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Regolamento esame

Two written exams:


  • Written exam on the I PART 50% of the final grade. Minimum qualifying grade required to get credits: 18/30.
  • Written exam on II PART 50% of the final grade. Minimum qualifying grade required to get credits: 18/30.

Exam length on each part: 1 hour and 15 minutes.

  • These two exams can be taken in two different exam sessions, but  in the same Academic Year.

The final grade is the arithmetic mean of the 2 grades.


For further details, SEE files Presentation #0 and Syllabus, available online on the Teaching Material page (section: Common files). 

Attending students are expected to give a presentation on an assigned topic, granting 20% of the final grade. See Presentation #0 and the Syllabus for details. 


Erasmus students

If you plan to take this course abroad, please be aware of the following:


  • Economics of European Integration & Economic Integration of Structural Reforms is a unique course granting 12 ECTS.
  • In general this course does not have a corresponding course in any of the host university, therefore  for formal academic recognition of this course taken abroad you have to find one or more courses which are similar in terms of contents.
  • It is your responsibility to look at the course content summary and find possible matches with the courses taught at the host university.
  • Recall that this is a course for graduate students, therefore the courses you will choose must be for Master students or for fourth-year undergraduate students.
  • Once you have found a list of possible corresponding courses, you can contact me by e-mail and attach all the relevant information I need to verify whether the courses you plan to take are eligible or not for validation.
  • In the case I approve the course (in the sense that I declare that the course according to its contents could be eligible for validation), fill in the form provided by the Erasmus office and pop in my office for the signature. Validation of an exam taken abroad is the final outcome of an administrative procedure that requires the respect of specific and formal standards in the lack of which recognition cannot be granted. Students must always refer to the Erasmus Office,  to the Students Administrative Office (Segreteria Studenti) and to the Programme Office and verify with them if all these standards are met.