Obiettivi Formativi
OBIETTIVI FORMATIVI: Lo scopo del corso è quello di introdurre gli studenti al ragionamento strategico mediante lo studio della teoria dei giochi ed applicare questo strumento all'analisi della competizione tra imprese. In particolare, svilupperemo gli ingredienti basilari della teoria dei giochi non cooperativi e le nozioni di equilibrio appropriate ai diversi contesti. Infine studieremo come applicare questi strumenti alla progettazione di politiche pubbliche a contrasto
Alla fine del corso gli studenti dovrebbero essere in grado di comprendere e applicare l'approccio logico della teoria dei giochi all’analisi del contesto strategico in cui le imprese operano. Studieremo le condotte anti-concorrenziali e le politiche pubbliche a contrasto.
Alla fine del corso gli studenti dovrebbero essere in grado di identificare autonomamente condotte potenzialmente anti-concorrenziali.
Alla fine del corso gli studenti dovrebbero essere in grado di comporre un quadro normativo e suggerire interventi e strumenti utili al contrasto.
Alla fine del corso gli studenti dovrebbero essere in grado di analizzare condotte di mercato e preparare delle presentazioni per discuterne gli effetti sulla concorrenza.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: the aim of this course is to introduce students to strategic reasoning through a formal training in game theory and a parallel set of lectures on applications to competition policy. Specifically, we will formally introduce the basic ingredients of non cooperative games and a number of equilibrium concepts used to solve them. These will be applied to studying strategic interaction among firms and to design incentive schemes to achieve a number of basic public policy goals.
At the end of the Course students should be able to understand and apply the logical approach of game theory to analyse the strategic environment that firms face in regime of oligopoly. In particular, we will study anti-competitive conducts put forth by firms and public policies to address them. Emphasis will be given to the role of algorithms and digital markets such as search engines, social media or online marketplaces.
At the end of the Course students should be able to apply the knowledge to identify potential anti-competitive practices.
Given a firm's conduct, the student should be able to (i) sketch its overall impact on economic surplus and its redistributive impact on the individual surplus of the parties involved and (ii) suggest potential interventions.
At the end of the course students should be able to analyse market practices and prepare presentations to discuss their effects on competition.
Learning Objectives
LEARNING OUTCOMES: the aim of this course is to introduce students to strategic reasoning through a formal training in game theory and a parallel set of lectures on applications to competition policy. Specifically, we will formally introduce the basic ingredients of non cooperative games and a number of equilibrium concepts used to solve them. These will be applied to studying strategic interaction among firms and to design incentive schemes to achieve a number of basic public policy goals.
At the end of the Course students should be able to understand and apply the logical approach of game theory to analyse the strategic environment that firms face in regime of oligopoly. In particular, we will study anti-competitive conducts put forth by firms and public policies to address them.
At the end of the Course students should be able to apply the knowledge to identify potential anti-competitive practices.
Given a firm's conduct, the student should be able to (i) sketch its overall impact on economic surplus and its redistributive impact on the individual surplus of the parties involved and (ii) suggest potential interventions.
At the end of the course students should be able to analyse market practices and prepare presentations to discuss their effects on competition.
Teoria dei Giochi (prima parte del corso)
Game Theory (first part of the course)
Questo corso mira a fornire una comprensione teorica e pratica delle principali
relative all'organizzazione industriale e alla politica di concorrenza. Utilizzando concetti di
base nella teoria dei giochi, il corso studia l'interazione strategica tra imprese in mercati
imperfettamente competitivi, le fonti del potere di mercato, la logica e l'impatto della politica
di concorrenza. Le lezioni frontali faranno uso di strumenti analitici, esempi pratici e casi di
Che cos'è "Mercati e strategie"?
Aziende, consumatori e mercato
Modello Bertrand standard
Cournot Competition
Sostituti strategici vs complementi strategici
Modello Stackelberg
Fonti di potere di mercato
Differenziazione del prodotto
Differenziazione orizzontale del prodotto
Un modello di posizione semplice
Il modello lineare di Hotelling
Il modello Quadratic Hotelling
Differenziazione verticale del prodotto
Teoria della politica di concorrenza
Cartelli e tacita collusione:
Sostenibilità di Tacit Collusion
Collusione e contatto multimercato
Rilevare e combattere la collusione: programmi di trattamento favorevole
Fusioni orizzontali
Redditività delle concentrazioni semplici di Cournot
Fusioni tra più imprese
Efficienza aumentando le fusioni
Analisi del benessere delle fusioni di Cournot
Incumbent strategici ed entrata
Strategie che influenzano le variabili della domanda
Proliferazione del marchio
Limitare i prezzi in Informazioni complete
Limitare i prezzi in Informazioni incomplete
Tutorials / Esertitazioni
This course aims at providing a theoretical and practical understanding of main
issues in
industrial organization and competition policy. Using basic concepts in game theory, the
course studies the strategic interaction among firms in imperfectly competitive markets, the
sources of market power, and rationale and impact of competition policy. Lectures will
make use of analytical tools; practical examples will be provided throughout. A number of
case studies are discussed.
Topics covered:
What are 'Markets and Strategies'?
Firms, consumers and the market
Standard Bertrand Model
Cournot Competition
Strategic substitutes vs strategic complements
Stackelberg model
Sources of Market Power
Product differentiation
Horizontal product differentiation
A simple location model
The linear Hotelling model
The Quadratic Hotelling Model
Vertical product differentiation
Theory of Competition Policy
Cartels and tacit collusion
Sustainability of Tacit Collusion
Collusion and multimarket contact
Detecting and fighting collusion: leniency programs
Horizontal mergers
Profitability of simple Cournot Mergers
Mergers between several firms
Efficiency increasing mergers
Welfare Analysis of Cournot mergers
Strategic incumbents and entry
Strategies Affecting Demand variables
Brand Proliferation
Limit Pricing under Complete information
Limit Pricing under Incomplete information
Testi Adottati
Cabral Luis M. B. (2017). Introduction to Industrial Organization, 2nd Edition, MIT
Press, Cambridge, MA.
Cabral Luis M. B. (2017). Introduction to Industrial Organization, 2nd Edition, MIT
Press, Cambridge, MA.
Belleflamme, Paul and Martin Peitz, (2015). Industrial
Organization Markets and Strategies, 2nd Edition, Cambridge University Press.
Motta Massimo (2014), Competition Policy: Theory and Practice, Cambridge University
website: slides ed esercizi
Belleflamme, Paul and Martin Peitz, (2015). Industrial
Organization Markets and Strategies, 2nd Edition, Cambridge University Press.
Motta Massimo (2014), Competition Policy: Theory and Practice, Cambridge University
website: slides ed esercizi
Modalità di svolgimento
Lezioni frontali di due ore corredate da esercitaizioni.
Teaching methods
NEW: The course consists of lectures and exercise sessions.
OLD:The course comprises lectures and seminars.
Regolamento Esame
Esame scritto composto da due sezioni. Nella prima sezione si farà riferimento alla teoria
con dimande a risposta aperta. Nella seconda sezione si testerà la capacità del candidato
di risolvere eseercizi e di illustrare i modelli teorici studiati in classe con il linguaggio della
Exam Rules
The exam is written and it lasts 1.5 hours. It is potentially composed of different sections.
The first section is theoretical: the candidate is required to answer concisely questions on
the course material with short essays. The second will test the candidate's knowledge of
formal models of competition using the language of mathematics by either asking to present
and discuss them or asking to solve exercises.
Obiettivi Formativi
OBIETTIVI FORMATIVI: Lo scopo del corso è quello di introdurre gli studenti al ragionamento strategico mediante lo studio della teoria dei giochi ed applicare questo strumento all'analisi della competizione tra imprese. In particolare, svilupperemo gli ingredienti basilari della teoria dei giochi non cooperativi e le nozioni di equilibrio appropriate ai diversi contesti. Infine studieremo come applicare questi strumenti alla progettazione di politiche pubbliche a contrasto
Alla fine del corso gli studenti dovrebbero essere in grado di comprendere e applicare l'approccio logico della teoria dei giochi all’analisi del contesto strategico in cui le imprese operano. Studieremo le condotte anti-concorrenziali e le politiche pubbliche a contrasto.
Alla fine del corso gli studenti dovrebbero essere in grado di identificare autonomamente condotte potenzialmente anti-concorrenziali.
Alla fine del corso gli studenti dovrebbero essere in grado di comporre un quadro normativo e suggerire interventi e strumenti utili al contrasto.
Alla fine del corso gli studenti dovrebbero essere in grado di analizzare condotte di mercato e preparare delle presentazioni per discuterne gli effetti sulla concorrenza.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: the aim of this course is to introduce students to strategic reasoning through a formal training in game theory and a parallel set of lectures on applications to competition policy. Specifically, we will formally introduce the basic ingredients of non cooperative games and a number of equilibrium concepts used to solve them. These will be applied to studying strategic interaction among firms and to design incentive schemes to achieve a number of basic public policy goals.
At the end of the Course students should be able to understand and apply the logical approach of game theory to analyse the strategic environment that firms face in regime of oligopoly. In particular, we will study anti-competitive conducts put forth by firms and public policies to address them. Emphasis will be given to the role of algorithms and digital markets such as search engines, social media or online marketplaces.
At the end of the Course students should be able to apply the knowledge to identify potential anti-competitive practices.
Given a firm's conduct, the student should be able to (i) sketch its overall impact on economic surplus and its redistributive impact on the individual surplus of the parties involved and (ii) suggest potential interventions.
At the end of the course students should be able to analyse market practices and prepare presentations to discuss their effects on competition.
Learning Objectives
LEARNING OUTCOMES: the aim of this course is to introduce students to strategic reasoning through a formal training in game theory and a parallel set of lectures on applications to competition policy. Specifically, we will formally introduce the basic ingredients of non cooperative games and a number of equilibrium concepts used to solve them. These will be applied to studying strategic interaction among firms and to design incentive schemes to achieve a number of basic public policy goals.
At the end of the Course students should be able to understand and apply the logical approach of game theory to analyse the strategic environment that firms face in regime of oligopoly. In particular, we will study anti-competitive conducts put forth by firms and public policies to address them.
At the end of the Course students should be able to apply the knowledge to identify potential anti-competitive practices.
Given a firm's conduct, the student should be able to (i) sketch its overall impact on economic surplus and its redistributive impact on the individual surplus of the parties involved and (ii) suggest potential interventions.
At the end of the course students should be able to analyse market practices and prepare presentations to discuss their effects on competition.
Teoria dei Giochi (prima parte del corso)
Game Theory (first part of the course)
Questo corso mira a fornire una comprensione teorica e pratica delle principali questioni relative all'organizzazione industriale e alla politica di concorrenza. Utilizzando concetti di base nella teoria dei giochi, il corso studia l'interazione strategica tra imprese in mercati imperfettamente competitivi, le fonti del potere di mercato, la logica e l'impatto della politica di concorrenza. Le lezioni frontali faranno uso di strumenti analitici, esempi pratici e casi di studio.
Cap. 1. Che cos'è "Mercati e strategie"?
Chp 2. Aziende, consumatori e mercato
Cap 3: 3.1.1: Modello Bertrand standard
3.2.1 Cournot Competition
3.4 Sostituti strategici vs complementi strategici
Chp: 4: 4.1: modello Stackelberg
Lettura: cap. 1,2.Chp. 3.1.1; 3.2.1; 3.4; ; 4.1.1
Parte III Fonti di potere di mercato
Cap. 5. Differenziazione del prodotto
Differenziazione orizzontale del prodotto
5.2.1 Un modello di posizione semplice
5.2.2 Il modello lineare di Hotelling
5.2.3. Il modello Quadratic Hotelling
5.3.1. Differenziazione verticale del prodotto
Lettura: cap. 5.1 .; 5-2-1; 5.2.3. 5.3.1.
Parte VI Teoria della politica di concorrenza
Cap 14. Cartelli e tacita collusione:
14. 2: Sostenibilità di Tacit Collusion
14.2.3 Collusione e contatto multimercato
14.3: Rilevare e combattere la collusione: programmi di trattamento favorevole
Presentazioni di gruppo: casi di cartello della Commissione europea
Lettura: cap. 14.2; 14.2.1; 14.2.2; 14.2.4 (semplificato; vedi diapositive); 14.2.5 (semplificato; vedi diapositive); 14.3.1; 14.3.2 (solo programmi di trattamento favorevole / nessuna matematica)
Cap 15. Fusioni orizzontali
15.1 Redditività delle concentrazioni semplici di Cournot
15.1.2: Fusioni tra più imprese
15.1.3: Efficienza aumentando le fusioni
15.2: Analisi del benessere delle fusioni di Cournot
Lettura: cap. 15.1.1; 15.1.2; 15.1.3 (no matematica); 15.2 (no matematica)
Cap. 16. Incumbent strategici ed entrata
Chp 16.3 Strategie che influenzano le variabili della domanda:
Proliferazione del marchio
16.4 Limitare i prezzi in Informazioni complete
Limitare i prezzi in Informazioni incomplete
Lettura: cap. 16.3 .; 16.3.1, 16.3.2; 16,4
Conferenza di revisione
Tutorial / Seminari/ Esertitazioni
This course aims at providing a theoretical and practical understanding of main issues in industrial organization and competition policy. Using basic concepts in game theory, the course studies the strategic interaction among firms in imperfectly competitive markets, the sources of market power, and rationale and impact of competition policy. Lectures will make use of analytical tools; practical examples will be provided throughout. A number of case studies are discussed.
Chp 1. What is 'Markets and Strategies'?
Chp 2. Firms, consumers and the market
Chp 3: 3.1.1: Standard Bertrand Model
3.2.1 Cournot Competition
3.4 Strategic substitutes vs strategic complements
Chp: 4:4.1: Stackelberg model
Reading: Chp. 1,2.Chp. 3.1.1; 3.2.1;3.4; ;4.1.1
Part III. Sources of Market Power
Chp 5. Product differentiation
Horizontal product differentiation
5.2.1 A simple location model
5.2.2 The linear Hotelling model
5.2.3. The Quadratic Hotelling Model
5.3.1. Vertical product differentiation
Reading: Chp. 5.1.; 5-2-1; 5.2.3. 5.3.1.
Part VI. Theory of Competition Policy:
Chp 14. Cartels and tacit collusion:
14. 2: Sustainability of Tacit Collusion
14.2.3 Collusion and multimarket contact
14.3: Detecting and fighting collusion: leniency programs
Group Presentations: European commission cartel cases
Reading: Chp. 14.2; 14.2.1; 14.2.2; 14.2.4 (simplified; see slides); 14.2.5 (simplified; see slides); 14.3.1; 14.3.2 (only leniency programs/no maths)
Chp 15. Horizontal mergers
15.1 Profitability of simple Cournot Mergers
15.1.2: Mergers between several firms
15.1.3: Efficiency increasing mergers
15.2: Welfare Analysis of Cournot mergers
Reading: Chp. 15.1.1; 15.1.2; 15.1.3 (no maths); 15.2 (no maths)
Chp 16. Strategic incumbents and entry Week 5 (6hrs)
Chp 16.3 Strategies Affecting Demand variables:
Brand Proliferation
16.4 Limit Pricing under Complete information
Limit Pricing under Incomplete information
Reading: Chp. 16.3.; 16.3.1, 16.3.2; 16.4
Revision lecture
Testi Adottati
Belleflamme, Paul and Martin Peitz, (2015) Universität Mannheim, Germany Industrial Organization Markets and Strategies, 2nd Edition Cambridge University Press
Belleflamme, Paul and Martin Peitz, (2015) Universität Mannheim, Germany Industrial Organization Markets and Strategies, 2nd Edition Cambridge University Press
Motta Massimo (2014), Competition Policy: Theory and Practice, Cambridge University Press.
website: slides ed esercizi
Motta Massimo (2014), Competition Policy: Theory and Practice, Cambridge University Press.
Modalità di svolgimento
Lezioni frontali di due ore corredate da esercitaizioni.
Teaching methods
The course comprises lectures and seminars.
Regolamento Esame
Esame scritto composto da due sezioni. Nella prima sezione si farà riferimento alla teoria con dimande a risposta aperta. Nella seconda sezione si testerà la capacità del candidato di risolvere eseercizi e di illustrare i modelli teorici studiati in classe con il linguaggio della matematica.
Exam Rules
The exam is written and it lasts 1.5 hours. It is potentially composed of different sections.
The first section is theoretical: the candidate is required to answer concisely questions on the course material with short essays. The second will test the candidate's knowledge of formal models of competition using the language of mathematics by either asking to present and discuss them or asking to solve exercises.