juha Tolvanen), to be defined in June;
- Quantitative Finance 2 (Stefano Herzel, Alessandro Ramponi), to be defined in June;
- at EIEF, in via Abruzzi 10, exams for Module III have been scheduled as follows:
- Monday, March 17, from 10 am to 12 pm, exam on “Public Economics” (Matteo Paradisi);
- Wednesday, March 19, from 10 am to 12 pm, exam on “Macroeconometrics” (Marco Lippi);
- Friday, March 21, from 9 to 11 am, exam on “Industrial Organization” (Emilio Calvano).