Getting ready to graduate
In order to complete the Master of Science Degree, students are required to present and defend a written thesis in front of an Examination Board.
To be admitted to the graduation session, students must earn the minimum number of 96 credits and fulfill all financial obligations toward Tor Vergata University of Rome. Students must also register for the graduation session through the Delphi online platform, submit the required documents, pay the required fee, and submit a final thesis, which is worth 24 credits.
Learn more about:
- Winter Graduation Session - March 27, 2025, 10:00am - deadlines
- List of Past Theses Titles
- Guidelines on graduation application and thesis upload on Delphi
2024/2025 A.Y. Graduation Sessions:
- Winter Session: March 27, 2025
- Summer Session: July 3, 2025
- Fall Session: October 15, 2025
Writing a thesis
Students should keep in mind that, depending on the type of thesis they write, they should make sure to dedicate sufficient time for the research, analysis, and writing of the thesis.
The thesis supervisor should be chosen from the professors with whom the student has sat at least one exam and whose area of research is pertinent to the student’s possible thesis topic. Students must send a motivated request to the professor (well in advance), to decide the topic together and establish a timetable for the collection of data and the writing of each chapter. Students must send regular updates to their thesis supervisor, to keep him/her informed of their progress. Note that your thesis should be between 15,000 and 25,000 words. Each supervisor will have additional specific indications for students to follow.
Students are kindly requested to indicate their expected graduation session to the MSc in Finance and Banking Program Office ( as soon as they have confirmation from their thesis supervisor that their work is proceeding according to schedule, or at least 60 days before graduation.
Students should use a specific thesis format and document their research. Each supervisor will have additional specific indications for students to follow. Editorial Standard
Documents to submit
Students should submit the following to the Students Administrative Office located on the ground floor of Building B of the School of Economics at least 30 days before the date of thesis defence:
- The thesis application form from the Delphi online platform
- The exam booklet
Roughly ten days before the graduation session, students will be required to upload their thesis on the Delphi online platform and the Supervisor will accept or decline the submitted thesis. Students will be required to send a copy of their thesis also to the MSc in Finance and Banking Program Office ( for the Turnitin Anti-plagiarism Check.
One week before the graduation session, candidates will receive an email from the MSc in Finance and Banking Program Office with a request for the PowerPoint or pdf presentation that will be used on the day of graduation.
The graduating student should provide the Supervisor and Co-Supervisor with a printed and bound copy of the thesis before the thesis defense.
Details confirming the candidates and the Graduation Committee will be published a few days before the graduation date.
Cancellation: Students who decide to forgo submitting their dissertation should delete their application in Delphi and make a formal request by email to the Students Administrative Office ( and in cc the MSc in Finance and Banking Program Office ( with enclosed also a copy of your ID card/passport at least 15 days before the scheduled thesis presentation date.
Thesis defense and evaluation
The thesis is evaluated on contents, presentation and defense. The graduation session is composed of the oral presentation and the defense, which includes answering questions and discussing issues raised by the members of the Examination Board.
The Examination Board is composed of at least seven members, and is appointed by the Director of the Department of Economics and Finance of the School of Economics, approximately 20 days before the graduation session.
After the defense, the Commission determines the student's final grade. The evaluation is expressed out of 110. Students will be awarded the MSc in Finance & Banking if they obtain a mark of at least 66/110. The grade starting point is the exams' weighted mean transposed in 110, which is increased by the following points:
- a maximum of five points are assigned, taking into consideration the quality of the thesis contents, presentation and defense
- instead, a maximum of eight points can be assigned, taking into consideration the recommendation letter provided by the supervisor for a prestigious thesis. The recommendation letter from the supervisor must be addressed to the President of the Examination Board, and must underline the specific reasons of the positive contribution in the thesis
- Special Distinction: to graduates that obtain the maximum grade of 110/110, the Examination Board can unanimously award honors cum laude upon explanation.
Rules to Respect During the Graduation Ceremony
The School of Economics' Rules to Respect During the Graduation Ceremony:
On the days when graduation sessions and final examinations are held, we request that candidates, recent graduates, their friends, and family members (collectively, the "public") follow specific rules and behavior that will ensure the serenity of those who must sit such a demanding examination, guarantee the decorum of the university, respect those who work in the campus facilities and avoid damage and inconvenience to persons and property.
In general, the public must behave so as not to disturb the candidates, the members of the Graduation Committee, and the university staff involved in scientific, teaching, and administrative activities.
The following are also explicitly forbidden:
- the throwing of firecrackers, streamers, and confetti;
- the use of products that may damage or deface the plants, flowerbeds, lawns, walls, roads, and other movable and immovable property of the School of Economics and surrounding areas;
- the setting up of tables or spaces with food and drink;
- the posting of leaflets, posters, or the like in internal rooms, on the external walls of buildings, on trees, in the parking lot on the university premises, and on gates;
- the soiling of indoor and outdoor spaces and the trampling of flowerbeds;
- the abandonment of bottles, other objects, and rubbish of any kind on roads and pavements;
- noise and shouting that may disturb lectures, graduation sessions, or the discussion of final exams and faculty staff;
- all other behavior that is not in keeping with the University's normal institutional activities.
The verification of violations of the provisions described above by public members is entrusted to the University's supervisory staff, who prepare the relative report.
No photographers are allowed except those authorized by the University.
Degree Certificates
Degree Certificate
The degree certificate is only issued by the Students Administrative Office of the School of Economics. To obtain a copy of this document, students are required to provide two €16 duty stamps, available at any tobacco shop. The certificate is available in English or Italian. Request Form
Diploma Supplement
Once a student has graduated, the Students Administrative Office of the School of Economics can issue the Diploma Supplement containing a complete list of exams with marks. The document is available in English or Italian and it is free-of-charge. Request Form
Degree Parchment
The Degree parchment is not immediately available after graduation. Diplomas are ready for pick up for graduates from the March 2023 session and before. Graduates should keep in mind that the MSc in Finance & Banking Program Office does not have information pertaining to when the parchments are issued. Graduates interested in picking up their diploma (or designating someone else to do so) should contact the Students’ Office directly at by attaching a valid copy of their ID and including the following information: full name, date of birth, student registration number, name of their academic program and graduation date.
- In order to obtain the Degree Certificates please refer to the Students Administrative Office at the Ground Floor of Building B (you can go there personally or delegate someone else). Office hours: Monday and Friday 9:00am-12:00pm, Wednesday 9:00am-12:00pm and 2:00-4:00pm
- Otherwise, you can download the certificates from Delphi