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Throughout the year, we provide students with numerous additional learning opportunities.

As part of our ongoing efforts to expand and increase awareness and transversal knowledge at EEBL, we would like to provide support and expertise to students across many initiatives and events to facilitate integrating global learning into their research and studies. The following extra activities are offered during the course of the academic year, however, they are not activities for which students may earn university credit. Click on the menu titles below for details!

2024/2025 Academic Year

The Great Gender Divergence

This seminar will present the book of the same title (Princeton University Press) to EEBL students. The book explains the causes of Europe's “early equality,” how East Asia and Latin America have caught up, why gender equality in the Middle East, South Asia, and sub-Saharan Africa has lagged behind, and why Southeast Asia has always been in the vanguard. Author Professor Alice Evans offers a comparative history of how societies come to support gender equality and why it varies around the world, telling a story of geography, economic growth, strong states and militant activism.

Alice Evans is Professor of International Development at King's College London and a faculty associate at the Center for International Development at Harvard's Kennedy School. She has published numerous articles in top journals, including World Development, Socio-Economic Review, Review of International Political Economy, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Health Economics, and Gender & Society. In her podcast, Rocking Our Priors, she interviews academic experts on growth, governance, and gender.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 2.00 pm, Sala del Consiglio, Building B



The COVID-19 Disruption and the Global Health Challenge

The seminar on 'The COVID-19 Disruption and the Global Health Challenge' is an opportunity to learn about the economics implications of the pandemic. The seminar is scheduled for September 30, 2024 at 2:00 pm. in the Sala del Consiglio.
The speakers,  Professor Vincenzo Atella and Professor Pasquale Lucio Scandizzo through the book presentation, will explain a complex phenomenon that has left doubts and uncertainties among many who want to understand. The book fills in some of these gaps by providing answers to a number of questions, including why the epidemic happened, how it spread, how it was managed, how long we will have to live with it, what effect it has had on the economy, who will be most affected, how the new world will change us, and how it will change the way we see the world. Finally, the book proposes some solutions to prevent and be better prepared for the recurrence of such events and to manage them more effectively. After the presentation of the book there will be a discussion held by Professor Alessio Farcomeni.



Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are designed to collect, analyse and display spatial data to solve spatial problems. Central to this seminar is the ability to address geospatial questions with GIS. The added value of this course in addressing societal problems in the future is the ability to think spatially. Spatial thinking allows one to describe and analyse the patterns and organization of people, places, and environments from a spatial perspective to make informed decisions. This often overlooked angle of addressing data and research questions can help us find spatial patterns and correlations that are vital for understanding almost all human and natural phenomena, for example, clustering of disease incidents in particular areas or determining the spatial proximity of schools and supermarkets. In this seminar, participants learn the basics of GIS and how the software QGIS can be used to import, explore, handle, prepare for analysis, and map available geodata. QGIS is a free, open-source software package that can be downloaded and used after the seminar.


Seminar dates: October 21-23, 2024. From 2.00 to 5.00 pm. Room P6 Building A.

The seminar details can be found here.



The quest for rights. Reinterpreting human history.

This seminar is scheduled for November 27th at 2:00 pm (Room TL, Building A) and aimed at presenting the book with the same title (il Mulino, 2022) to EEBL students.
The speaker, Professor Emanuele Felice,  as an economist and historian, will explain his reinterpretation of History through the lens of rights that offers a renewed perspective on the thorny philosophical question about the meaning of History.

The presentation will be followed by a debate led by Alberto Baffigi (from Banca d'Italia) and Professor Alessandra Pelloni.

International careers in a new global context

This online seminar will be held on December 4th at 4:00pm  in collaboration with the MESCI Master's program. Dr. Philipp Erfurth will lead this interactive workshop aimed at enabling students to gain perspectives on new trends in the global economy and how these may affect career choices and opportunities. The seminar will cover topics such as rapid technological change, climate change, and rapidly evolving trade and investment patterns, events that have significantly altered the context not only of economic activity in general, but also of international careers in particular. The speaker will explain how the private sector, governments, international organizations and academia are adapting to change and how those in the labor market can successfully navigate these changes. 

To participate enter the following link




RBB Economics

EEBL has organized a presentation in collaboration with Professor Tolvanen (Industrial Organization) on November 28, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. for students to learn more about RBB Economics, what it does as a company, and what job and internship opportunities are available to graduating students. Guest speakers include David Kwon, Michele Molteni, and Silvia Bugada.

RBB will explain the company's approach, its clients, and some insights into recent case studies. RBB Economics is a world-leading economics consultancy specialising in competition matters, with offices across Europe, South Africa, Asia and Australia. The company's work involves the application of microeconomics and econometrics to competition law matters, and our economists have the skills and outlook to flourish in the face of complex and intellectually challenging issues.

RBB recruits all year round and is currently looking for exceptional, highly motivated economists to join the firm as Interns and Associates. 



CV and Motivational Letter Writing Seminar

Students are invited to a practical workshop on writing a CV and motivational letter. Following a brief presentation, EEBL staff will work with students to revise CVs and motivation letters and provide examples that illustrate which actions to avoid and which information should be included to make a lasting and positive impression on the HR managers who evaluate candidates for employment.

We want you to get that job, internship or scholarship, and we are ready to help you!  The next seminar will be scheduled for February 2025.  A presentation will be given on the fundamentals of CV and motivation letter writing from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. followed by individual meetings with students to revise their CV and motivation letters. 

2023/2024 Academic Year

"As Gods Among Men" - Presentation of the book

The presentation of the book “As Gods Among Men” by Professor Guido Alfani held on May 8, 2024, at 10.00 am in the  Sala Del Consiglio, Building B, School of Economics.

The professor illustrated the topics addressed in the book, focusing on how they fit into the historical, economic, and current debate. In recent years, the topic of wealth inequality has increasingly attracted the interest of numerous researchers, including Thomas Piketty and Branco Milanovic, with significant sales response from the general public.

Additional interventions were done by Professor Carlo Ciccarelli, Professor Giovanni Vecchi and Professor Salvatore Morelli.

Many thanks to our student for having partecipated with enthusiasm and asked relevant questions!


Alumni Day

Alumni, current students, and prospective EEBL students are invited to join this event on April 17, 2024 at 2:00pm in the TL Room in Building A of the Faculty of Economics to learn more about the EEBL program's details and hear from successful graduates who provide advice to students and information about their personal experiences that have led to successful careers.


2:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.: Presentation of EEBL by Professor Carlo Ciccarelli, Coordinator of the EEBL Program

2:30 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.: Alumni testimonials – with special guest alum Sara Ergasti

2:45 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.: Alumni testimonials – TBA

3:00 p.m. – 3.45 p.m.: “Promoting competition in the digital sector: the role of AGCM” Professor Elisabetta Iossa

3:45 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.: Q&A and Coffee break

RBB Economics

EEBL has organized a presentation in the TL Room of Building A of the Faculty of Economics on February 16, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. for students to learn more about RBB Economics, what it does as a company, and what job and internship opportunities are available to graduating students. Guest speakers include David Kwon, Michele Molteni, and Silvia Bugada.

RBB will explain the company's approach, its clients, and some insights into recent case studies. RBB Economics is a world-leading economics consultancy specialising in competition matters, with offices across Europe, South Africa, Asia and Australia. The company's work involves the application of microeconomics and econometrics to competition law matters, and our economists have the skills and outlook to flourish in the face of complex and intellectually challenging issues.

RBB recruits all year round and is currently looking for exceptional, highly motivated economists to join the firm as Interns and Associates.  

PwC Luxembourg Recruitment Day

PwC Luxembourg is among the leading professional services networks in the world. The company helps organisations and individuals create the value they are looking for, by delivering quality in the areas of Assurance, Tax and Advisory services.
EEBL has organized a PwC Luxembourg Recruitment Day Event on March 15, 2024, in Room P2 in Building A for a company presentation, a case study and job interviews. The case study allows students to put themselves in the shoes of a consultant and work on a group project that consists of preparing a brief presentation to propose services related to sustainable finance to a hypothetical client. PwC will provide the participants with the key concepts on the day to carry out the case study, and they will have the opportunity to consult the Internet to prepare their presentation. Participants will then present the work done and receive feedback. In the afternoon, the main focus of the company's representatives is conducting interviews for current positions at PwC Luxembourg. It goes without saying that the case study experience can be a good starting point for the interview!


  • 9:15 a.m. PwC company presentation
  • 10:15 a.m. Coffee break
  • 10:30 a.m. Business case (with Prof. D'Amato) structured as follows:
    - 30 minutes for the case study presentation 
    - 1 hour for the students to prepare 
    - 30 minutes for the student presentations
  • 12:30 p.m. Lunch
  • 2:30-5:00 p.m. Interviews

CV and Motivational Letter Writing Seminar

Students are invited to a practical workshop on writing a CV and motivational letter. Following a brief presentation, EEBL staff will work with students to revise CVs and motivation letters and provide examples that illustrate which actions to avoid and which information should be included to make a lasting and positive impression on the HR managers who evaluate candidates for employment.

We want you to get that job, internship or scholarship, and we are ready to help you!  The next seminar is scheduled for January 31, 2024, from 9.00 am to 12:00 pm in the Sala del Consiglio Room. A presentation will be given on the fundamentals of CV and motivation letter writing from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. followed by individual meetings with students to revise their CV and motivation letters. 

Career Skills Seminar

Equipping oneself for professional employment and the job search process requires adequate preparation. EEBL is happy to help students as they move toward entrance into the workforce.  On May 10, 2024, Ms Rumiana Uzunova will hold a seminar in Room P4 in Building A focused on the key concepts and tools of interviewing for a job, aimed at enhancing the soft skills of each participant. Attendees will learn to develop behavioural and cognitive skills when attending an interview, how to differentiate among the different types of interviews and redirect one's response according to the interview type, how to understand what employers are looking for and how to market themselves in the international job search world. Registration for the seminar will be available in spring. Students may register to participate here.

Learning Objectives

The seminar aims to familiarize students with the objectives of a job interview, how to understand and prepare for it, what to expect during an interview and how to sell one’s qualifications best. The seminar will also introduce key concepts and tools of a job interview and try to enhance the Soft skills of each participant. The interview process will be presented through both a theoretical and a practical session with an actual interview demonstration (students present to be selected for face-to-face interview simulations of the various interview styles).

Learning Outcomes

  • Develop behavioral and cognitive skills when attending an interview
  • Understand the different types of interviews and identify how to respond according to the interview type;
  • Understand what employers are looking for and how to help them select the nest candidate;
  • Learn how to market yourself in the job-hunt world;
  • Understand how your skills can be your best friend in the ever-changing global arena.

Session I (morning) - The Interview Process/ How to Perform at an Interview

  • Introduction to interviews and the philosophy of the labor market;
  • Concepts of the interview process and where do you fit in it?
  • What is an interview in a digital and post-C19 world?
  • Are you digitally profitable?
  • Types of interviews and how to prepare based on their various types;
  • What do employers seek for in you?
  • Q&A session

Session II (afternoon)– Practical examples and live training session

Students will be asked to provide a sample of their CV or Linkedin Profile. Based on the submitted profiles a selection will be made for a face-to face demo interview:

  • A get-to-know-each other short session on exchanging views and experience from students who had been through an interview process. What has worked, what were the challenges, where you hired?
  • A sample interview process Part 1- select 2 students to perform a live one-to-one interview. Students will be asked to assess the sample interview and analyze who scored how/what were the mistakes/weak sides/strong sides;
  • A sample interview process Part 2- select a group of students to perform a combination of interviews. Students will be asked to assess the sample interview and analyze who scored how/what were the mistakes/weak sides/strong sides;
  • Group discussion /ideas on how one can improve his/her performance.
  • If you failed an interview, are there any ways to fix it?
  • Q&A session

Hatching the Story: from big topics to focused narratives

Media outlets are constantly looking for experts, but expertise is not enough. Editors will always favor analysts who are also good storytellers. Especially when it comes to economic issues that make or break countries, or affect lives and lifestyles in practical ways. This seminar focuses on the fundamentals of storytelling and the hurdles of narrative flow. The goal is to equip students with tools to better deliver effective narratives about complex issues, for non-expert audiences. 

As storytelling specialists with a background in American journalism, guest speakers Angelica Marin and Fulvio Paolocci explain to the seminar participants certain narrative structures and mechanisms found in all magazines, including those in the business field. Writing requires practice, so the workshop is set up as a mix of theory and "on deadline" practice to introduce students to the value of "swift and nimble" writing that puts the reader at the center. The writing models used include The Economist, Harvard Business Review, and WIRED, and other publications that give space to young analysts on economic "hot topics."

The seminar was held in November 2023.


Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are designed to collect, analyse and display spatial data to solve spatial problems. Central to this seminar is the ability to address geospatial questions with GIS. The added value of this course in addressing societal problems in the future is the ability to think spatially. Spatial thinking allows one to describe and analyse the patterns and organization of people, places, and environments from a spatial perspective to make informed decisions. This often overlooked angle of addressing data and research questions can help us find spatial patterns and correlations that are vital for understanding almost all human and natural phenomena, for example, clustering of disease incidents in particular areas or determining the spatial proximity of schools and supermarkets. In this seminar, participants learn the basics of GIS and how the software QGIS can be used to import, explore, handle, prepare for analysis, and map available geodata. QGIS is a free, open-source software package that can be downloaded and used after the seminar.

The seminar was held in October 2023.