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Writing and defending your thesis

During students’ second year of study, after having identified a supervisor of the academic area in which they are interested and established a timetable for their work, students should use a specific format as they write their thesis and document their research. Note that your thesis should be between 15,000 and 25,000 words. Each supervisor will have additional specific indications for students to follow.

Furthermore, students must use the antiplagiarism instrument according to the instructions provided by the EEBL Programme Office via email. Students are also required to send the final draft of their thesis by e-mail to their supervisor and discussant at least one week before the defence date. In order to facilitate the identification of suitable topics for your dissertation, we have asked EEBL Professors to suggest a few titles, which can be seen here.

Students are required to deliver a 10-minute oral presentation of their thesis and answer the questions raised by the discussant and other members of the Examination Board. Please find here the template that should be used as a reference for your thesis discussion. You should not modify the stylistic parts (colors, fonts, logos, etc.) in any way. Your presentation (PowerPoint or PDF file, whichever you prefer) should be sent to the EEBL Program Office by 12 noon the day before your graduation.

Roughly ten days before the graduation session, students will be required to upload their thesis on the Delphi online platform and the supervisor will accept or decline the submitted thesis. One week before the graduation session, candidates will receive an email from the EEBL Programme Office with a request for the powerpoint or pdf presentation that will be used on the day of graduation.

The graduating student may provide the supervisor and discussant with a printed and bound copy of the thesis before the thesis defence, but this is not manadatory. Details confirming the candidates and the Examination Board will be published a few days before the graduation date.