Archivio Eventi
Best Paper Award 2018 al 7th International Research Symposium - SGBED
Simonetta Pattuglia e Sara Amoroso vincono il Best Paper Award 2018 allo SGBED di Dubai, tenutosi dal 17 al 19 Dicembre 2018.
Complimenti al Direttore del Master Simonetta Pattuglia e alla Program Manager Sara Amoroso, vincitrici con il paper "Organizing the marketing actions around premium price in technological brands. The case of Apple" del Best Paper Award 2018 nella settima edizione dell'International Research Symposium - SGBED dal tema "Managing Business on a Digital Age: Opportunities and Challenges"
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L'Abstract del paper:
The purpose of this study is to estabilish which attributes make a technological brand authentic for each generational cohort and understand the effect of consumers willingnes to pay a premium price. The research also aims to explore the impact on companies' strategy and marketing processes. The study pursues a quantitative approach, applying the survey as research metod.
The present work may enable firms to be more targeted in their approach to building brand relationships with their audiences. Marketers and pratictioners must take into account the differences across generations when developing their marketing strategy.