Regolamento esame
This is a Pass or Fail course.
The exam consists of one written test.
To pass the course it is required to answer correctly to at least 80% of the questions of the written test (final exam).
Exemption tests will be administered during the course.
Passing all the exemption test will be sufficient to pass the course.
Passing some, but not all, of the exemption tests will lower the threshold to pass the final exam. Each passed test lowers the threshold by 10%, that is, passing one test brings the threshold to 70%, two tests to 60%, etc…
The exemptions will be valid only for the winter session.
There will be no make ups for missed exemptions tests.
Until the end of the emergency, or until new rules regarding the exams are decided by the Rector, the exam rules will be as follows:
1. As stated before the emergency, all bonus points earned during the course are expired.
2. The exam will be partly written and partly oral.
3. The written exam will be similar to the problem sets and to the written exams of the winter session.
4. The oral exam will take place in the days immediately following the written exam. It will start from the written exam and I will check that the student is not blindly applying some rules to solve the exercises but understands the main points leading to the solution.
5. Students who wish to take the exam should: i) Register for the exam on Delphi. ii) Join the virtual class on Teams (class code: 772c4un) iii)inform me by email.