Alumni 2013/2014

Partnership Assessment & Development Consultant at Save the Children, Rome
Catherine Stefany Aguilar Jauregui
Thesis: "Sustainability and outreach trade-off of microfinance institutions in Peru" Supervisor: Prof. Leonardo Becchetti

Data Analyst at Sourceter, Baku
Farid Amiraslanov
Thesis: "A comparative analysis of the family business governance in UK, Canada and China" Supervisor: Prof. Luca Gnan

Policy Officer - Prudential Regulation and Supervisory Policy at EBA
Filippo Azzarelli
Thesis: "The impact of corporate governance on capital structure" Supervisor: Prof. Vincenzo Farina

Business Analyst P&C at AXA Italia
Giuseppe Bernardo
Thesis: "Lines of credit in corporate finance" Supervisor: Prof. Gianluca Mattarocci

Business Analytics Specialist at ICONSULTING, Rome
Enrico Bologni
Thesis: "The effect of microfinance on poverty reduction. The case study of buen vivir, ecuador" Supervisor: Prof. Leonardo Becchetti

Alternative investments specialist at Sara Assicurazioni S.p.A.
Chiara Borzi
Thesis: "Real estate factor premium" Supervisor: Prof. Gianluca Mattarocci

CFO & Co-Founder at Mangrovia
Mauro Brescia
Thesis: "The optimal capital structure of the firm with taxes, bankruptcy costs and stochastic volatility" Supervisor: Prof. Stefano Herzel

Senior Long Term Planning Specialist at ENTSO-E
Maria Chiara Cavarretta
Thesis: "Power options in the italian electricity market: an assessment of their potential in managing risk for the italian operators" Supervisor: Prof. Gianni Nicolini

Quantitative Risk Analyst at Mediobanca
Lorenzo Cea
Thesis: "A libor market model with multiple curves" Supervisor: Prof. Stefano Herzel

Associate at J.P. Morgan
Gianpaolo D'Orazio
Thesis: "Portfolio construction and empirical testing of black litterman model" Supervisor: Prof. Ugo Pomante

Financial Analyst at EPPI - Ente di Previdenza dei Periti Industriali, Rome
Marco Di Cosmo
Thesis: "Calendar anomalies: Evidence from Real Estate Investment vehicles" Supervisor: Prof. Gianluca Mattarocci

Senior Vice President at Alantra Corporate Portfolio Advisory International, Milan
Alessio Di Mario
Thesis: "Prospectus content, investor attention and ipo first-day returns" Supervisor: Prof. Vincenzo Farina

Policy Expert at EBA
Lorenzo Ducci
Thesis: "Estimating the probability of default with balance sheet information: an empirical analysis on US Smes during the last financial crisis" Supervisor: Prof. Sandro Brunetti

Real Estate Development Analyst at Aquileia Capital Services, Milan
Simone Falasca
Thesis: A review on the status of NPLS in the market Supervisor: Prof. Stefano Herzel

Senior Auditor at Deloitte, New York City
Valentina Formichella
Thesis: "The credit value adjustment" Supervisor: Prof. Stefano Herzel

Consultant - Data Analyst at FAO, Rome
Alice Fortuna
Thesis: "Multiple bankin: the Italian case" Supervisor: Prof. Marianna Brunetti

Ph.D Candidate in Applied Statistics at University of Neuchâtel
Pierluigi Giosi
Thesis: "Pricing variance swap contracts" Supervisor: Prof.Stefano Herzel

Specialist at Prometeia Advisor SIM
Walter Alexander Gomez Canchis
Thesis: "Return style analysis of globally invested flexible mutual funds" Supervisor: Prof. Ugo Pomante

PhD Researcher at University of Trento
Mostafa Goudarzi
Thesis: "Dynamic spillover effect in future market" Supervisor: Prof. Gianni Nicolini

Corporate Debt Restructuring at Gruppo Bancario Cooperativo Iccrea
Stefano Leone
Thesis: "ALM logic for pension refunds" Supervisor: Prof. Ugo Pomante

Portfolio Management - Reinsurance at SACE, Rome
Laura Maccari
Thesis: "The credit worthiness evaluation through the rating system: an empirical application to the construction industry" Supervisor: Prof. Gianluca Mattarocci

Senior Purchasing Engineer Nome at Bitron, Qingdao
Wenli Mao
Thesis: "The Influence of Venture Capital on Family Governance System" Supervisor: Prof. Luca Gnan

Controller at Vodafone
Claudia Principe
Thesis: "Impact of international cross-listing on stock liquidity: evidence from European stock exchanges" Supervisor: Prof. Gianluca Mattarocci

Credit Risk Modelling Manager at Prometeia
Alberto Serafini
Thesis: "Comparative analysis of socially responsible and traditional investments" Supervisor: Prof. Stefano Herzel

Data Analyst at Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Group, Rome
Arianna Setaro
Thesis: "Short term inflation density forecasting with a Bayesian VAR" Supervisor: Prof. Tommaso Proietti

Senior Agent at Gruppo Assicurativo Poste Vita, Rome
Edoardo Torelli
Thesis: "Convexity Correction for Interest Rate Derivatives" Supervisor: Prof. Stefano Herzel

Financial Analyst at Analistas Financieros Internacionales, Madrid
Federica Troiano
Thesis: "Labour Market Differences between Natives and Immigrants" Supervisor: Prof. Franco Peracchi

Business Analyst at State Street, London
Simone Tucci
Thesis: "The usefulness of the omega ratio in evaluating investment opportunities in the Greek market, during the crisis" Supervisor: Prof. Gianluca Mattarocci

Manager at Deloitte
Gabriele Viselli
Thesis: The share of income from non-intermediation activities in the European cooperative banks" Supervisor: Prof. Rocco Ciciretti

Lecturer at Capital University of Economics and Business, Beijing
Cizhi Wang
Thesis: "Case Study in Wand and Huawei, so that we can Find some Suggestion on Shareholder Structure and Employees" Supervisor: Prof. Luca Gnan

PhD Candidate at University of Bologna
Li Yanjun
Thesis: "Credit Cycle and Macroprudential Policy" Supervisor: Prof. Luisa Corrado