Obiettivi Formativi
Comprensione dettagliata su temi di economia internazionale ed economia monetaria internazionale, analisi dei regimi di cambio, delle regole che governano i mercati finanziari internazionali, delle implicazioni economiche delle crisi sui mercati valutari, finanziari e del debito. Analisi delle crisi subprime e della crisi pandemica. Ruolo delle politiche monetarie convenzionali e non convenzionali.
Gli studenti devono comprendere i modelli analitici presentati durante le lezioni e sviluppare la capacità di analizzare un problema economico ed elaborare una soluzione politica. Gli studenti devono affrontare le principali questioni economiche alla luce delle principali teorie dell'economia internazionale e sviluppare proprie idee di ricerca originali.
CAPACITÀ DI APPLICARE CONOSCENZA E COMPRENSIONE: Le nozioni, i concetti ed i modelli teorici appresi consentono di comprendere in maniera più chiara ed organica le ragioni delle crisi internazionali e i fondamenti e le implicazioni dei processi di integrazione dei mercati e delle economie reali sempre in un contesto internazionale e di poter formulare delle proposte concrete di policy. Quanto appreso può essere utilizzato in nuovi ambiti e in un contesto lavorativo nella gestione dei rapporti con le istituzioni internazionali, con le banche centrali, divisioni di ricerca presso enti internazionali, etc.
AUTONOMIA DI GIUDIZIO: Capacità di trarre conclusioni su temi di attualità rilevanti per i policy-makers proposti durante le lezioni. Quanto appreso può essere utilizzato per valutare in maniera critica l’'perato dei policy-makers in un contesto internazionale.
ABILITÀ COMUNICATIVE: Sapere presentare fatti e meccanismi complessi in maniera rigorosa a interlocutori specialisti e non specialisti.
CAPACITÀ DI APPRENDIMENTO: Ci si attende che al termine del corso gli studenti abbiano acquisto la capacità di saper analizzare in senso critico i principali eventi in un contesto internazionale, saper leggere e interpretare lavori scientifici e banche dati e siano capaci di continuare a studiare ed elaborare progetti di ricerca in modo autonomo.
Learning Objectives
KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: Knowledge of the main topics in international economics and international monetary economics; analysis of the exchange rate regimes, of the main rules governing the international financial markets, of the economic consequences of the international exchange rate crises, financial crises and debt crises. Analysis the subrpime and pandemic crises. Conventional and unconventional monetary policies response.
Students have to understand the analytical models presented during the lectures and develop the capacity to analyse an economic problem and elaborate a policy solution. Students have to address the main economic issues in the light of the main theories in international economics and to develop their own original research ideas.
The notions, concepts and theoretical models learned allow to understand in a clearer and more organic way the reasons for international crises and the foundations and implications of the processes of integration of markets and real economies always in an international context and to be able to formulate proposals concrete policies. What has been learned can be used in new fields and in a working context in the management of relations with international institutions, with central banks, research divisions within international bodies, etc.
MAKING JUDGEMENTS: Ability to understand the main topics issues in international economics and address them in order to inform policy. The notions acquired during the lectures can be used to assess in a critical way the policy making process in an international context.
COMMUNICATION SKILLS: Ability to present the main economic ideas in international economics and the policy decision making process in a rigorous way to specialised and non-specialised audiences.
LEARNING SKILLS: At end of the course the students should have acquired the ability to analyse and assess in a critical way the main economic events in an international context. They are expected to be able to read and understand in a deep critical way the main articles and papers published in the area of international economics and international monetary economics and to be able to elaborate autonomously new research ideas.
(IS-LM) in economia chiusa e aperta (IS-LM-BP and Mundell-Fleming). Conoscenza dei
fondamenti di economia internazionale (tassi di cambio fissi/flessibili), purchasing power
parity, uncovered interest parity.
in closed and open economy (IS-LM-BP and Mundell-Fleming). Knowledge of the
fundamentals of international economics (fixed/flexible exchange rates), purchasing power
parity, uncovered interest parity.
Part I (10 ore)
Foundations of International Economics.
Exchange Rate Regimes.
Part II (14 ore)
Currency Crises. Financial Crises. Debt Crises.
Part III (12 0re)
The Subprime Crisis. Liquidity, Banks Leverage and the Macroeconomics, Conventional
and Unconventional Policies. Policies during the Pandemic.
Materiale: le slides e il materiale usati per il corso saranno disponibili sul sito del corso
Part I (10 hours)
Foundations of International Economics.
Exchange Rate Regimes.
Part II (14 hours)
Currency Crises. Financial Crises. Debt Crises.
Part III (12 hours)
The Subprime Crisis. Liquidity, Banks Leverage and the Macroeconomics, Conventional
and Unconventional Policies. Policies during the Pandemic.
Material: the slides and the material used for the course will be available on the course
Testi Adottati
disponibili sul sito del corso
6th ed. Boston, MA: Addison Wesley.
6th ed. Boston, MA: Addison Wesley.
Modalità di svolgimento
Lezioni incentrate sulla soluzione dei problemi (problem-solving)
Prendere appunti
Ricercare materiale di rilievo in biblioteche e on-line.
Prendere in esame i testi di riferimento.
Leggere o studiare testi e altri materiali in particolare articoli relativi a reading lists suggerite
dal docente.
Teaching methods
on specific projects works individually assigned
Lessons focused on problem-solving
Searching of additional dedicated materials in the library and on-line
Analysis of referred readings and textbooks
Studying suggested articles and readings
Regolamento Esame
Esame finale scritto in cui vengono formulate domande chiuse volte ad accertare se lo
studente riesce ad utilizzare le conoscenze acquisite a comprendere i problemi proposti.
Accertamento in sede di esame della capacità dello studente di analisi critica e della
capacità di trarre conclusioni.
Il punteggio della prova d'esame è attribuito mediante un voto espresso in trentesimi. Criteri
per la formulazione del giudizio espresso in trentesimi:
o Non idoneo: importanti carenze e/o inaccuratezze nella conoscenza e
comprensione degli argomenti
o 18-20: conoscenza e comprensione degli argomenti appena sufficiente con
possibili imperfezioni.
o 21-23: Conoscenza e comprensione degli argomenti routinaria.
o 24-26: Discreta conoscenza e comprensione degli argomenti.
o 27-29: Conoscenza e comprensione degli argomenti completa.
o 30-30L: Ottimo livello di conoscenza e comprensione degli argomenti.
Gli studenti che ritirano o non superano l'esame possono sostenere nuovamente l'esame
nella stessa sessione d'esame.
Exam Rules
Final written exam in which closed questions are formulated to ascertain whether the
student is able to use the acquired knowledge to understand the proposed problems.
Assessment in the final examination of the student's ability for critical analysis and to draw
The score of the exam is awarded by means of a mark expressed out of thirty. Criteria for
the formulation of the judgment expressed in thirtieths:
o Unsuitable: significant deficiencies and/or inaccuracies in knowledge, and comprehension of topics
o 18-20: knowledge and comprehension of the topics just sufficient with
possible imperfections.
o 21-23: Knowledge and comprehension of routine topics.
o 24-26: Fair knowledge and understanding of the topics.
o 27-29: Comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the topics.
o 30-30L: Excellent level of knowledge and understanding of the topics.
Students who withdraw or fail the exam may take the exam again in the same exam
Obiettivi Formativi
Comprensione dettagliata su temi di economia internazionale ed economia monetaria internazionale, analisi dei regimi di cambio, delle regole che governano i mercati finanziari internazionali, delle implicazioni economiche delle crisi sui mercati valutari, finanziari e del debito. Analisi delle crisi subprime e della crisi pandemica. Ruolo delle politiche monetarie convenzionali e non convenzionali.
Gli studenti devono comprendere i modelli analitici presentati durante le lezioni e sviluppare la capacità di analizzare un problema economico ed elaborare una soluzione politica. Gli studenti devono affrontare le principali questioni economiche alla luce delle principali teorie dell'economia internazionale e sviluppare proprie idee di ricerca originali.
CAPACITÀ DI APPLICARE CONOSCENZA E COMPRENSIONE: Le nozioni, i concetti ed i modelli teorici appresi consentono di comprendere in maniera più chiara ed organica le ragioni delle crisi internazionali e i fondamenti e le implicazioni dei processi di integrazione dei mercati e delle economie reali sempre in un contesto internazionale e di poter formulare delle proposte concrete di policy. Quanto appreso può essere utilizzato in nuovi ambiti e in un contesto lavorativo nella gestione dei rapporti con le istituzioni internazionali, con le banche centrali, divisioni di ricerca presso enti internazionali, etc.
AUTONOMIA DI GIUDIZIO: Capacità di trarre conclusioni su temi di attualità rilevanti per i policy-makers proposti durante le lezioni. Quanto appreso può essere utilizzato per valutare in maniera critica l’'perato dei policy-makers in un contesto internazionale.
ABILITÀ COMUNICATIVE: Sapere presentare fatti e meccanismi complessi in maniera rigorosa a interlocutori specialisti e non specialisti.
CAPACITÀ DI APPRENDIMENTO: Ci si attende che al termine del corso gli studenti abbiano acquisto la capacità di saper analizzare in senso critico i principali eventi in un contesto internazionale, saper leggere e interpretare lavori scientifici e banche dati e siano capaci di continuare a studiare ed elaborare progetti di ricerca in modo autonomo.
Learning Objectives
KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: Knowledge of the main topics in international economics and international monetary economics; analysis of the exchange rate regimes, of the main rules governing the international financial markets, of the economic consequences of the international exchange rate crises, financial crises and debt crises. Analysis the subrpime and pandemic crises. Conventional and unconventional monetary policies response.
Students have to understand the analytical models presented during the lectures and develop the capacity to analyse an economic problem and elaborate a policy solution. Students have to address the main economic issues in the light of the main theories in international economics and to develop their own original research ideas.
The notions, concepts and theoretical models learned allow to understand in a clearer and more organic way the reasons for international crises and the foundations and implications of the processes of integration of markets and real economies always in an international context and to be able to formulate proposals concrete policies. What has been learned can be used in new fields and in a working context in the management of relations with international institutions, with central banks, research divisions within international bodies, etc.
MAKING JUDGEMENTS: Ability to understand the main topics issues in international economics and address them in order to inform policy. The notions acquired during the lectures can be used to assess in a critical way the policy making process in an international context.
COMMUNICATION SKILLS: Ability to present the main economic ideas in international economics and the policy decision making process in a rigorous way to specialised and non-specialised audiences.
LEARNING SKILLS: At end of the course the students should have acquired the ability to analyse and assess in a critical way the main economic events in an international context. They are expected to be able to read and understand in a deep critical way the main articles and papers published in the area of international economics and international monetary economics and to be able to elaborate autonomously new research ideas.
Materiale: le slides, i datasets e i codici utilizzati per il corso saranno disponibili sul sito del corso
Material: the slides, datasets and codes used for the course will be available on the course website
Testi Adottati
Modalità di svolgimento
Lezioni incentrate sulla soluzione dei problemi (problem-solving)
Prendere appunti
Ricercare materiale di rilievo in biblioteche e on-line.
Prendere in esame i testi di riferimento.
Leggere o studiare testi e altri materiali in particolare articoli relativi a reading lists suggerite dal docente.
Teaching methods
Lessons focused on problem-solving
Searching of additional dedicated materials in the library and on-line
Analysis of referred readings and textbooks
Studying suggested articles and readings
Regolamento Esame
Esame finale scritto in cui vengono formulate domande volte ad accertare se lo studente riesce ad utilizzare le conoscenze acquisite a comprendere i problemi proposti. Accertamento in sede di esame della capacità dello studente di analisi critica e della capacità di trarre conclusioni.
Gli studenti che ritirano o non superano l'esame possono sostenere nuovamente l'esame nella stessa sessione d'esame.
Exam Rules
Final written exam in which questions are formulated to ascertain whether the student is able to use the acquired knowledge to understand the proposed problems. Assessment in the final examination of the student's ability for critical analysis and to draw conclusions.
Students who withdraw or fail the exam may take the exam again in the same exam session.
Obiettivi Formativi
Comprensione dettagliata su temi di economia internazionale ed economia monetaria internazionale, analisi dei regimi di cambio, delle regole che governano i mercati finanziari internazionali, delle implicazioni economiche delle crisi sui mercati valutari, finanziari e del debito sovrano. Apprendimento di un approccio analitico ed elaborazione di soluzioni di policy per l’analisi delle questioni economiche internazionali. Gli studenti devono essere in grado di rafforzare ed estendere le conoscenze acquisite e consentire di elaborare e/o applicare idee originali, sia in campo lavorativo nell'ambito di istituzioni, banche centrali e organismi internazionali (IMF, World Bank), sia in un contesto di ricerca.
CAPACITÀ DI APPLICARE CONOSCENZA E COMPRENSIONE: Le nozioni, i concetti ed i modelli teorici appresi consentono di comprendere in maniera più chiara ed organica le ragioni delle crisi internazionali e i fondamenti e le implicazioni dei processi di integrazione dei mercati e delle economie reali sempre in un contesto internazionale e di poter formulare delle proposte concrete di policy. Quanto appreso può essere utilizzato in nuovi ambiti e in un contesto lavorativo nella gestione dei rapporti con le istituzioni internazionali, con le banche centrali, divisioni di ricerca presso enti internazionali, etc.
AUTONOMIA DI GIUDIZIO: Capacità di trarre conclusioni su temi di attualità rilevanti per i policy-makers proposti durante le lezioni. Quanto appreso può essere utilizzato per valutare in maniera critica l’'perato dei policy-makers in un contesto internazionale.
ABILITÀ COMUNICATIVE: Sapere presentare fatti e meccanismi complessi in maniera rigorosa a interlocutori specialisti e non specialisti.
CAPACITÀ DI APPRENDIMENTO: Ci si attende che al termine del corso gli studenti abbiano acquisto la capacità di saper analizzare in senso critico i principali eventi in un contesto internazionale, saper leggere e interpretare lavori scientifici e banche dati e siano capaci di continuare a studiare ed elaborare progetti di ricerca in modo autonomo.
Learning Objectives
KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: Knowledge of the main topics in international economics and international monetary economics; analysis of the exchange rate regimes, of the main rules governing the international financial markets, of the economic consequences of the international exchange rate crises, financial crises and sovereign debt crises.
Students have to understand the analytical models presented during the lectures and develop the capacity to analyse an economic problem and elaborate a policy solution. Students have to address the main economic issues in the light of the main theories in international economics and to develop their own original research ideas.
APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: The course offers a compendium between case-studies and the theory of international economics and international finance. Special attention will be devoted topics such as the theory of financial and currency crises and the recent US subprime crisis; we will focus in particular on the relationship between liquidity and banks’ leverage and its effect on macroeconomic risk and the business cycle. The course will also look at sovereign debt crisis, especially in the European context.
The course provides the theoretical background to understand and address the main issues in the international economic debate. This can be complementary with potential students’ placement in international institutions (IMF, World Bank), Central Banks, Research Divisions etc.
MAKING JUDGEMENTS: Ability to understand the main topics issues in international economics and address them in order to inform policy. The notions acquired during the lectures can be used to assess in a critical way the policy making process in an international context.
COMMUNICATION SKILLS: Ability to present the main economic ideas in international economics and the policy decision making process in a rigorous way to specialised and non-specialised audiences
LEARNING SKILLS: At end of the course the students should have acquired the ability to analyse and assess in a critical way the main economic events in an international context. They are expected to be able to read and understand in a deep critical way the main articles and papers published in the area of international economics and international monetary economics and to be able to elaborate autonomously new research ideas.
Materiale: le slides, i datasets e i codici utilizzati per il corso saranno disponibili sul sito del corso
Material: the slides, datasets and codes used for the course will be available on the course website
Testi Adottati
Baldwin Richard and Charles Wyplosz (2005) The Economics of European Integration, McGraw-Hill, UK.
Baldwin Richard and Charles Wyplosz (2005) The Economics of European Integration, McGraw-Hill, UK.
Modalità di svolgimento
Lezioni incentrate sulla soluzione dei problemi (problem-solving)
Prendere appunti
Ricercare materiale di rilievo in biblioteche e on-line.
Prendere in esame i testi di riferimento.
Leggere o studiare testi e altri materiali in particolare articoli relativi a reading lists suggerite dal docente.
Teaching methods
Lessons focused on problem-solving
Searching of additional dedicated materials in the library and on-line
Analysis of referred readings and textbooks
Studying suggested articles and readings
Regolamento Esame
Esame finale scritto in cui vengono formulate domande volte ad accertare se lo studente riesce ad utilizzare le conoscenze acquisite a comprendere i problemi proposti. Accertamento in sede di esame della capacità dello studente di analisi critica e della capacità di trarre conclusioni.
Exam Rules
Final written exam in which questions are formulated to ascertain whether the student is able to use the acquired knowledge to understand the proposed problems.
Assessment in the final examination of the student's ability for critical analysis and to draw conclusions.
Aggiornato A.A. 2021-2022
International Economics
Instructor: Prof. Luisa Corrado
36 hours
The course offers a compendium between case-studies and the theory of International Monetary Economics and International Finance. Special attention will be devoted to issues that have attracted increasing attention in international economics.
The course provides the theoretical background to understand and address the main issues in the international economic debate. The course objectives are complementary with potential students’ placement in international institutions (IMF, World Bank), Central Banks, Research Divisions etc.
Exchange Rate Regimes.
Currency Crises.
Financial Crises.
Sovereign and Public Debt Crises.
The Subprime Crisis: Liquidity, Banks Leverage and the Macroeconomics.
Quantitative Easing and Unconventional Monetary Policy.
The Fiscal Compact and the Stability and Growth Pact in Europe.
The Interplay between Monetary, Macroprudential and Fiscal Policies.
Prerequisites: Foundations in International Trade, International Monetary Economics and International Finance.
Course Website, Syllabus, Lecture Notes and Teaching Material ( available at
Stata lab for International Economics
Instructor: Dr. Francesca Marazzi
The Stata laboratory offers an introductory overview of the statistical software Stata using International Economics applications. It will cover the basics of data management, descriptive and graphical analysis and OLS regression.
Prerequisites: Statistics
Material: the slides, datasets and codes used for the course will be available in Teams
Aggiornato A.A. 2021-2022
International Economics
Instructor: Prof. Luisa Corrado
36 hours
The course offers a compendium between case-studies and the theory of international trade and international finance. Special attention will be devoted to issues that have attracted increasing attention in international economics.
The course provides the theoretical background to understand and address the main issues in the international economic debate. The course objectives are complementary with potential students’ placement in international institutions (IMF, World Bank), Central Banks, Research Divisions etc.
Exchange Rate Regimes.
Currency Crises.
Financial Crises.
Sovereign and Public Debt Crises.
The Subprime Crisis: Liquidity, Banks Leverage and the Macroeconomics.
Quantitative Easing and Unconventional Monetary Policy.
The Fiscal Compact and the Stability and Growth Pact in Europe.
The Interplay between Monetary, Macroprudential and Fiscal Policies.
Prerequisites: Foundations in International Trade, International Monetary Economics and International Finance.
Course Website, Syllabus, Lecture Notes and Teaching Material ( available at
Stata lab for International Economics
Instructor: Dr. Francesca Marazzi
The Stata laboratory offers an introductory overview of the statistical software Stata using International Economics applications. It will cover the basics of data management, descriptive and graphical analysis and OLS regression.
Prerequisites: Statistics
Material: the slides, datasets and codes used for the course will be available in Teams
Aggiornato A.A. 2020-2021
International Economics
Instructor: Prof. Luisa Corrado
36 hours
The course offers a compendium between case-studies and the theory of International Monetary Economics and International Finance. Special attention will be devoted to issues that have attracted increasing attention in international economics.
The course provides the theoretical background to understand and address the main issues in the international economic debate. The course objectives are complementary with potential students’ placement in international institutions (IMF, World Bank), Central Banks, Research Divisions etc.
Exchange Rate Regimes.
Currency Crises.
Financial Crises.
Sovereign and Public Debt Crises.
The Subprime Crisis: Liquidity, Banks Leverage and the Macroeconomics.
Quantitative Easing and Unconventional Monetary Policy.
The Fiscal Compact and the Stability and Growth Pact in Europe.
The Interplay between Monetary, Macroprudential and Fiscal Policies.
Prerequisites: Foundations in International Trade, International Monetary Economics and International Finance.
Course Website, Syllabus, Lecture Notes and Teaching Material ( available at
Stata lab for International Economics
Instructor: Dr. Francesca Marazzi
The Stata laboratory offers an introductory overview of the statistical software Stata using International Economics applications. It will cover the basics of data management, descriptive and graphical analysis and OLS regression.
Prerequisites: Statistics
Material: the slides, datasets and codes used for the course will be available in Teams
Aggiornato A.A. 2020-2021
International Economics
Instructor: Prof. Luisa Corrado
36 hours
The course offers a compendium between case-studies and the theory of international trade and international finance. Special attention will be devoted to issues that have attracted increasing attention in international economics.
The course provides the theoretical background to understand and address the main issues in the international economic debate. The course objectives are complementary with potential students’ placement in international institutions (IMF, World Bank), Central Banks, Research Divisions etc.
Exchange Rate Regimes.
Currency Crises.
Financial Crises.
Sovereign and Public Debt Crises.
The Subprime Crisis: Liquidity, Banks Leverage and the Macroeconomics.
Quantitative Easing and Unconventional Monetary Policy.
The Fiscal Compact and the Stability and Growth Pact in Europe.
The Interplay between Monetary, Macroprudential and Fiscal Policies.
Prerequisites: Foundations in International Trade, International Monetary Economics and International Finance.
Course Website, Syllabus, Lecture Notes and Teaching Material ( available at
Stata lab for International Economics
Instructor: Dr. Francesca Marazzi
The Stata laboratory offers an introductory overview of the statistical software Stata using International Economics applications. It will cover the basics of data management, descriptive and graphical analysis and OLS regression.
Prerequisites: Statistics
Material: the slides, datasets and codes used for the course will be available in Teams
Aggiornato A.A. 2019-2020
International Economics
Instructor: Prof. Luisa Corrado
36 hours
The course offers a compendium between case-studies and the theory of international trade and international finance. Special attention will be devoted to issues that have attracted increasing attention in international economics.
The course provides the theoretical background to understand and address the main issues in the international economic debate. The course objectives are complementary with potential students’ placement in international institutions (IMF, World Bank), Central Banks, Research Divisions etc.
Exchange Rate Regimes.
Currency Crises.
Financial Crises.
Sovereign and Public Debt Crises.
The Subprime Crisis: Liquidity, Banks Leverage and the Macroeconomics.
Quantitative Easing and Unconventional Monetary Policy.
The Fiscal Compact and the Stability and Growth Pact.
The Interplay between Monetary, Macroprudential and Fiscal Policies.
Special Topics
The EU-US-China Trade Policy Debate
Prerequisites: Foundations in International Trade, International Monetary Economics and International Finance.
Course Website, Syllabus, Lecture Notes and Teaching Material ( available at
Aggiornato A.A. 2019-2020
International Economics
Instructor: Prof. Luisa Corrado
36 hours
The course offers a compendium between case-studies and the theory of international trade and international finance. Special attention will be devoted to issues that have attracted increasing attention in international economics.
The course provides the theoretical background to understand and address the main issues in the international economic debate. The course objectives are complementary with potential students’ placement in international institutions (IMF, World Bank), Central Banks, Research Divisions etc.
Exchange Rate Regimes.
Currency Crises.
Financial Crises.
Sovereign and Public Debt Crises.
The Subprime Crisis: Liquidity, Banks Leverage and the Macroeconomics.
Quantitative Easing and Unconventional Monetary Policy.
The Fiscal Compact and the Stability and Growth Pact.
The Interplay between Monetary, Macroprudential and Fiscal Policies.
Special Topics
The EU-US-China Trade Policy Debate
Prerequisites: Foundations in International Trade, International Monetary Economics and International Finance.
Course Website, Syllabus, Lecture Notes and Teaching Material ( available at
Aggiornato A.A. 2018-2019
International Economics
Instructor: Prof. Luisa Corrado
36 hours
The course offers a compendium between case-studies and the theory of international trade and international finance. Special attention will be devoted to issues that have attracted increasing attention in international economics.
The course provides the theoretical background to understand and address the main issues in the international economic debate. The course objectives are complementary with potential students’ placement in international institutions (IMF, World Bank), Central Banks, Research Divisions etc.
Exchange Rate Regimes.
Currency Crises.
Financial Crises.
Sovereign and Public Debt Crises.
The Subprime Crisis: Liquidity, Banks Leverage and the Macroeconomics.
Quantitative Easing and Unconventional Monetary Policy.
The Fiscal Compact and the Stability and Growth Pact.
The Interplay between Monetary, Macroprudential and Fiscal Policies.
Prerequisites: Foundations in International Trade, International Monetary Economics and International Finance.
Course Website, Syllabus, Lecture Notes and Teaching Material ( available at
Aggiornato A.A. 2018-2019
International Economics
Instructor: Prof. Luisa Corrado
36 hours
The course offers a compendium between case-studies and the theory of international trade and international finance. Special attention will be devoted to issues that have attracted increasing attention in international economics.
The course provides the theoretical background to understand and address the main issues in the international economic debate. The course objectives are complementary with potential students’ placement in international institutions (IMF, World Bank), Central Banks, Research Divisions etc.
Exchange Rate Regimes.
Currency Crises.
Financial Crises.
Sovereign and Public Debt Crises.
The Subprime Crisis: Liquidity, Banks Leverage and the Macroeconomics.
Quantitative Easing and Unconventional Monetary Policy.
The Fiscal Compact and the Stability and Growth Pact.
The Interplay between Monetary, Macroprudential and Fiscal Policies.
Prerequisites: Foundations in International Trade, International Monetary Economics and International Finance.
Course Website, Syllabus, Lecture Notes and Teaching Material ( available at
Aggiornato A.A. 2017-2018
International Economics Instructor: Prof. Luisa Corrado 30 hours The course offers a compendium between case-studies and the theory of international trade and international finance. Special attention will be devoted to issues that have attracted increasing attention in international economics. The course provides the theoretical background to understand and address the main issues in the international economic debate. The course objectives are complementary with potential students’ placement in international institutions (IMF, World Bank), Central Banks, Research Divisions etc. Topics in International Finance: Exchange Rate Regimes. Currency Crises. Financial Crises. Sovereign and Public Debt Crises. The Subprime Crisis. Liquidity, Banks Leverage and the Macroeconomics. Topics in International Trade: Comparative Advantages and the New Economic Geography. International Convergence and Growth. Topics in European Economics: European Income Inequality. Regional Convergence Clubs. The EU Growth Dilemma, Fiscal Compact and the Stability and Growth Pact. The EU Monetary and Fiscal Policy.
Prerequisites: Foundations in International Trade, International Monetary Economics and International Finance.
Course Website and Teaching Material (
Subject learning objectives
Knowledge and Understanding
Knowledge of the main topics in international economics and international monetary economics; analysis of the exchange rate regimes, of the main rules governing the international financial markets, of the economic consequences of the international exchange rate crises, financial crises and sovereign debt crises.
Students have to understand the analytical models presented during the lectures and develop the capacity to analyse an economic problem and elaborate a policy solution. Students have to address the main economic issues in the light of the main theories in international economics and to develop their own original research ideas.
Applying Knowledge and Understanding
The course offers a compendium between case-studies and the theory of international trade and international finance. Special attention will be devoted to issues that have attracted increasing attention in international economics, especially the ongoing debate on globalization, growth and inequality and the implications of the large account (and public) deficits on the Euro/Dollar exchange rate.
We also cover more recent topics such as the theory of financial and currency crises and the recent US subprime crisis; we will focus in particular on the relationship between liquidity and banks’ leverage and its effect on macroeconomic risk and the business cycle.
The course will finally cover European Economy topics such as the analysis of the patterns of EU regional growth in the light of the New Economic Geography, the EU Growth Dilemma and the role of the Stability and Growth Pact and the interplay between the US Subprime and the European Sovereign Debt Crisis.
The course provides the theoretical background to understand and address the main issues in the international economic debate. This can be complementary with potential students’ placement in international institutions (IMF, World Bank), Central Banks, Research Divisions etc.
Making Judgements
Ability to understand the main topics issues in international economics and address them in order to inform policy. The notions acquired during the lectures can be used to assess in a critical way the policy making process in an international context.
Communication Skills
Ability to present the main economic ideas in international economics and the policy decision making process in a rigorous way to specialised and non-specialised audiences.
Learning Skills
At end of the course the students should have acquired the ability to analyse and assess in a critical way the main economic events in an international context. They are expected to be able to read and understand in a deep critical way the main articles and papers published in the area of international economics and international monetary economics and to be able to elaborate autonomously new research ideas.
Aggiornato A.A. 2017-2018
International Economics Instructor: Prof. Luisa Corrado 30 hours The course offers a compendium between case-studies and the theory of international trade and international finance. Special attention will be devoted to issues that have attracted increasing attention in international economics. The course provides the theoretical background to understand and address the main issues in the international economic debate. The course objectives are complementary with potential students’ placement in international institutions (IMF, World Bank), Central Banks, Research Divisions etc. Topics in International Finance: Exchange Rate Regimes. Currency Crises. Financial Crises. Sovereign and Public Debt Crises. The Subprime Crisis. Liquidity, Banks Leverage and the Macroeconomics. Topics in International Trade: Comparative Advantages and the New Economic Geography. International Convergence and Growth. Topics in European Economics: European Income Inequality. Regional Convergence Clubs. The EU Growth Dilemma, Fiscal Compact and the Stability and Growth Pact. The EU Monetary and Fiscal Policy.
Prerequisites: Foundations in International Trade, International Monetary Economics and International Finance.
Course Website and Teaching Material (
Subject learning objectives
Knowledge and Understanding
Knowledge of the main topics in international economics and international monetary economics; analysis of the exchange rate regimes, of the main rules governing the international financial markets, of the economic consequences of the international exchange rate crises, financial crises and sovereign debt crises.
Students have to understand the analytical models presented during the lectures and develop the capacity to analyse an economic problem and elaborate a policy solution. Students have to address the main economic issues in the light of the main theories in international economics and to develop their own original research ideas.
Applying Knowledge and Understanding
The course offers a compendium between case-studies and the theory of international trade and international finance. Special attention will be devoted to issues that have attracted increasing attention in international economics, especially the ongoing debate on globalization, growth and inequality and the implications of the large account (and public) deficits on the Euro/Dollar exchange rate.
We also cover more recent topics such as the theory of financial and currency crises and the recent US subprime crisis; we will focus in particular on the relationship between liquidity and banks’ leverage and its effect on macroeconomic risk and the business cycle.
The course will finally cover European Economy topics such as the analysis of the patterns of EU regional growth in the light of the New Economic Geography, the EU Growth Dilemma and the role of the Stability and Growth Pact and the interplay between the US Subprime and the European Sovereign Debt Crisis.
The course provides the theoretical background to understand and address the main issues in the international economic debate. This can be complementary with potential students’ placement in international institutions (IMF, World Bank), Central Banks, Research Divisions etc.
Making Judgements
Ability to understand the main topics issues in international economics and address them in order to inform policy. The notions acquired during the lectures can be used to assess in a critical way the policy making process in an international context.
Communication Skills
Ability to present the main economic ideas in international economics and the policy decision making process in a rigorous way to specialised and non-specialised audiences.
Learning Skills
At end of the course the students should have acquired the ability to analyse and assess in a critical way the main economic events in an international context. They are expected to be able to read and understand in a deep critical way the main articles and papers published in the area of international economics and international monetary economics and to be able to elaborate autonomously new research ideas.
Aggiornato A.A. 2016-2017
International Economics Instructor: Prof. Luisa Corrado 30 hours The course offers a compendium between case-studies and the theory of international trade and international finance. Special attention will be devoted to issues that have attracted increasing attention in international economics. The course provides the theoretical background to understand and address the main issues in the international economic debate. The course objectives are complementary with potential students’ placement in international institutions (IMF, World Bank), Central Banks, Research Divisions etc. Topics in International Finance: Exchange Rate Regimes. Currency Crises. Financial Crises. Sovereign and Public Debt Crises. The Subprime Crisis. Liquidity, Banks Leverage and the Macroeconomics. Topics in International Trade: Comparative Advantages and the New Economic Geography. International Convergence and Growth. Topics in European Economics: European Income Inequality. Regional Convergence Clubs. The EU Growth Dilemma, Fiscal Compact and the Stability and Growth Pact. The EU Monetary and Fiscal Policy.
Prerequisites: Foundations in International Trade, International Monetary Economics and International Finance.
Course Website and Teaching Material (
Subject learning objectives
Knowledge and Understanding
Knowledge of the main topics in international economics and international monetary economics; analysis of the exchange rate regimes, of the main rules governing the international financial markets, of the economic consequences of the international exchange rate crises, financial crises and sovereign debt crises.
Students have to understand the analytical models presented during the lectures and develop the capacity to analyse an economic problem and elaborate a policy solution. Students have to address the main economic issues in the light of the main theories in international economics and to develop their own original research ideas.
Applying Knowledge and Understanding
The course offers a compendium between case-studies and the theory of international trade and international finance. Special attention will be devoted to issues that have attracted increasing attention in international economics, especially the ongoing debate on globalization, growth and inequality and the implications of the large account (and public) deficits on the Euro/Dollar exchange rate.
We also cover more recent topics such as the theory of financial and currency crises and the recent US subprime crisis; we will focus in particular on the relationship between liquidity and banks’ leverage and its effect on macroeconomic risk and the business cycle.
The course will finally cover European Economy topics such as the analysis of the patterns of EU regional growth in the light of the New Economic Geography, the EU Growth Dilemma and the role of the Stability and Growth Pact and the interplay between the US Subprime and the European Sovereign Debt Crisis.
The course provides the theoretical background to understand and address the main issues in the international economic debate. This can be complementary with potential students’ placement in international institutions (IMF, World Bank), Central Banks, Research Divisions etc.
Making Judgements
Ability to understand the main topics issues in international economics and address them in order to inform policy. The notions acquired during the lectures can be used to assess in a critical way the policy making process in an international context.
Communication Skills
Ability to present the main economic ideas in international economics and the policy decision making process in a rigorous way to specialised and non-specialised audiences.
Learning Skills
At end of the course the students should have acquired the ability to analyse and assess in a critical way the main economic events in an international context. They are expected to be able to read and understand in a deep critical way the main articles and papers published in the area of international economics and international monetary economics and to be able to elaborate autonomously new research ideas.
Aggiornato A.A. 2016-2017
International Economics Instructor: Prof. Luisa Corrado 30 hours The course offers a compendium between case-studies and the theory of international trade and international finance. Special attention will be devoted to issues that have attracted increasing attention in international economics. The course provides the theoretical background to understand and address the main issues in the international economic debate. The course objectives are complementary with potential students’ placement in international institutions (IMF, World Bank), Central Banks, Research Divisions etc. Topics in International Finance: Exchange Rate Regimes. Currency Crises. Financial Crises. Sovereign and Public Debt Crises. The Subprime Crisis. Liquidity, Banks Leverage and the Macroeconomics. Topics in International Trade: Comparative Advantages and the New Economic Geography. International Convergence and Growth. Topics in European Economics: European Income Inequality. Regional Convergence Clubs. The EU Growth Dilemma, Fiscal Compact and the Stability and Growth Pact. The EU Monetary and Fiscal Policy.
Prerequisites: Foundations in International Trade, International Monetary Economics and International Finance.
Course Website and Teaching Material (
Subject learning objectives
Knowledge and Understanding
Knowledge of the main topics in international economics and international monetary economics; analysis of the exchange rate regimes, of the main rules governing the international financial markets, of the economic consequences of the international exchange rate crises, financial crises and sovereign debt crises.
Students have to understand the analytical models presented during the lectures and develop the capacity to analyse an economic problem and elaborate a policy solution. Students have to address the main economic issues in the light of the main theories in international economics and to develop their own original research ideas.
Applying Knowledge and Understanding
The course offers a compendium between case-studies and the theory of international trade and international finance. Special attention will be devoted to issues that have attracted increasing attention in international economics, especially the ongoing debate on globalization, growth and inequality and the implications of the large account (and public) deficits on the Euro/Dollar exchange rate.
We also cover more recent topics such as the theory of financial and currency crises and the recent US subprime crisis; we will focus in particular on the relationship between liquidity and banks’ leverage and its effect on macroeconomic risk and the business cycle.
The course will finally cover European Economy topics such as the analysis of the patterns of EU regional growth in the light of the New Economic Geography, the EU Growth Dilemma and the role of the Stability and Growth Pact and the interplay between the US Subprime and the European Sovereign Debt Crisis.
The course provides the theoretical background to understand and address the main issues in the international economic debate. This can be complementary with potential students’ placement in international institutions (IMF, World Bank), Central Banks, Research Divisions etc.
Making Judgements
Ability to understand the main topics issues in international economics and address them in order to inform policy. The notions acquired during the lectures can be used to assess in a critical way the policy making process in an international context.
Communication Skills
Ability to present the main economic ideas in international economics and the policy decision making process in a rigorous way to specialised and non-specialised audiences.
Learning Skills
At end of the course the students should have acquired the ability to analyse and assess in a critical way the main economic events in an international context. They are expected to be able to read and understand in a deep critical way the main articles and papers published in the area of international economics and international monetary economics and to be able to elaborate autonomously new research ideas.
Aggiornato A.A. 2015-2016
International Economics Instructor: Prof. Luisa Corrado 30 hours The course offers a compendium between case-studies and the theory of international trade and international finance. Special attention will be devoted to issues that have attracted increasing attention in international economics. The course provides the theoretical background to understand and address the main issues in the international economic debate. The course objectives are complementary with potential students’ placement in international institutions (IMF, World Bank), Central Banks, Research Divisions etc. Topics in International Finance: Exchange Rate Regimes. Currency Crises. Financial Crises. Sovereign and Public Debt Crises. The Subprime Crisis. Liquidity, Banks Leverage and the Macroeconomics. Topics in International Trade: Comparative Advantages and the New Economic Geography. International Convergence and Growth. Topics in European Economics: European Income Inequality. Regional Convergence Clubs. The EU Growth Dilemma, Fiscal Compact and the Stability and Growth Pact. The EU Monetary and Fiscal Policy.
Prerequisites: Foundations in International Trade, International Monetary Economics and International Finance.
Course Website and Teaching Material (
Exam: 20% class participation 80% written exam
Aggiornato A.A. 2015-2016
International Economics Instructor: Prof. Luisa Corrado 30 hours The course offers a compendium between case-studies and the theory of international trade and international finance. Special attention will be devoted to issues that have attracted increasing attention in international economics. The course provides the theoretical background to understand and address the main issues in the international economic debate. The course objectives are complementary with potential students’ placement in international institutions (IMF, World Bank), Central Banks, Research Divisions etc. Topics in International Finance: Exchange Rate Regimes. Currency Crises. Financial Crises. Sovereign and Public Debt Crises. The Subprime Crisis. Liquidity, Banks Leverage and the Macroeconomics. Topics in International Trade: Comparative Advantages and the New Economic Geography. International Convergence and Growth. Topics in European Economics: European Income Inequality. Regional Convergence Clubs. The EU Growth Dilemma, Fiscal Compact and the Stability and Growth Pact. The EU Monetary and Fiscal Policy.
Prerequisites: Foundations in International Trade, International Monetary Economics and International Finance.
Course Website and Teaching Material (
Exam: 20% class participation 80% written exam
Aggiornato A.A. 2014-2015
International Economics Instructor: Prof. Luisa Corrado 30 hours
The course offers a compendium between case-studies and the theory of international trade and international finance. Special attention will be devoted to issues that have attracted increasing attention in international economics. The course provides the theoretical background to understand and address the main issues in the international economic debate. The course objectives are complementary with potential students’ placement in international institutions (IMF, World Bank), Central Banks, Research Divisions etc.
Topics in International Finance: Exchange Rate Regimes. Currency Crises. Financial Crises. Sovereign and Public Debt Crises. The Subprime Crisis. Liquidity, Banks Leverage and the Macroeconomics. Topics in International Trade: Comparative Advantages and the New Economic Geography. International Convergence and Growth.
Topics in European Economics: European Income Inequality. Regional Convergence Clubs. The EU Growth Dilemma, Fiscal Compact and the Stability and Growth Pact. The EU Monetary and Fiscal Policy.
Prerequisites: Foundations in International Trade, International Monetary Economics and International Finance.
Course Website and Teaching Material (