Exam Q&A
Q1. I have a question regarding the grading of the exam. How much time do we have for the examination and will it be written on paper or on the laptop?
A1 You will have 90’ + some time for the explanation
Q2 I would also like to know how the presentation, engagement in class and written exam are calculated together. Do we get three separate grades and the points will be weighted for our final exam or will the points of the 3 parts be just added up?
A2 Everything is explained in the page of the exam rules:
Q3 Do we need to sign up somewhere specific (in International Marketing we needed to register on a platform)?
A3 You have to register for the exam, that’s all-
Q4 What kind of open questions will be on the exam? Purely theoretical questions related to the presentations or reflective questions?
A4 Reflective questions
Q5 Is the exam written on a paper or online on our computer?
A5 Written on paper.
Exam rules and questions and instructions for the letter
Dear students,
for Tuesday's exam, please use all the material you will find on the website at the following link as a reference:
in the folder:
AAY 2024 - 2025 - Training Material
There you will find all the presentations given, including mine at the beginning, and all additional material that I have added later if I felt that the presentations were not sufficient.
You can send me your questions regarding the examination and topics you would like to be able to explore at the following link:
by this Friday, I will reply to you by Saturday.
Finally, again in relation to the exam, if you have not attended or have not reached the minimum attendance required, even though the check will be after the exam, I suggest that you present yourself directly at the next valid roll call, on 14 January, as this roll call is reserved for those attending.
Gift of greetings
Here are the instructions for your letter, which I remind you is optional, which you can send to me by 1 December this year:
Imagine that it is two years from now. Everything in your life has worked out well, and the problems you are currently facing have been successfully resolved. Everything is great. Your dreams have come true, and you are enjoying your life. Write yourself a letter from the ‘future you’ to the ‘you of today,’ explaining:
1. How you've got to where you are
2. The exact steps you took
3. How you overcame roadblocks
4. Make it a cheery letter, giving yourself encouragement and praise for how you dealt with the problem or attained your goal.
Thank you for being with me on this journey.
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