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Michela Fiore

Class of 2019/2020

Risk Manager at Cassa Depositi e Prestiti


"I decided to enroll in the MSc in Finance and Banking after discovering my fondness for quantitative subjects during my bachelor’s degree in Economics and Management. I found the academic program very challenging; it strengthened my personality and my teamwork skills. The MSc offered us everyday stimulating tasks: we were taught both purely theoretical notions and the use of programming tools. In particular, the programming skills that we developed are rare and valuable capabilities, among the most wanted by the job market. Moreover, we were involved in many extracurricular activities. I have been a member of the representative team of Tor Vergata University at the CFA Institute Research Challenge, and I took part in the team participating in the Econometric Game hosted by the VSAE of the University of Amsterdam. Such experiences allowed me to work alongside practitioners and they represented a starting point to expand my network of contacts. In May 2021, I started an internship in the Risk Management of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, the Italian institution that cooperates with the Ministry of Economy to boost the nation's economic growth, supporting innovation and competitiveness. My area pertains to the assessment of portfolio exposure to market and liquidity risks, production of periodic reports for the Supervisory Bodies, impact analysis of new business lines and development of related hedging strategies. I would recommend to anyone interested in the quantitative-financial field to apply to the MSc in Finance and Banking, since it creates a competitive advantage for students, and it prepares them for the job market with career meetings and activities."
