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Regolamento esame


For all students, the grade will be made up as follows:

50% preparation and delivery of a lecture on one of the course topics by prior arrangement with the lecturer:

  • attending students, during the course, or online.
  • non-attending students: online lecture, the link must be sent 10 days before the exam date.

The recommended platform is 
similar alternatives may also be used.

  • The lesson will last approximately 60‘, in presence, 30’ distance if team, 15 minutes if individual, including at least one interactive part.

10% participation:

  • for attending students, feedback after the lecture or with the online form)
  • for non-attending students, a summary paper with observations on each lecture (instructions below).

40% final written exam, for all, 35 multiple-choice questions plus 3 open questions.

Further instructions for non-attending students

At least 10 days before the examination date, students must send:
-a video link of a self-produced original 15' minute video lecture on one of the course topics (this will cover the evaluation of the lecture and material). The topic must be agreed in advance with the lecturer. The lecture will be recorded and sent via a link on Teams, it is advisable to send it by e-mail (other arrangements can be made in advance) at least 10 days before the examination date. 
-A summary paper with observations and brief comments on each published lecture (every 200-300 words) sent in a document (for evaluation of attendance).
-Final exam, on the date of the session (35 multiple-choice questions + 3 open-ended questions).

Video Lecture Instructions (15 minutes)

Here are directions for preparing an original and engaging video lecture as part of your organizational psychology exam:

Topic choice:

Choose a relevant and specific topic that is part of the syllabus (e.g., motivation, leadership, conflict management) and define a clear objective: what do you want the audience to learn?

Lesson structure:

Introduction (2 min): Introduce the topic and explain why it is important.

Development (10 min): Go deeper with theories, practical examples and real cases. Use visual materials.

Conclusion (3 min): Summarize key points and connect theory to practice.

Materials and creativity:

Use simple and visually pleasing slides (pictures, charts).

Include original examples or anecdotes to make the lesson engaging.

Citations and theoretical references should be accurate and relevant.


Use an orderly environment with good light and no distractions.

Speak in a clear, engaging and professional tone.

Alternate your face with the slides to keep attention or find another alternative for the same purpose.

Duration and quality:

Make sure the video is no longer than 15 minutes, is smooth and well-edited.


Export the video in MP4 format and upload it to the indicated platform by the deadline.

Remember: Creativity and originality will be valued.