Regolamento esame
Exam Procedure:
The Final Exam will be in presence here at Tor Vergata on each call date (unless differently requested by the Ateneo due to health situation).
Exam score breakdown:
Class participation (10%);
Take Home (50%, 10% each);
Each ’Take Home’ MUST BE returned returned on Moodle by the following Tuesday at 11:59PM (GMT+1);
Final exam (40%): one theorethical question and one exercise related to all the topics covered during the course (If you do not use TH you also loose Class participation, and your final grade is 100% on the final exam grade). Student are only allowed to sit the exam twice. The grade of the resit will be registered (included a mark of "fail"). Weekly take home (10% for each of the 5 take home).
The final grade will be posted on Delphi.