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Skills Assessment

The best way to secure a successful entry into the workforce or a postgraduate programme is to be prepared to take the next step. One of the most useful tools is a skills evaluation that allows you to assess which jobs could best suit your interests and be appropriate according to your skills, knowledge level and propensities. To make sure you are headed in the right direction, you might want to consider completing a personal skills assessment form.


Writing an Excellent CV

Once you have determined the specific sector you are interested in pursuing, it is time to update your curriculum vitae. It will be necessary to follow some general guidelines for what to include and how to cater the information to make the best impression with your employer through this document. Using an online template can be of help to have a professional format that is easy to update. When applying for a job, you should tailor the information as much as possible to ensure that you highlight your particular skills that are needed to fill a specific position. Your covering letter can be an excellent opportunity to convince your potential employer to concede an interview, this is an opportunity where you can further explain the information on your CV and make a first impression that truly captivates your employer’s interest. Here is an EEBL presentation on how to write a CV and motivation letter.

Preparing for Interviews

In order to present yourself in the best possible way, it is advisable to arrive with a positive mindset and fully ready for each interview. Make sure you prepare properly for each interview and keep in mind that although your answers might be different, the interview questions that you will be asked will often be the same from company to company. Remember that networking increases your chances of meeting other professionals in your field, as well as the number of companies or institutions where you could potentially find work. EEBL offers a career skills seminar each year to help students prepare for the interview process.