Curricular internships are traineeships in Italy and abroad with companies that have signed a traineeship agreement with the University of Rome Tor Vergata. Enrolled students who have finished the first year of the master degree are strongly encouraged to participate in an internship that enables them to further develop their professional competencies and skills. In order to have university credit for the internship, students must begin and complete their internship activities during the time of enrolment in the MSc EEBL programme and submit all conclusive paperwork to the EEBL Academic Council at least 45 days before their graduation. The experience is worth 6 CFU and involves a minimum commitment of 150 hours over a period of at least three months. In accordance with the selected company or institution, there may be additional benefits such as a monthly stipend, meal vouchers, or travel reimbursements.
Before students begin any internship activity for university credit, they should first contact the EEBL Programme Office for internship pre-approval. All curricular internships, with the exception of those done in the EEBL Programme Office or through the Erasmus Traineeships programme, must be formalized through the Desk Imprese Office (; once the intern has been selected (AND BEFORE THE START OF THE INTERNSHIP), companies should contact this office directly for forms, procedures and information, well before the start of the internship. Students and companies should always put the EEBL Programme Office ( in copy on all emails and let the EEBL Programme Office know of all internship decisions.
Students who would like to propose an internship opportunity for extra activity credit must first contact the EEBL Programme Office for verification that the activity is coherent with the programme of study and that the company or institution is able to sign an agreement with Tor Vergata. All questions pertaining to internships should be sent to Students who would like to have their CV and cover letters reviewed may request an appointment: