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Fondazione Intesa Sanpaolo has created a scholarship for students who have recently experienced unfortunate conditions (physical, psychological, social, family or economic). A contribution of between €1 500 and €3 000 will be provided to eligible candidates who do not have access to other scholarships.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Students regularly enrolled in their programme of study at the University of Rome Tor Vergata who have found themselves in one of the following conditions:
    • Students who have found themselves in economic difficulty due to a reduction in income resulting from unemployment, being laid off from work, bankruptcy, firing, large personal debt, death of the main economic provider of the family).
    • Serious illness or disability of the student or family members.
    • Accidents, surgical operations, costly rehabilitation, necessity for continuous assistance for the student or family members.
    • Foreign students with refugee status.
    • Other particularly unfortunate situations.
  • The events indicated above must have occurred in the last 12 months (some conditions may be taken into consideration prior to this time period).
  • Students must:
    • be enrolled in a degree programme as a student between the first year of enrollment and the first year off-schedule.
    • not be older than 35 years of age.
    • not have an ISEE-U evaluation of more than €20 000 that has been correctly uploaded in the Delphi online platform for the 2018/2019 academic year. Students without ISEE-U will be excluded from consideration.
    • have earned at least 20 CFU in the second year of study and at least 40 CFU by the fist year off-schedule.
  • Foreign students who are residents in Italy, Italian students residing abroad and Italian students with relatives who have earnings derived from activity abroad must attach to their request for application the necessary fiscal documentation from abroad that has been translated and validated at the Italian diplomatic authority abroad.
  • Students will be excluded from consideration if they have:
    • been penalized following false financial declarations regarding student scholarships.
    • received disciplinary sanctions.
    • have already achieved a Master of Science or Master of Arts Degree.

Applications must be filled out using the form on the call for applications. The form must be filled out completely, be signed by the applicant, be accompanied by a valid ID and other required documents. Requests must arrive at the University of Rome Tor Vergata by 12 April 2019 in the following manner:

  • Hand delivered to the Ufficio Affari Generali Studenti, via Cracovia, 50, Building E, Room 5 between on Mondays between 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm or Wednesdays and Fridays between 10:00 am and 12:00 pm;
  • by certified email: protocollo@pec.torvergata.it specifying that the email is for "Fondazione Intesa San Paolo presso Università degli Studi di Roma 'Tor Vergata' -  Ufficio Affari Generali Studenti" and indicate as object of the email "Contributi della Fondazione Intesa Sanpaolo Onlus per studenti";
  • Sent by registered letter (raccomandata AR) the envelope must indicate the following address: Fondazione Intesa Sanpaolo Onlus, presso Università degli Studi di Roma 'Tor Vergata' - Ufficio Affari Generali Studenti, Via Cracovia, 50  - 00133 Roma. The envelope should also indicate, "Contributi della Fondazione Intesa Sanpaolo Onlus per studenti".

Applications will not be considered if received after the application deadline or in another form than what is indicated above. Additional documentation may be provided up to 10 days after the application date, however, the student must make a note on the application form indicating the documentation will be added. 

The complete call for applications can be found here.