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The Scheda Raccolta Dati per Indicatore parificato Universitario (ISEE Parificato) must be requested from a trusted CAF once in Italy. The University of Rome Tor Vergata is setting up its own internal CAF office for the 2021/22 a.y.

The Scheda raccolta dati per indicatore parificato universitario together with the translated and legalized documents should be submitted to the Tor Vergata Welcome Office (welcome@uniroma2.it).

What is the ISEE parificato?

Students residing outside Italy, or resident in Italy but not independent from an household resident abroad, can calculate the ISEE parificato value in order to obtain social benefits depending on the family economic situation.

The University ISEE parificato is the tool that allows the assessment of the economic and financial situation of the student residing abroad or of the student residing in Italy but not independent and with an household residing abroad.

When is the ISEE parificato calculated?

A student must request an ISEE parificato:

  • if the student is independent and residing abroad: it will be necessary to calculate only the ISEE parificato with the student’s income and assets and eventually of the other family members owned abroad;
  • If the student is non-independent and residing abroad: it will be necessary to calculate exclusively the ISEE parificato by inserting, in addition to the income/assets owned by the student, the income and assets received abroad also by the household (parents as well as any other persons belonging to the family unity).
  • Non-independent student, resident in Italy and with the household residing abroad: it will be necessary to issue the ISEE parificato for the student’s income and assets and, in addition the income /assets of the family unity residing abroad.

What does it mean to be an independent student?

A student who does not reside with either of his/her parents can declare himself/herself independent from his/her original household and, to this end, may present an ISEE certificate in which his or her parents are not included as part of the household.

The ISEE certificate must in any case be filled out in compliance with the relevant laws, and its legitimacy is contingent on the following two conditions being true at the date on which the DSU is made:

a) that, at the time of submitting the application, the student shall have been living for at least two years outside the original family home in a property that is not owned by a member of his/her original family, and that his or her residence outside the family home is duly registered in the public records;

b) that over the two calendar years before the submission of the application, his or her declared taxable income deriving from work as a salaried or similar employee is at least € 6.500,00 for each of the two years.

If one or both of the above mentioned conditions are not satisfied/present, the student shall be deemed to form part of the household comprising his/her parents and the other persons identified in the family unity.

Which documents must be presented for the calculation of the University Equalized Indicator?

The student who is not resident in Italy or resident in Italy but not independent with parents resident abroad must show, in order to determine the economic and financial situation of his/her household, the documentation issued by the competent authorities of the country of origin translated into Italian language by the Italian diplomatic authorities competent in the territory.

The documents must be legalized at the Italian diplomatic or consular representations in the country of origin or annotated by the competent internal authority.