Research and Mobility expenses_refund and purchase
According to the PhD Rules and upon the sum allotment by the Tor Vergata University Board of Directors, each PhD student is entitled every year of a fund equal to 1.634 euro for "research and mobility" expences, on the bases of the authorization from the PhD Director.
This amount is dedicated to research travels refund as best choice, or for research puroposes purchases as second best, conditional to approval from the PhD Director.
Funds are splitted in four UPB, depending on the PhD cycle, named "DEF.ECON_FINANZA_cycle - year" (example: DEF.ECON_FINANZA_39° - 1°anno).
The procedure for asking authorization and refund for RESEARCH TRAVEL is the following:
- Well before the departure: send by email or deliver in paper copy the Authorization request - form to Dr Carla Lisi, after collecting the signature from the PhD Director (
- When back from the reserach travel: deliver in paper copy the Request of refund - form with original signatures to Dr Carla Lisi. Mind enclosing bills and receipts of the expenses and the proofs of their traceable payments (without this proof, taxes will be applied).
Useful information about research travel refunds:
Dr Carla Lisi is in charge of the research travel refund procedure at the Department of Economics and Finance. Her office is located on the 2nd floor of buildfing B, DEF administration corridor, last room on the left side. Feel free to contact her for further clarification on refund issues.
The procedure for asking a PURCHASE usuful for research purposes, or the refund of an expenses done for research purpose, is the following:
- Ask by email to the PhD Director ( about permission regarding the research expenses or refund in order to check if they are allowed.
- Send by email or deliver in paper copy the purchase form or the refund request form to Dr Giulia Armetta, after collecting the signature from the PhD Director (
Further forms and information about purchases and refunds: Acquisti - Dipartimento di Economia e Finanza
Dr Giulia Armetta is in charge of the purchase and refund procedure at the Department of Economics and Finance. Her office is located on the 2nd floor of buildfing B, DEF administration corridor, fourth room on the left side. Feel free to contact her for further clarification on refund issues.
Visiting period abroad
Before the departure, for the purposes of receiving the scholarship increase, fill in the following forms and send them to the PhD School Office (
- Authorization (mandatory)
- Request of advanced payment (if needed)
Before returning, ask the host partner university or institution for the Certificate of Attendance, in which the actual period of mobility and the activity carried out is certified. The document must be signed by the host Professor, or the reference Office in the university/institution.
After your stay, for the purposes of paying the remaining amount of the scholarship increase, fill in the following form and send it along with the Certificate of Attendance to the PhD Coordinator for his signature, and then to the PhD School Office (
PhD candidate profile
- PhD candidate profile
PhD candidates are required to submit the PhD candidate profile to the PhD Program Office, along with the final thesis in order to send both to two external referees for peer review.
Certifications of PhD status and achievement
- PhDs and PhD candidates can make use of certificates and self-certification to attest their status.
- A self-certification can be used in order to give proof of personal and professional status before the Italian Public Administrations and Italian public services self-certifications must be used. Please note that this general provision does not apply to the requests for the permit of stay (or its renewal) to be submitted to the Questura.
- A certificate can be used to give proof of personal and professional status before public and private legal persons both in Italy and abroad as well as before Italian Embassies and Consulates in foreign Countries;
must be used to give proof of the personal and professional status before the Questura, with a view to ask for the permit of stay or its renewal. - Certificates to be submitted to the Territorial Office of the Government (Prefettura), with a view to have the PhD diploma legalized and officially translated, require the registered signature.
- As a rule, a duty stamp of Euros 16,00 must be affixed on each certificate. The duty stamp is not required only if the certificate is issued for the following purposes: scholarship applications; visa applications to be submitted to the Italian consular authorities abroad; permit of stay applications and requests for its renewal.
- You can log in on Studenti Online at any time with your ID number as user and password to download certificates and self-certification attesting: your enrollment in a PhD program; your admission to the final exam; the awarding of the PhD degree; proofs of payment of tuition fees for each academic year to be used for tax purposes.
- In order to receive certificates different than those available on Studenti Online, a request must be sent to the PhD Office, together with both the scanned copy of a valid ID document and a duty stamp (€16).
PhD career or scholarship interruption
- PhD interruption request
PhD students can apply to interrupt the PhD career in particular situations, for at most 24 months in the whole path. - PhD resume request
- PhD scholarship interruption
PhD students can interrupt the scholarship in case they have alternative financial resources.