Alumni 2016/2017

Operations Manager & Junior Risk Officer at Auriga Asset Management Limited
Aurel Bardeli
Thesis: "Attribution of ex-ante performance and risk to market sectors" Supervisor: Prof. Ugo Pomante

Consulente BI at ADVANT S.r.l.
Andrea Bilardi
Thesis: "Dimension Reduction Methods and Har: forecasting analysis" Supervisor: Prof. Gianluca Cubadda

Credit Risk Modeller at BNL BNP Paribas Group - CFA Level I Candidate
Carlo Borin
Thesis: "A comparison of wrong-way risk Credit Value Adjustment using different techniques: change of measure, 2D Monte Carlo, Gaussian Copula resampling approach and Basel III" Supervisor: Prof. Alessandro Ramponi

Business Analyst CRM at Siemens Healthineers
Andrea Cagnazzi
Thesis: "The reliability of Bitcoin's futures: optimal edge estimation for bitcoin cryptocurrency" Supervisor: Prof. Gianni Nicolini

Quantitative Analyst at GEKO, Rome
Francesco Calascibetta
Thesis: "CryptoCoin and Applycation of Financial Derivatives on the ICOs" Supervisor: Prof. Gianni Nicolini

Investment Analyst at Amsterdam Trade Bank, Amsterdam
Pierluigi Camerota
Thesis: "Long-term impact of emrger synergies in the healthcare industry" Supervisor: Prof. Vincenzo Farina

M&A at Poste Italiane
Mirko Caprasecca
Thesis: "Can market reaction on announcement date affect M&A failure? Evidence from financial deals in the U.S. market" Supervisor: Prof. Stefano Caiazza

Analyst at Oliver Wyman, Milan
Jacopo Centofanti
Thesis: "High dimensionality in variance estimation and portfolio allocation" Supervisor: Prof. Tommaso Proietti

Financial Consultant at Poste Italiane
Andrea Ciolli
Thesis: "Target Cumulative Abnormal Return to M&As in US Banking Sector from 2000-2018" Supervisor: Prof. Stefano Caiazza

Structured Finance Investment Analyst at Fasanara Capital, London
Gennario Crocamo
Thesis: "European call option pricing through artificial neural network and heston's parametrics model: a theoretical and empirical comparison" Supervisor: Prof. Stefano Herzel

Business Administration & Controller- DI FA at Siemens
Simone De Paoli
Thesis: "Expectile as misure of risk in a portfolio selection" Supervisor: Prof. Tommaso Proietti

BPMN researcher at University of Rome Tor Vergata
Maral Delghandi
Thesis: "Impact of Political Events on Stock Market Returns: Empirical Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange" Supervisor: Prof. Vincenzo Farina

Liquidity Risk Associate at Morgan Stanley, London
Gabriele Di Giacomo
Thesis: "Volatility spillovers in visegrad countries" Supervisor: Prof. Gianluca Cubadda

PMO & Deals Execution at Ifis Npl Investing (Banca Ifis Group)
Savino Diaferia
Thesis: "Merger Arbitrage: Profitability and Risk-Return Characteristic in the Italian Market" Supervisor: Prof. Vincenzo Farina

CEO Strategic Support Direction at Intesa Sanpaolo, Milan
Nicolò Filippi
Thesis: "The counterparty credit risk and its implication on profit and loss statement and regulatory capital" Supervisor: Prof. Stefano Herzel

Senior Consultant - Quantitative Risk Management at EY, Milan
Federica Forte
Thesis: "Portfolio Optimization using Conditional Value at Risk: Application and Comparison with the Black-Litterman Model" Supervisor: Prof. Ugo Pomante

XVA Trader at Banca IMI
Simone Fortuna
Thesis: "Study on rough volatility" Supervisor: Prof. Davide Pirino

Senior Consultant at e*finance consulting Reply
Delia Incognito
Thesis: "The pricing of derivatives with collaterals" Supervisor: Prof. Stefano Herzel

Valuation Analyst at Invitalia, Rome
Luigi Isernia
Thesis: "Weather risk management for utilities & energy: methodologies for estimating exposure and managing risk" Supervisor: Prof. Gianni Nicolini

Credit Analyst at PayEx, Stockholm
Jesper Karlsson
Thesis: "Transition matrices contional on macroeconomic cycles: a portfolio stress-test application" Supervisor: Prof. Stefano Herzel

Equity Data Specialist at Bloomberg LP
Rachele Antonella Lauro
Thesis: "Factor models and machine-learning apporach to explain cross-country open-end equity investment funds' returns" Supervisor: Prof. Rocco Ciciretti

Zaur Mammadov
Thesis: "Implied Volatility Surface: Difference Between Heston Model And Svi Parametrization" Supervisor: Prof. Alessandro Ramponi

Corporate Relationship Manager at UniCredit, Rome
Massimo Mastrantonio
Thesis: Derivatives trading impact on the CBOE volatility index: empirical analysis from the SEP 500 index and its component stocks Supervisor: Prof. Gianni Nicolini

Management Consulting Analyst at Accenture
Gianluca Molinaro
Thesis: "A Financial Stress Index for Turkey" Supervisor: Prof. Gianluca Cubadda

Financial Analyst at Invitalia, Rome
Michela Monti
Thesis: "Shrinkage estimation of the covariance matrix for portfolio optimization: an empirical assessment" Supervisor: Prof. Gianluca Cubadda

Credit Advisor at Mutuiamo, Rome
Saverio Piacenti
Thesis: "Value Creation Effect: Spin Off vs. Equity Carve Out" Supervisor: Prof. Vincenzo Farina

Quantitative Risk Analyst at UniCredit, Milan
Shehan Pitiduwa Hewage Weeraratne
Thesis: "Modelling XVA using multivariate structural default model with jumps" Supervisor: Prof. Alessandro Ramponi

Financial Engineering and Fair Value Measurement at CDP Cassa Depositi e Prestiti
Sara Pomponi
Thesis: "Measuring equity markets connectedness" Supervisor: Prof. Tommaso Proietti

Senior Associate - FS Strategy & Value creation at PwC, Milan
Tommaso Porcaro
Thesis: "Financial Applications of Time-Varying Copulas" Supervisor: Prof. Tommaso Proietti

Strategic Team - Junior Insurance Broker at Aon, Milan
Daniele Ruffa
Thesis: "The Private Equity funds performance" Supervisor: Prof. Vincenzo Farina

Junior Research Analyst at Federcasse
Luca Santabarbara
Thesis: "Does the bitcoin improve predictability over the SEP500 index?" Supervisor: Prof. Stefano Grassi

Quantitative Power Market Analyst at Enel Global Trading
Luca Sapienza
Thesis: "Heston-Nandi and factors on demand: two different approaches for hedging options alternative to black-scholes" Supervisor: Prof. Stefano Herzel

Macro Trading Intern at Brevan Howard, New York
Marco Scarpetta
Thesis: "Flexible views processing copula opinion pooling" Supervisor: Prof. Ugo Pomante

Financial Valuation Specialist at Enel X, Rome
Riccardo Schiavon
Thesis: "EUROSTOXX50: two pair trading comparison approaches" Supervisor: Prof. Stefano Grassi

Financial Structurer at Enel, Rome
Federico Sinisi
Thesis: "Asset pricing anomalies and factor trading - an empirical analysis on the Swedish market" Supervisor: Prof. Stefano Herzel

Corporate Relationship Manager at UniCredit, Milan
Luca Smorra
Thesis: "The Italian market of NPL: Banca IFIS case study" Supervisor: Prof. Vincenzo Farina

Responsible of Project Team at Modefinance, Trieste
Orlova Victoria
Thesis: "Estimating probability of sovereign defaults" Supervisor: Prof. Maura Mezzetti

Informatin Technology Specialist at Azienda Sanitaria Provinciale di Catania
Silvano Zappalà
Thesis: "Checking for predictability of asset returns: the role of factor model" Supervisor: Prof. Gianluca Cubadda

Graduate Portfolio Analyst at PIMCO, Ireland
Riccardo Zingaro
Thesis: "Petroyuan: a multiple regression analysis and arbitrage opportunities" Supervisor: Prof. Gianni Nicolini