Enrolling in single courses
At least one of the following requirements must be met in order to take single exams:
- you are currently enrolled in a foreign university;
- you are currently enrolled in another Italian University, and you have permission from the University you are attending or there are specific agreements in force;
- you have already graduated or you have the academic qualification necessary to be enrolled in the degree programs of the University;
- you do not have the curricular requirements needed to gain admission to a Master’s degree course, and you must satisfy such requirements in accordance with the regulations laid out by the degree course committee.
General rules:
- Students already enrolled in a degree program cannot contemporarily enrol in single courses.
- Up to a maximum of 36 credits per academic year can be earned.
- Students who have registered for single courses are not eligible to receive the same benefits as those foreseen for students enrolled in the full-time University degree courses, except for students with disabilities and foreign students involved in inter-university mobility programs.
Applications for single courses can be submitted:
- for courses starting in the first semester: between 2 September and 29 November 2024;
- for courses starting in the second semester: between 14 February and 15 April 2025.
For courses that require compulsory attendance, applications must be submitted before the start of the course or in accordance with the measures agreed by the University degree programme.
The cost of single courses in the School of Economics is calculated as follows:
- 150 Euros per exam up to a maximum of 6 ECTS credits
- 300 Euros per exam over 6 ECTS credits
A. Connect to the Delphi portal
B. Select Student area
C. Select Section 3 – Enrollment in Single Courses
D. Fill in the application request and print it out
E. Print out your €16 payment slip. Pay the fee by PagoPA
F. Log into the Delphi within 24 hours and confirm the payment by clicking on the button "Confirm PagoPA"
G. Contact the EEBL Programme Office by email msc@eebl.uniroma2.it to advise that you intend to take a single course from the EEBL programme
H. Go to the Students' Office on the ground floor of Building B in the School of Economics (via Columbia 2, Rome), before the beginning of the course you selected, and submit the following documents:
- Your application for enrollment in a single course
- A copy of your payment slip
- Your clearance (nullaosta) from your University of origin, if you are enrolled in another university
The Students' Office will issue you a payment slip when you present your request to attend a singe course. After completing payment, students are required to bring the payment receipt to the Students' Office.
After completing the request at the Students' Office, delivering all required documents and after finalizing and validating the payment online of the proper amount for the single course, it will be possible to book the requested exams directly from Delphi from 30 to 4 working days prior to the exam date.
For further information and/or details on the procedure to be followed, students are encouraged to contact the EEBL Programme Office by email msc@eebl.uniroma2.it and refer to the Student Handbook.