Updated A.Y. 2020-2021
The course is based on the ARPM Marathon, available through the ARPM interactive learning platform, and it covers the last two out of the four learning modules:
Financial Engineering for Investment
Data Science for Finance
Quantitative Risk Management
Quantitative Portfolio Management
The first two modules will be covered in the elective course "Advanced Topics in Finance and Insurance I" taken by Prof. Alessandro Ramponi.
The courses consist in weekly video lectures (Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday) and a Thursday meeting with the instructors, i.e. the flipped classroom. Homework is due on Sunday.
Your final goals for this training should be two-fold:
- Goal 1: strengthen your existing knowledge of quantitative techniques;
- Goal 2: learn to interact with a group of colleagues, using the common language of this training.
To help you achieve these two goals, it is important that you set aside sufficient time each week to:
- Watch the video lectures
- Study the theory (the most important item: all materials are available in the Lab
- Practice the code associated with the theory
- Attend the live flipped classroom sessions
- Do the homework assignments.
A Certificate of Completion will be given for each module according to the following evaluation criteria:
a) Participation in the Q&A Forum: if you do not know or understand something, most likely other participants do not either, and most likely it will be our fault, and not yours. So, do not be shy: post any subject matter question in the especially designated areas on this private Marathon Academia Forum, namely "Classroom > Theory Q&A" and "Classroom > Code Q&A". Also, by all means, feel free to provide your answers to other participants' questions. Moreover, there will be no "right" or "wrong" q/a's; they will all contribute positively to 1/3 of your final evaluation.
b) Participation in the flipped classrooms: during the live flipped classroom sessions, you will be divided randomly into groups, to discuss technical questions on the topics studied that week. You will then present your findings to the larger classroom. To successfully discuss the technical questions, you will need to come prepared to the live sessions, having watched the lectures, studied the theory, and even reviewed the homework for that week. Attendance at the weekly live flipped classroom sessions will account for 1/3 of your evaluation.
c) Delivery of homework: there will be weekly assignments. The homework will account for 1/3 of your evaluation.
Moreover, your actual activity on the Lab (theory, slides, code, and documentation) will be monitored on weekly progress pages, where you will be able to see a summary score calculated according to the components and weights detailed in the grading policy of your course. If your weekly score is consistently high (say >80% across several weeks and never lower than 60%) or consistently low (say <60% across all the weeks), the Certificate of Completion will be automatically granted or denied.
All the intermediate cases will be reviewed by ARPM, and the decision will be based on an assessment of the overall engagement and performance in the course, according to the weekly detailed progress and additional tools, such as the activity on the Lab aggregated by channel during the entire period of the course. Further, the ARPM Marathon prepares the participants for the ARPM Certificate (
It should be stressed that, due to the time schedule, in order to get the second Certificate of Completion, students are required to attend an extra week of the Quant Marathon, during the second module.
The final exams for each course, "Advanced Topics in Finance and Insurance" and "Advanced Topics in Finance and Insurance II" (6 + 6 CFU) consist of a written test: the test will propose questions for each of the modules, with the possibility of using your own personal notebook. It should be stressed that the two courses are highly interrelated and students are strongly encouraged to undertake both to complete all the Quant Marathon.
For more info please send an e-mail to