Placement opportunities for EEBL graduates
A degree earned from the University of Rome Tor Vergata is a solid foundation for a successful career in various professional spheres. As the equivalent to a Master of Science degree in European Studies, EEBL allows graduates to work in institutions and international organisations, companies in Italy and abroad, and with the Italian public administration. The programme also provides an excellent base for those who wish to pursue doctoral studies and research at prestigious institutions.
Recent data from AlmaLaurea shows placement prospects from past graduates as well as the opinions of graduating students.

Tools for success
The EEBL Programme Office organizes initiatives throughout each academic year which can strengthen students’ skills, widen their professional network and provide direction on how to advance in specific sectors relating to their path of study. With guidance from the Programme Coordinator, supportive staff and international guest speakers, EEBL students are able to hone their competences and prepare for entry into the workforce.

EEBL Alumni
Many graduates of EEBL have found academic or professional opportunities that they are proud of, and they are happy to share their experiences and advice with other EEBL students. What can EEBL graduates achieve in the work force as professionals or academically as PhD. candidates? EEBL alumni have personal experiences from which we can find inspiration for success. Here are a few of our alumni who wanted to share their stories.