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CV and Motivation Seminar and Workshops

Sign up for the seminar scheduled for 23 April at 2:00 pm on how to write a CV and a motivation letter in English.

Students who attend the seminar will be able to participate in the following workshops:

WORKSHOP: How to Improve Your CV – 30 April from 2-4 pm.

Participants can share a Word version of their CV and suggestions will be provided on how to improve wording, format and style.

WORKSHOP: How to Improve Your Motivation Letter – 13 May from 2-4 pm.

Participants can share a Word version of their motivation letter and suggestions will be provided on how to improve wording, format and style.

WORKSHOP for individual appointments: How to Improve Your CV and/or Motivation Letter – 20 May from 2-4 pm

Participants may sign up for individual appointments during which they can share a Word version of their motivation letter or CV, and suggestions will be provided on how to improve wording, format and style.

All students interested in attending the seminar on 23 April are kindly requested to register by sending an email request to msc@eebl.uniroma2.it by 22 April.