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Health Care

National Health Service - SSN (Servizio Sanitario Nazionale)

Italy has a public health system called Servizio Sanitario Nazionale - SSN (National Health Service). The service will provide basic care, intervention in case of emergency, diagnostic and specialist services, hospitalization, pharmaceutical care. EU citizens enjoy the same level of treatment enjoyed by Italian citizens. Non-EU citizens instead need a valid health insurance to get an entry visa for Italy.

To students from outside the EU, as well as all non-EU students we recommend to register for the Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (SSN). Registration to the SSN (€700,00 per year) allows citizens of non-European countries to enjoy all the health services guaranteed to EU citizens.

In this section, students will find information and advice in the field of Health Care in Italy:

  • For more information on how to get a visa (non-EU students), click here.
  • For more information on the Servizio Sanitario Nazionale, click here.

As an alternative to the National Health Service (SSN) you might consider subscribing a private health insurance policy with any private insurance agency that provides the cover of emergency healthcare treatments in public hospitals. The majority of them are valid for 6-12 months from the payment. To take out the policy and obtain information on how to sign the health insurance contract, you have to contact the chosen institution asking for the procedure.

Health Services offered by University of Rome Tor Vergata

All our students get free various health services offered by the Policlinico Tor Vergata (PTV), which is located near the School of Economics. In particular, conventions with the Policlinico concern the prevention and treatment of obesity and eating disorders, free check-ups reserved for blood donors students, consultancy of clinical psychology.


Students interested in fighting and/or preventing obesity and eating disorders, through projects dedicated to food education, mobility and environment, can ask the "Servizio di Nutrizione Clinica, Terapia Parenterale e Anoressia Nervosa" at the Policlinico Tor Vergata (Viale Oxford, 81 - Rome).

Days and times for booking: Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Days for scheduled visits: Every Monday and Wednesday from 2:00 to 6:00 pm for a visit and any outpatient care access.

For more detailed information you can contact the PTV dedicated office at the following telephone number: +39 06 20900254; or write an e-mail to nutrizioneclinicaserv@ptvonline.it


Students enrolled in the various courses of the University of Tor Vergata, within six months from the date of the donor, can benefit of the following medical services at the Service of Occupational Medicine of the Policlinico Tor Vergata:

  • general medical examination with ECG (Electrocardiogram)
  • eye examination
  • audiometry
  • spirometry
  • blood tests

For more information contact the Department of Transfusion Medicine at Policlinico Tor Vergata:
Direction: +39 06 20900218
Secretariat: +39 06 20900592
Fax: +39 06 20900597
E-mail: trasfusionaleptv@ptvonline.it


The service aims to offer students of the University, indications on a psychological and aptitude basis through interviews and psychometric assessments.

Service managers: Dr. Enzo Fortuna and Dr. Bianca Pezzarossa.
For information: Mr Massimo Limiti
Tel. +39 06 41400129 or 356 or 222
Via Nomentana, 1362 (121 Room) - Rome

Health Care offered by University of Rome Tor Vergata to Foreign Students and Students residing outside Lazio Region

A basic health care centre is available for our foreign students and those coming from other Italian regions except Lazio region.
The service is free of charge for all Italian students residing outside Lazio region, for all European students who have an ENI card number and for students of any nationality enrolled in the Italian National Health Service (SSN/SSR). Support will also be given to those students that want to be enrolled in the National/Regional Health Service.

Examination rooms, located in the Occupational Health Department are open on Mondays and Thursdays from 2:00 to 4:00 pm at the second floor of the University Hospital.

This facility is organized on a walk-in basis, without any appointment. Students may obtain the following services:

  • A normal medical examination
  • ECG and blood pressure check
  • Prescriptions (according to the doctor’s examination) of therapies, blood tests, instrumental investigations, specialist examinations
  • Health certificates for gym

A professional MD and an IMS student about to graduate will be working together in this health facility. The future IMS graduate will help the doctor in case of cultural or linguistic barriers hindering access to primary care. On the same days and time, there will also be a nutritionist to treat eating disorders; customized diets may also be prescribed.

The following medical services will not be available: vaccinations, emergency, surgical medications or diagnostic and surgical procedures.


If it is not possible to call or reach your doctor, or in a serious situation, you can contact one of the following emergency services.

118 - Emergency phone number in case of serious illness, accident, or other life-threatening situations. It is a public emergency service free of charge operating every 24 hours a day, which guarantees the quickest arrival of the ambulance and medical assistance. The call is free from any type of phone, landline or mobile.

112 – European Emergency number available free of charge, 24/7, anywhere in the European Union. Citizens can dial 112 to reach the emergency services, including the police, emergency medical services and the fire brigade.

113 – Police

115 – Firemen

1522 – National anti-violence number in case you are victim of stalking or domestic violence.

Hospital’s ER - provides first aid to urgent and emergency cases. The service is organized to give priority not by arrival time but by the seriousness of the medical condition. Depending on the severity of each patient’s status a color code is assigned at arrival:

  • RED CODE - EMERGENCY: immediate life-threatening, absolute priority.
  • YELLOW CODE - URGENT: serious injuries, elevated urgency, maximum effort to reduce waiting time.
  • GREEN CODE - LESS URGENT: not life-threatening, treatment provided after more urgent cases.
  • WHITE CODE: not critically ill, non-urgent patients (in case there is no hospital admission, a payment of €20 will have to be made)