Thesis Abroad Info Day

An Info Day has been organized to provide support for candidates of the Thesis Abroad call for applications
The call for applications for the Thesis Abroad has just been published on the university website: .
The call is addressed to all students regularly enrolled in the master's degree program who are interested in going abroad for research purposes for a duration between 1 and 3 months. The research can be done at universities or non-university facilities (such as private entities, public institutions, laboratories, libraries, research institutions, archives, etc.). The application deadline is May 24, 2024 at noon. We encourage all interested students to apply.
To provide further support, the University has organized an Info Day to present the Call for Thesis Abroad on May 7, 2024, at 10:00am at the Faculty of Humanities (Room T12A). Interested students are invited to register at the following link: .
For more information, please contact the University’s Erasmus+ Office located in Building D, via Cracovia 50, Floor 0, Room 02 (phone: +39 06 7259.3509) .