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Documents and things to do once in Italy

The Welcome Office offers advice and guidance on all aspects of moving to Italy helping and supporting during all the year with: stay permit, fiscal code request, bank account, access to Italian health system, general information about courses, scholarships and grants opportunities, life in Rome and other useful services for international and national students.

Tax Code (Codice Fiscale)

The tax code or Codice Fiscale is an identification code issued by the Ministry of Finance that is required for various procedures, e.g. to complete your enrollment as well as to open a bank account, to apply for a health insurance card or to sign a tenancy agreement. 

All citizens resident abroad can ask for the Codice Fiscale to the Italian Embassy (or Consulate) at the moment of the Entry Visa request. The Codice Fiscale is necessary for all kinds of interaction with the Italian public administration.

Otherwise, once in Italy, it can be requested from your local Agenzia delle Entrate (Tax Office).

The documents requested to get the Codice Fiscale are:

The closest Agenzia delle Entrate office to Tor Vergata University is located in via di Torre Spaccata n. 110 , bus n.20 (from Viale Cambridge). Opening hours: Monday and Friday, from 8:45am to 12:45pm; Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, from 2:15 to 3:35pm.

Health Insurance

Having a valid health insurance in Italy is essential to request a residency permit. If you have already stipulated an insurance policy in your country of origin and it was validated by the Italian representation before you left, you can use it for the first issue of your residency permit. Otherwise, after I arriving in Italy you will have two opportunities: either registering with the National Health Service (SSN) or stipulating a private policy.

1. National Health Service

The registration with the National Health Service (SSN) will provide you with complete health assistance. You will be assigned to (or you can choose) a general practitioner (also called “family doctor”). Registration is valid for one calendar year (from January to December).

How to register:

a) At the post office: fill in the slip and pay € 149.77 (postal current account no. 370007) in the name of “Tesoreria Provinciale dello Stato, Regione Lazio” and write the following description in the dedicated space: "iscrizione volontaria al SSN year…." (which means ‘voluntary registration with the SSN’ for the year in question);

b) Go to the closest ASL office (Local Health Authority). The closest one to Tor Vergata University is situated in Via di Torrenova (other addresses can be consulted at the www.salute.gov.it/). You have to bring with you the payment receipt.

2. Private Health Insurance

As an alternative to the National Health Service (SSN) you might consider subscribing a private health insurance policy with any private insurance agency that provides the cover of emergency healthcare treatments in public hospitals. The majority of them are valid for 6-12 months from the payment. To take out the policy and to obtain information on how to sign the health insurance contract, you have to contact the chosen institution asking for the procedure.

White code Room

A basic healthcare centre is available for both our foreign students and those coming from other Italian regions (except Lazio).

The service is free of charge for:

  • all Italian students residing outside Lazio;
  • all European students with an ENI card number;
  • the students of all nationalities registered with the Italian National Health Service (SSN/SSR).

Support will also be given to those students that want to be enrolled in the National/Regional Health Service. Examination rooms, located in the Occupational Health Department, will be open on Mondays and Thursdays from 2 pm to 4 pm, on the second floor of the Policlinico Tor Vergata hospital. This facility is organised on a walk-in basis, without prior appointment.


  • 112 European Emergency number
  • 113 Police
  • 115 Firemen
  • 118 First aid/Emergency room and ambulance
  • 1522 National anti-violence number

Residence Permit

The Italian Immigration Act provides that citizens who are not members of the European Union who intend to stay in Italy for more than three months, require a residence permit within 8 working days of their arrival in Italy.

First application

If you are an EU citizen, you do not require a residence permit as such, but you have to register with your local civil records office in order to obtain the issue of the attestazione anagrafica.

If you live in Rome, you can find on the website www.comune.roma.it the module for the “Dichiarazione di Residenza”, that you have to fill in and present to your Ufficio Anagrafico del Municipio by person or through e-mail, certificate e-mail, fax or recommended letter with these documents in attachment:

  1. passport or identity card
  2. self-certification of enrollment at our University

If you are a non-EU citizen, you have to take the kit for the residency permit request (available at post offices or at the University Welcome Office, where the student can also receive assistance to fill it in.

Once the request form is correctly completed, the student has to deliver it to any post offices together with:

  1. copy of your passport (only the pages with your personal details and the visa stamp);
  2. documentation stating the chosen course and its duration and the stamp of the Italian diplomatic representation which issued the Visa;
  3. copy of the receipt of payment of the health insurance (who does not have it, can buy it directly in the Post Office at a cost of € 98 for one year or € 49 for 6 month);
  4. copy of Codice Fiscale;
  5. Admission letter from our University;
  6. receipt of the payment due for the application for the Electronic Stay Permit. The cost of the Electronic stay permit is of € 30,46 and has to be paid with in the Post Office. In addition, a € 30 payment to the postal operator must be made at the time of submission of the application;
  7. one marca da bollo of € 16, available at any tobacco shop.

The Post Office will give you an official document (lettera di convocazione) with the date of your appointment with the specific branch of the Commissariato or Ufficio Immigrazione where you have to show up.
On the day of the appointment, do not forget to bring with you the original documents enclosed in the kit, the post office receipt and two passport size photographs.

The closest Post Office to the Tor Vergata University is in via Terzilio Cardinali 11, bus n.20 (from Viale Cambridge). Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 8:25am to 7:10pm; Saturday from 8:25am to 12:35pm; Sunday closed.


The application for the residency permit renewal has to be submitted at least 60 days before the expiry date of the current “Permesso di Soggiorno”.

Here below a reminder of the steps to apply for the renewal:

  • Get the kit for the residency permit request (available either at post offices or at the University Welcome Office in Via Cracovia, room D001)
  • Fill in both the application form (Module 1) and the bulletin (70,46€). In case you need support, you can go at the Welcome Office to receive assistance
  • Collect the following documents before submitting the application form: copy of each page of the passport; Copy of “Permesso di Soggiorno”; copy of the Fiscal Code; the certified list of the exams you passed (issued by the secretary of your course); copy of the Health Insurance; the Revenue Stamp (Marca da Bollo 16€) that you can find at any Tabacchi shop
  • Go to any Post Office with the logo “Sportello Amico” and submit both the application form and the collected documents
  • After the payment the post officer will give you the receipt of payment and the appointment with “Questura”

Enrollment Procedure

Once in Italy, all students with a foreign degree must follow the enrollment procedure for international students.

Complete the LazioDisco Scholarship Application

Students who have applied for LazioDisco Scholarship must complete their application providing the following documents to the LazioDisco Office (Via Cambridge 115, 00133, Roma - Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday 9 am-12 pm and 3-4 pm; Friday 9-11.45 am):

  • the original of scholarship documents
  • copy of the passport
  • the payment receipt of the tuition fee (first instalment - €16)
  • copy of the Codice Fiscale
  • copy of stay permit application (permesso di soggiorno)

Welcome Weeks

In September two weeks are dedicated to welcome and orientation activities for all students arriving at Tor Vergata University of Rome.

Welcome Weeks 2019