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»  Create / Recover Password


Welcome Office activities

Tor Vergata University of Rome is glad to welcome all of our newly enrolled students to the Students Welcome Weeks 2021. Dates will be announced schortly.

Online Activities 2021

Enrollment support meetings:
When: Starting from August 2021
What: if you have finalized the procedure on Universitaly platform, the Welcome Office will contact you by email and help you through the enrollment process or offer support if you’re having difficulties
Where: Microsoft teams (you will receive by email a link for the online meeting)

Welcome online:
When: Dates to be defined

What: the Welcome Office will organize online meetings dedicated to welcome and orientation activities for all the new students enrolled at EEBL.
International students already in Italy will be supported and tutored in filling the Stay Permit, Health Insurance and Pass card for transportation in Rome modules.
Where: Microsoft teams (you will receive by email a link for the online meeting)

Students Welcome Events:
Presentation of activities and organizations available at the campus of #unitorvergata or in the city of Rome.

When: Starting from August, 2021, presentation of our services in English:

Where: Youtube channel unitovergata, playlist “Students Welcome 2021” – Facebook unitorvergata

Email: welcome@uniroma2.it
Website: Welcome Office Page
Facebook: Tor Vergata Orienta