Student authentication

Is it the first time you are entering this system?
Use the following link to activate your id and create your password.
»  Create / Recover Password


The new online enrollment procedure is available from August 2024 and it includes both the uploading of the documents, payment of the first installment, validation and printing of the Student ID number, and password required to access online lessons.

The deadline to submit the online enrolment for the 2024/2025 a.y. is 4 November 2024. Late enrolment is extended to 31 December 2024 for students graduating at their Bachelor's degree in the winter session (October-November-December 2024).

Please note that the online enrollment must however be formalized in presence at a later time. International students will receive their student ID after providing all the necessary documentation at the International Students Office in Rome.


Students must first fill in the evaluation questionnaire on the website "Quest Test", save the code of the questionnaire (CQ) released (Please note that the CQ has a validity of five days from the date of completion of the questionnaire, once expired it has to be filled in again)

Students can then visit the Delphi portal and select "Enrollment"  in section 2, then click on "Start Application Procedure" - On-campus course - Faculty of Economics and choose Option 1 "I have passed the Admission/sustained the assessment test/I am in possession of the curricular requirements and I want to register myself" and proceed inserting your personal data.

Clicking on "Print" the system will release the enrollment request and the form for the payment of the first instalment. Pay the instalment through PagoPA

Log into the Delphi within 24 hours and confirm the payment by clicking on the button "Confirm PagoPA"

The Delphi system will release the ID number (matricola) and a password which will allow you to access all the students services available to the students of Tor Vergata (e-mail, fee payments, exam registration, etc.).

For additional information about the enrolment procedure, the fees, exemptions and other relevant information, students can rely on the Students Guide available here.


Students must first fill in the evaluation questionnaire on the website "Quest Test", save the code of the questionnaire (CQ) released (Please note that the CQ has a validity of five days from the date of completion of the questionnaire, once expired it has to be filled in again)

Students can then visit the Delphi portal and select "Enrollment"  in section 2, then click on "Start Application Procedure" - On-campus course - Faculty of Economics and choose Option 1 "I have passed the Admission/sustained the assessment test/I am in possession of the curricular requirements and I want to register myself" and proceed inserting your personal data.

Clicking on "Print" the system will release the enrollment request and the form for the payment of the first instalment. Pay the instalment through PagoPA

Log into the Delphi within 24 hours and confirm the payment by clicking on the button "Confirm PagoPA"

Only non-EU students legally residing in Italy have to provide also a valid residence permit to the International Students Office (Via Cracovia 50 - Building D floor 0 room n. 1).


This category includes non-EU citizens officially resident in Italy and all EU citizens with a non-Italian degree.

After acquiring the Statement of Comparability by CIMEA for enrolment purposes, EU and non-EU students are required to complete the enrolment procedure on the Delphi platform.

Students should select “Enrolment” and then “Start application procedures”.

Please read carefully the information about your data protection and confirm that you are willing to proceed. Fill in the personal information sections and select the course you have been admitted to.

The system will ask you to enter your bachelor’s degree title and select “Print”: the system will release the registration application with the list of documents to upload. Please keep care of the CTRL and the FISCAL CODE that the system automatically generates. They will be useful for completing the procedure and for future purposes.

Get back to the student’s area and select point B “I’ve already filled in an application”. Enter your Fiscal Code and CTRL. Upload the documents required for the enrolment. It is necessary to upload ONE pdf file for each document.

The International Students Office’s will check the documentation you uploaded and, if all the documents are regular and nothing is missing, it will enable you to enrol: you will receive an email with the instructions to pay the first instalment and to validate the payment.

The payment validation will NOT allow you to get your ID number (matricola). It will be assigned once you have provided all the necessary documents for completing the enrolment procedure at the International Students Office of Tor Vergata University.

Once in Rome Tor Vergata, please reach the International Students Office (Via Cracovia n. 50 - Building D floor 0) to submit the original documents digitally uploaded on the Delphi System and a valid residence permit (for non-EU students only).


This category includes students with citizenship of a non-EU Country, with a non-Italian bachelor’s degree and resident abroad, hence applying for a Study Visa.

After receiving the admission letter and completing the pre-enrolment procedure on the Universitaly portal, students are required to complete the enrolment procedure on the Delphi platform.

Students should select “Enrolment” and then “Start application procedures”.

Please read carefully the information about your data protection and confirm that you are willing to proceed. Fill in the personal information sections and select the course you have been admitted to.

The system will ask you to enter your bachelor’s degree title and select “Print”: the system will release the registration application with the list of documents to upload. Please keep care of the CTRL and the FISCAL CODE that the system automatically generates. They will be useful for completing the procedure and for future purposes.

Get back to the student’s area and select point B “I’ve already filled in an application”. Enter your Fiscal Code and CTRL. Upload the documents required for the enrolment. It is necessary to upload ONE pdf file for each document.

The International Students Office’s will check the documentation you uploaded and, if all the documents are regular and nothing is missing, it will enable you to enrol: you will receive an email with the instructions to pay the first instalment and to validate the payment.

The payment validation will NOT allow you to get your ID number (matricola). It will be provided once in Italy, when completing the enrolment procedure at Tor Vergata University.

When the Italian Embassy/Consulate in your country will issue the Study Visa, students can leave for Italy. From the date of the entry, students have eight days to request to the Police Office (QUESTURA) the residence permit by filling in the appropriate kit. Students who face problems in filling in the residence permit request can contact the Welcome Office.

Once in Rome, students must reach the International Students Office (Via Cracovia n. 50 - Building D - ground floor ) and submit the hard copies of the documents uploaded on Delphi for the online enrolment and the request for the residence permit.

In case of any irregularity in the documentation provided, the enrolment will be automatically canceled.

The Welcome Office provides support starting August 2024. Additional informatio abou the Welcome Weeks will be availbale soon.