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ARPM is an education firm founded in 2010 by Attilio Meucci. Its mission is to set and disseminate the standards for "A"dvanced "R"isk management and "P"ortfolio "M"anagement, across the financial industry: asset management, banking, and insurance.

Our students have access to the following services: ARPM Quant Bootcamp in New York City and ARPM Lab.

MSc Finance and Banking provides students with the following opportunities:

- The elective course Advanced Topics in Finance and Insurance is conducted in collaboration with the ARPM Lab and, therefore, free of charge for our students.

- A prize for the best performing first-year students who are evaluated based on their GPA and the total number of credits achieved by the end of the first-year exams. Two winners have the opportunity to participate free of charge in the ARPM Quant Bootcamp that takes place each year in New York (registration, as well as travel expenses, are covered by MSc Finance and Banking).

- All other regularly enrolled students who wish to participate in the ARPM Quant Bootcamp may participate free of charge either onsite or online (MSc Finance and Banking covers the registration fee only). The list of confirmed participants can be found here.

ARPM Quant Bootcamp

Available online and on-site, the ARPM Quant Bootcamp:

  • Provides a broad overview of modern quantitative finance, across asset management, banking, and insurance
  • Enables understanding of inter-relationships between topics across theory and implementation

In operation since 2007, with thousands of alumni globally, including industry leaders and academics.

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The ARPM Lab is an online platform to learn and teach quantitative finance.
It covers four modules:

  • Financial Engineering for Investment
  • Data Science for Finance
  • Quantitative Risk Management
  • Quantitative Portfolio Management

The ARPM Lab is accessible via 8 interconnected Learning Channels: Theory, Case Studies, Data animations, Documentation, Code, Slides, Video lectures, Exercises. 

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