Alumni 2010/2011

Commodity Trader & Risk Management specialist - Enel Group
Mariangela Capo
Thesis: "Managing Risk Exposures Using the Risk Budgeting Approach: the Equal Risk Contribution Portfolio Construction and Analysis" Supervisor: Prof. Ugo Pomante

Financial Controller at BNP Paribas Cardif
Deborah Flores
Thesis: "A Tactical Asset Allocation Perspective Applied To The Black-Litterman Model" Supervisor: Prof. Ugo Pomante

Group Credit Risk Validation - Lead Validator at Erste Group
Paolo Giacomino
Thesis: "Are Sovereign Credit Ratings Pro-cyclical? A Controversial Issue Revisited in Light of the Current Financial Crisis" Supervisor: Prof. Stefano Herzel

Director - Asset Management at M&G Real Estate
Gabriele Inglese
Thesis: "Home Bias And New Measures Of Bias In Asset Allocation" Supervisor: Prof. Ugo Pomante

Data Scientist at Wind Tre, Rho
Francesco Lautizi
Thesis: "Empirical Estimates of Pricing Kernel and Risk Aversion" Supervisor: Prof. Stefano Herzel

Analyst Programmer
Fabrizio Malatesta
Thesis: "Ethical Funds and Liquidity Risk" Supervisor: Prof. Stefano Herzel

Associate at PineBridge Investments, London
Marco Pavana
Thesis: "Mutual Fund Performance: Active Versus Passive Management" Supervisor: Prof. Ugo Pomante

Senior Accountant at CREDENCE
Dario Sangrigoli
Thesis: "The Evolution Of The Finance-Growth Nexus: Past Studies And New Perspectives" Supervisor: Prof. Leonardo Becchetti

Risk Manager at Banca del Fucino
Giulio Santorelli
Thesis: "Demographic Structure and Asset Returns: a New Prospective from International Data" Supervisor: Prof. Marianna Brunetti

Global Head of Omnichannel Performance at Moncler
Nicola Sarcinelli
Thesis: "Value creation through strategic diversification: the Fincantieri case" Supervisor: Prof. Sandro Brunelli