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Exam (April session)

martedì 2 aprile 2024

Dear all,

I remind you few indications about the upcoming exam session.

For attending students:

The group essay should be submitted by only one representative for each group. The pre-registration is going to finish soon (at 12pm today). So please hurry up. For the oral exam instead, we will meet on the 4th of April from 10 am and we will proceed according to your booking number in Delphi, exception made for the specific cases you have sent me via email/message.


For non-attending students:

We will meet directly on the 3rd of April at 10 am at the Faculty (you can see the class number directly from the screens on the day of the exam). The exam will last two hours as per syllabus. Once graded you will see your grade directly in Delphi and you can agree with it or decide to reject the grade and sit in a next session.

break the leg!