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Midterm results

venerdì 5 aprile 2024

Dear all,

Please find the midterm results (anonymized) under the Exams section of this webpage.

There will be e review session on Tuesday (april 8) from 14.30 to 15.30, for those of you who want to discuss their grade: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3a1f9113d2c66d4c81acc073b01a30d014%40thread.tacv2/1712326951069?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2224c5be2a-d764-40c5-9975-82d08ae47d0e%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2285e2db6a-34ea-492e-87fa-07d75a02b5b3%22%7d  

Please be reminded that, if you were to sit again for the Political Economics part in the June exam, the corresponding midterm grade will be cancelled (but not the points you obtained in the presentation).

Best, Stefano

Tomorrow's class in person

lunedì 25 marzo 2024

Dear all,

This is to confirm that tomorrow's class (25/3/2024) will be in person. 

Best regards, Stefano