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CARIS - Students with disabilities

CARIS is the University's structure that coordinates and supports the integration of students with disabilities, with specific learning disorders (dyslexia, dysgraphy, disortography, etc.) or temporary difficulties.

Address: School of Engineering, Ground Floor, Via del Politecnico, 1 - 00133 Rome

Office hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm; Wednesday from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

For further information visit the Website or contact segreteria@caris.uniroma2.it

Total Exemption from Tuition Fees (disability equal or greater than 66%)

Students with a recognized disability equal to or greater than 66% or with a recognition of a disability according to Article 3, comma 1 and 3 of Law n° 104 of the 5th of February 1992, are totally exempt from University fees for the first enrollment and for enrollment in the following years. The disability must be demonstrated through the documentation issued by the competent authority and must be submitted to the CARIS office (via the Politecnico, 1 – School of Engineering).

Instructions for the total exemption procedure:

The student who is in total exemption must follow the instructions below:

1. Enroll through the Delphi system and select the option “portatore di handicap / vittima della criminalità” (“Student with disability/victim of crime);

2. The system will issue a bulletin of €0.00 that must be validated in the Delphi system inserting the AUTH code;

3. The student, within 60 days from the enrollment date, must submit the documentation attesting the disability to the CARIS (via the Politecnico, 1 – School of Engineering).

The CARIS office will check the documentation submitted and:
• If the documentation is correct, CARIS:
A. will validate the total exemption in the Delphi system;
B. will send an e-mail to the student confirming the total exemption;
C. will send a copy of the documentation attesting to the condition of the student to the Student Secretariat.

• If the documentation is not correct, CARIS:
A. will insert the first installment payment in the Delphi system;
B. will send an e-mail to the student asking to pay the first installment;
C. will send a communication to the Student Secretariat stating that the student does not have the total exemption.
In the case of a "temporary disability”, the student must repeat the above procedure for each academic year.

Partial Exemption from the Payment of the Tuition Fees Second Installment (disability between 46% and 65%)

The procedure for requesting a partial exemption is enabled through the Delphi system after the payment of the first installment.
Students with disabilities between 46% and 65% have a reduction of 20% on the amount of the second installment and they must submit the documentation attesting to the disability to the CARIS office by 15 March each year.

The CARIS will check the documentation submitted and:

• If the documentation is correct, CARIS:
A. will validate the partial exemption in the Delphi system;
B. will send an e-mail to the student to confirm the partial exemption;
C. will send a copy of the documentation attesting to the condition of the student to the Student Secretariat.

• If the documentation is not correct, CARIS:
A. will insert the bulletin for the payment of the second installment without the partial exemption in the Delphi system;
B. will send an e-mail to the student asking him to pay the second installment;
C. will send a communication to the Student Secretariat stating that the student does not have the partial exemption.

For further information consult the Students Guide or the CARIS website