MSc Presentation
Extra services and data tools
Thanks to the agreements with strategic industrial partners, our students have free access to extra services and data tools: ARPM, MathWorks, Morningstar, Refinitiv, Reply Avantage, VigeoEiris.
Extra-curricular initiatives
Every year we organize extra-curricular initiatives to strengthen professional skills and to bridge the gap between students education and their future job market: Meeting with Practitioners, QuantitativeFinance@Work Workshop, ARPM Quant Marathon, MATLAB Associate Level Certification, Refinitiv Certification.
International opportunities
All students are offered Internships, Erasmus+ mobility, Thesis Abroad funding, and other exchange opportunities in addition to the Dual Degree program with the University of Gothenburg (Sweden), the Dual Degree program with the University of Minho (Portugal), and the ARPM Quant Bootcamp in New York.
Employment rate
Over 98% of our graduates find placement within one year after earning their degree. We offer a dedicated job alert service reserved to Finance & Banking students and Alumni.