Regolamento esame
Exam rules during the COVID-19 health emergency
Economic History exams will be held remotely until further notice.
The online exam will be a written test, held in videoconference through Teams, in compliance with the EEBL Online Exams Guidelines.
The test consists of three open questions. The time available to answer each question is 30 minutes (so, in total, the exam lasts 90 minutes). Each answer is worth up to 10 points. Your answers should be 200 words or less.
On the day of the exam, make sure that: 1) you have Internet connectivity and access to Teams, 2) your webcam works, 3) you have an ID handy. Further details on how to submit your answers will be provided at the start of the exam.
Please remember to register for the exam via Delphi: students who are not registered will not be admitted to the exam.