Teaching material
» 2. An international comparison of the knowledge and innovation indicators
data inserimento: 2015-04-13 17:33:28
data inserimento: 2015-04-13 17:33:28
» 3. Technological regimes and sectorial patterns of knowledge and innovation
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» 4. The concepts of technology, innovation, knowledge, creativity, learning and competencies
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» 5. Knowledge as public good, a private good and a localized collective good
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» 6. The contributions of great economists - Smith, Marshall and Hayek
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» 8. Cognitive economics and evolutionary approaches in social and natural sciences and the concept of space
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» 9. Alternative network models of organization of modern of modern firms and the innovation process in medium tech sectors
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» 10. The structure of national and regional innovation systems in various developed economies
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» 11. The model of industrial clusters and regional innovation systems and the territorial factors of knowledge creation
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» 12. The international innovation alliances between large firms
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» 13. Innovation and the development of modern knowledge intensive business services
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» 14. The process of knowledge creation and innovation within modern international cities
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» eBook - Crescita, investimenti e territorio - il ruolo delle politiche industriali e regionali
data inserimento: 2015-04-13 18:40:17
data inserimento: 2015-04-13 18:40:17
» Linee guida della relazione - Economia della Ricerca e Conoscenza
data inserimento: 2015-04-13 18:40:17
data inserimento: 2015-04-13 18:40:17