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Learning Objectives

The course illustrates the topics and techniques underlying the management of portfolios for intermediaries and investors operating in the stock and bond markets. The theoretical portfolio models reported in the finance books are only the starting point of the course focused, instead, on the management practice. At the end of the course the student will be able to correctly perform the different phases of the decision-making process of portfolio construction: definition of objectives, formulation of forecasts, development of investment strategies and performance measurement.

Students will develop knowledge of the main portfolio construction models.

Students will be able to choose amoung different asset allocation and product selection models when they will be called to apply them in activities such as property portfolio management and investment advice.

Students will be able to judge which portfolio construction model is best suited in different financial institutions.

Students will learn the asset management glossary, thus being able to discuss investment models and solutions in the broadest financial fields.

Students will be able to evaluate which portfolio construction models have the necessary characteristics in order to be used for the creation of rational and reasonable investment solutions.


Good knowledge of financial mathematics tools


(Settimana #1)
1. Le fasi delle gestione di portafoglio:
- Asset Allocation Strategica
- Asset Allocation Tattica
- Stock/Bond Selection
2. Il benchmark: natura ed utilizzi
(Settimana #2, 3 e 4)
3. L’Asset Allocation Strategica:
- I Portafogli Naive
- Il Modello di Markowitz
- I limiti del Modello di Markowitz
- Il problema degli Errori di Stima
- Tecniche Euristiche: vincoli di peso e ricampionamento
- Tecniche Bayesiane: Modello di Black-Litterman
(Settimana #5)
4. L'Asset Allocation Tattica
(Settimana #6)
5. La valutazione della performance dei fondi comuni di investimento:
- Gli indicatori di rischio
- La gestione di fondi comuni: il ruolo del benchmark nelle gestioni attive e passive
- Le misure di risk adjusted performance
-La valutazione dello stile di gestione: la return based style analysis


Scherer, B., “Portfolio Construction and Risk Budgeting”, Risk Books



Teaching methods

The lessons of the course will be held in a computer room.
After the theoretical analysis of each topic, practical exercises will follow.

Exam Rules

The exam is oral and is structured as follows:
- the candidate will be asked three questions;
- the questions can be both theoretical and practical (exercises aimed at verifying the ability to know how to apply theoretical concepts);
- each question will be given a score of thirty and the final grade will be given by the arithmetic average of the scores, rounded to the nearest integer;
- in case the student can aspire to laude, a further question will be formulated.

The student can repeat the exam in every single exam session.

Criteria for formulating the judgment expressed out of thirty:
- Fail (<18/30): significant deficiencies and/or inaccuracies in knowledge and understanding
of the topics; limited analysis and synthesis skills, frequent generalizations.
- 18-20: just minimun knowledge and understanding of the topics with significant
imperfections; Sufficient analytical, synthesis and independent judgment skills.
- 21-23: Knowledge and understanding of routine topics; Correct analysis and synthesis
skills with coherent logical argumentation.
- 24-26: Fair knowledge and understanding of the topics; good analytical and synthesis
skills with rigorously expressed arguments.
- 27-29: Complete knowledge and understanding of the topics; remarkable analytical and
synthesis skills. Good independent judgement.
- 30-30L: Excellent level of knowledge and understanding of the topics. Remarkable
analytical and synthesis skills and independent judgement. Arguments expressed in an
original way.

A written exam is also provided for students attending classes.