Student authentication

Is it the first time you are entering this system?
Use the following link to activate your id and create your password.
»  Create / Recover Password


Learning Objectives

What does the academic program aim to teach students?

The Program aims to prepare graduates who must:

- Possess a good theoretical and practical knowledge of quantitative, mathematical, statistical and econometric methodologies and tools used in financial economics.

- Have acquired the skills necessary to identify and address specific problems in the financial field such as the measurement, analysis and management of risk in its various meanings (market, credit, etc.) and the valuation and management of portfolios and financial products.

- Have acquired the legal skills necessary to work in the economic-financial sector.

- Have knowledge of programming techniques necessary for practical implementation of models and data analysis.

- Be able to operate in the economic-financial sector using the English language fluently.

The Program trains risk managers, traders, asset managers, quantitative analysts, financial software experts, chief corporate responsibility officers who can work in banks, trading companies, companies that manage pension funds, insurance companies, information providers focused on building dedicated management applications.

For the purpose of achieving these objectives, the degree program offers a curriculum in which the courses in the first year include introductory teachings in Mathematics and Statistics, characterizing teachings in Economics and Finance, Business Administration as well as application tools in Computer Science.

In the second year, students following other courses in the fields of Business Economics and Law complete the course offerings by also adding three exams of the student's free choice. The Path of Study activates optional teachings in the scientific-disciplinary fields functional to pursue the learning objectives of the Program in order to offer students the opportunity to further specialize in these subjects.

In addition to the courses offered, there are various extracurricular educational activities such as national and international student competitions, computer certifications, meetings and workshops with members of the business community, and international summer courses that supplement students' preparation by providing them with cross-curricular skills.


When will the 2023/2024 application procedure be available?
Applications for the 2023/2024 a.y. will open on 1 February 2023. Students may apply for admission even if they have not yet earned/completed their Bachelor's degree. Admitted students will begin the program on 4 September 2023.

When is the application deadline for 2023/2024 a.y.?
The following dates indicate the last available day to submit the online application (i.e. the application is complete once you validate the application fee payment on the Delphi platform):
- Non-EU applicants applying for a visa: 25 May 2023
- EU applicants, non-EU applicants who reside in Italy, non-EU applicants holding an Italian degree and a valid residence permit: 28 July 2023

Is there a limit on the number of students admitted?
No, the course is characterized by open access with an assessment of personal competencies, i.e., online application + Skype interview for eligible candidates.
Please note that candidates must have acquired mathematics, economics, and statistics knowledge at the undergraduate level. For an idea of the appropriate level of knowledge, you may consult the following material: https://economia.uniroma2.it/public/finance/files/EntranceQualificationMSCFB_mathstat.pdf

Can I apply if I have not completed my undergraduate degree? 
Yes, you can submit your application before the conferral of your degree. We will accept and evaluate your dossier.

How do I apply?
Applicants are required to complete the online form and upload the required documents. Then, the suitable candidates will be invited to an interview to assess their preparation. Here you can find the application procedure.

Is there a minimum GPA requirement?
Yes, the minimum GPA requirement is 80%.

What application material is required?
Applications must be submitted through the online application form with the following documents:
-Scanned copy of a valid Passport or ID Card only for EU students
- Bachelor's Official Transcript of Exams: you must upload the official document issued by the university, in Italian or in English, that contains the name of the university, the bachelor's program, and the list of the exams and grades achieved.
- Curriculum Vitae in English.

Will I be notified of any missing application materials?
No. You are responsible for ensuring that your application is submitted with all the required components.

Is an English language certificate required?
No, your knowledge of English will be assessed at the Skype interview. However, you may choose to submit the certificate to supplement your application.

Is GRE or GMAT score required?
No standardized test scores are required. However, you may submit GRE or GMAT scores to supplement your application.

Is this Program meant for students with undergraduate studies in Economics?
For admission to the MSc in Finance and Banking, candidates must have acquired knowledge of mathematics, economics and statistics at the first-cycle graduate level (Economics, Business, Mathematics, Statistics, Engineering or Physics, or similar subjects).
The suitable candidates will be invited to an interview to assess their preparation.

How can I be better prepared for the Skype Interview?
To be better prepared for the interview, candidates may consult the following material: https://economia.uniroma2.it/public/finance/files/EntranceQualificationMSCFB_mathstat.pdf

Is there any application fee?
Yes, you will be required to pay a 30€ fee to evaluate your application.
The following categories of students are exempt from the application fee payment:
- students with a disability equal to or greater than 66%
- students who have earned a bachelor's degree at Tor Vergata University with a final grade of at least 100/110.

How do I pay the application fee through PagoPA?
1. Connect to http://utov.it/pagopa.
2. Select “Accesso anonimo” and fill in the required fields.
3. At the end of the procedure, you will receive an email from “PortaleDebitore” (check your spam folder), click on the link within 60 minutes from the time of receipt of the email.
4. Select “Pagamento con Avviso” and you will be redirected to the page where you must insert:

  • The Notification Number without blank spaces (it is on the bottom of the payment slip as Notice Code)
  • The Fiscal Code
  • Select “Cerca”

5. Select “PAY” and you will be redirected to PagoPA, click on the button “entry with email”, insert your email address.
6. Insert your payment details and select "Proceed with payment" to conclude the transaction.
7. You will receive the payment receipt by email.

How do I validate the payment and complete the submission of my application?
1. Connect to Delphi within 48 hours to validate the payment and complete the application.
2. Select Box 2 "You have already filled out an application".
3. Insert your Fiscal Code and CTRL code, which are both on your application request.
4. Select "Request validation".

When and how are applicants notified about admission decisions?
Once the online application has been submitted, the members of the Admission Board verify if the candidate meets the entry requirements on a rolling base. Only eligible candidates will be contacted by email to schedule the interview according to the application schedule available on the Call for Applications. The Admission Board will communicate the result (Admitted/Rejected) by e-mail two weeks after the interview.

Pre-enrollment and enrollment

I received the Acceptance Letter. What should I do now?
Once admitted applicants have received the Acceptance Letter, they must send an email to the Finance&Banking Admissions Office admissions_f&b@economia.uniroma2.it to communicate their decision to confirm (or forego) enrollment in our program.

Can I defer my acceptance until next year or later?
It is not possible to defer the acceptance. If you wish to delay your studies for a year or more, you will need to resubmit the application again.

I am Italian and have been admitted, but I have not yet obtained a Bachelor's degree (Laurea Triennale). What should I do now? 
Admitted students who have not yet earned a Bachelor's Degree (Laurea Triennale) are allowed to attend classes starting in September if they graduate by the autumn session; immediately following graduation, they must enroll in our program by the enrollment deadline (early November).

When can I enroll in the MSc in Finance and Banking?
Enrollment begins on August 2023, and the deadline is 6 November 2023:
- admitted students with a foreign degree applying for a visa before enrolling must complete pre-enrollment through the Universitaly portal (pre-enrollment deadline 31 July 2023), and at that time, must upload the Statement of Comparability by CIMEA of the Bachelor's degree, which allows students to enroll in a Master of Science Degree in Italy. Please be aware that to enroll in a Master of Science in Italy, at least 15 years of education are requested (elementary school + middle school + high school + bachelor's degree). 
- EU admitted students and all admitted students with an Italian degree must earn the Bachelor's degree by our enrollment deadline (6 November 2023).

I am a first-year student; must I renew my enrollment for the second year?
Students must renew their enrollment through the online procedure on Delphi (you do not need to go to the Students Administrative Office). The procedure is available via Delphi if you are in compliance with the university fees of the previous academic year. To conclude the registration, you must validate the payment on Delphi.
If you are a non-EU student with a residence permit before proceeding with the enrollment in the second year, you must first upload a copy of a valid residence permit into Delphi and then go to the Students Administrative Office by presenting the residence permit. Only after this step will you be able to validate the payment and access all the services for the new academic year.

Program Structure

Where can I find the Program curriculum?
The sample program curriculum is available here.

How long is the Program?
The MSc in Finance and Banking is a full time two-year program (4 semesters).

At what times will classes be offered?
Classes will be offered during the day and evening. Consult the Timetable.

Is the Program offered in an on-campus or distance format?
The program is offered on-campus.

Is possible to attend the Program from the second semester?
No, it is not possible. All students must attend the program starting from the First Semester (September).

During your academic career

When does the program start for 1st-year students?
The program usually starts at the beginning of September. In the first module of the first semester, students must follow the Mathematics and Statistics courses.
Regarding statistics, students have a pre-course in Statistics during the first two weeks of the program.

Is the pre-course in Statistics mandatory?
No, but attendance is highly recommended to review important concepts before beginning the course.

Which is the teaching method?
The program is offered on campus.

What is Delphi?
Delphi is the Tor Vergata student platform where students can register for online courses, access exam registrations and results, e-transcripts, tuition fee payments, and find information regarding other available services.

How do I activate the university email address and Office 365?
1. Access the Delphi page and enter your personal area.
2. Once logged in select, under ‘Other Services’, ‘Activate Other Services’.
3. At this point you are directed to a page with the Services provided, where you can simply click on Microsoft Office 365 Activation.
4. In the new screen, select First Activation / Reset Password.
5. At this point, depending on whether you are a current student or an ex-student (alumni), select the first or second item respectively.
6. Choose a password and click on Confirm data.

How do I activate Office365?
1. Connect to the Office 365 login page.
2. The Microsoft portal for Office 365 will appear; simply enter the e-mail address you created.
3. You will automatically be directed to another login page, where you must repeat your e-mail address and password.
4. Once logged in, it will be possible to use the Office 365 Apps online directly via the web or by clicking on the “Install Office 2016” button to install the version of the Office package on your PC.

I have problems with my university e-mail address; who should I contact?
You can request support at office365@supporto.uniroma2.it.

I am a 1st-year student, how can I access course web pages for the first time?
1. Open the Finance and Banking website
2. Click on LOGIN (on the top left of the webpage)
3. Select Create/Recover password
4. Once logged in, students can sign up for their courses via each course's individual website.

How can I keep up to date on course activities?
Students must add each course they will attend to “My Courses” to receive professors’ notices.

Where can I find each course’s teaching material?
Students can find the teaching material uploaded by each professor in the section “Teaching material” which is available on each course’s webpage. If the material is reserved, it is necessary to insert your student number and password.

When can I take elective courses?
Electives can be chosen from all available courses, beginning from the second semester of the first year of study. Students must take three elective courses during their studies: we suggest you attend one elective course during the second semester of the first year and two during the second year to be eligible for all prize opportunities.

If I need a certificate, where can I find it?
To request necessary certificates, access Delphi. The online service can provide the following certificates: Enrollment Certificate, Enrollment Certificate with exams, and Historical Certificate. Otherwise, you can request the certificates from the Student Administrative Office.


How are the exams?
Exams can be written, oral, an assignment, or a combination of these assessments. Written exams may consist of essays or multiple-choice questions and are made available to students after the evaluation. Oral tests are public.

How to take the exams?
In order to sit an exam, it is mandatory to register online, through Delphi. The exam dates for each course are posted on the course's web page.

How many exam dates per year are there?
Each course of the MSc in Finance and Banking will offer five chances per year to sit the examination.
In particular, the five chances are scheduled as follows:

  • one exam in the break just after the end of lectures
  • one exam in the exam session after the end of the semester
  • one exam in the Autumn Session
  • two exam dates in the remaining exam session. In this session, students are allowed to sit the exam only once.

Please find the exam dates on the webpage of each course. Remember to select the correct academic year when you register for the exam; choose the academic year of the exam that corresponds to that in which you took the course.

When are the exam sessions?
At the end of each module, students have the first possibility to take the exam of the course that was just completed.
During the Winter Exam Session (January/February) there is one call for 1st-semester courses and two calls for 2nd-semester courses. For the Summer Exam Session (June/July) there are two calls for 1st-semester courses and one call for 2nd-semester courses. The Autumn Exam Session (September) includes one call for both 1st- and 2nd-semester courses.

Is it possible to sit exams on every date of the examination session?
In general, students can take exams during different sessions. In some courses students are allowed to sit the exam only for a certain number of attempts, so carefully read the exam rules of each course.

How do I book exams?
To take exams, students must book through Delphi: https://delphi.uniroma2.it/totem/jsp/index.jsp.
1. Select Enter in the “Personal Page” section
2. Enter Matricola and Password
3. Once logged in, select, under Examinations, Examination Bookings
4. Choose the exam you wish to book
5. Fill out the course evaluation questionnaire
6. After booking you will receive a confirmation email

It is possible to do so from 30 days before the date of the exam to 4 days before.

Is it possible to cancel an exam booking?
Yes, it is possible to delete the booking up to four days before the exam in Delphi.

How do grades work in Italy?
In Italian universities, grades are given on the basis of 30 points: 18 is the lowest passing grade (sufficiency), and 30 is the highest grade. In the event of particularly outstanding performance, a “lode” can be assigned, and the grade is registered as 30 cum laude (30 e lode in Delphi).

How do ECTS will be awarded?
You will be awarded the relevant course credits only if you pass an exam. Exams are usually worth 6, 9 or 12 credits. The Transcript of Records is automatically updated in Delphi each time you pass an exam. Students with credits achieved during international mobility must request grade conversion from the Erasmus Office before their exams can be registered in Delphi.

Is it possible to reject a grade?
Yes, the grade must be rejected in Delphi, during the four-day period before the grades are registered.

Guidelines and Forms


International Opportunities

How may I participate in the Dual Degree Program?
First-year students have the opportunity to spend their second year at the University of Gothenburg if they have completed at least 60 credits at Tor Vergata before they attend the courses at the host institution during their second year of study. Students have the opportunity to spend their last semester at the University of Minho if they have completed at least 78 credits at Tor Vergata. The evaluation of the candidates is made based on the students’ academic performance.

Funding does not accompany Dual Degree placement, so students are encouraged to apply for Erasmus+ funding if they intend to participate in the Dual Degree Program. The call for applications is usually published between February and March each year.

How to participate in the ARPM Bootcamp?
Second-year students, that have completed all foreseen first-year exams by 30 September, can apply for ARPM. The evaluation of the candidates is based on the weighted average of the marks in relation to the credits acquired for all of the foreseen first-year exams.

How to apply to the Erasmus+ Program?
Students must apply via the official online annual call that is published every year by the Erasmus+ Office of the School of Economics around February.
The Erasmus+ Office of the School of Economics guides students in the choice of destinations, supporting them in carrying out the necessary procedures.

How to apply for the Thesis Abroad?
Mobility can only take place in the second semester and students must apply via the official online annual call that is published every year at the link https://en.uniroma2.it/international-office/thesis-abroad/. For more information you send an email to students.exchange@international.uniroma2.it.


How can I obtain the MATLAB Certification?

Students interested in achieving this certification should follow the online MATLAB Fundamentals course, which is included in the Tor Vergata Campus License http://docs.ccd.uniroma2.it/matlab/. When students are ready to take the exam, they will be required to create a Kryterion account MathWorks Certification Program (webassessor.com), choose an available exam date and pay the exam fee.


How do I participate?
You must sign up for* and participate in the Info Day in order to access the software to prepare for certification. You must use your university email address - no exceptions will be made.

*Please note that your online registration for participation in the Open Day automatically saves your place on the list for certification. If you do not use the trial period and take the exam, you will have lost that opportunity and will not be able to register for the chosen certification a second time.

How often may I take the certification exams?
You are allowed two tries at each certification, Eikon and Datastream. If you do not pass after two times, you will no longer be eligible to sit that exam. You may sit one exam (two tries) per certification session (two per semester).

What happens if my credentials do not work properly?
Please contact msc_finance@economia.uniroma2.it as soon as possible and we will contact the Refinitiv Help Desk for you.

When will I receive my certificate?
If you pass the exam, you will receive your certificate automatically.

Services and facilities

Is there a place at the University for individual or for group work?
Students can use the School of Economics study rooms, which are located on the first and second floor of Building A (open air tables, equipped with Italian electrical outlets to charge laptops) or the School of Economics Library which is located on the ground floor of Building B.
Regarding the study rooms, is not possible to occupy a workstation without a reservation. The booking portal is: https://economia.uniroma2.it/studyspace/prenota/.

When is the library open?
Opening Times: Monday to Friday, 9.00 am to 8.00 pm.
To be updated, visit the website https://economia.uniroma2.it/biblioteca/greenpass
The consultation service (books, journals, Morningstar and Datastream datasets) is allowed by appointment only through the library app https://prenotazioni.uniroma2.it/.
Access is allowed only with a green pass COVID-19; validity will be verified at the entrance, along with the I.D.

What services are provided by the library?
The library offers printed and electronic books, online access to specialized journals and datasets (such as Datastream and Morningstar).
In the library or by proxy server, access to Moody's Analytics BankFocus (a comprehensive banking database that you can use to identify, analyze and monitor banks and other financial institutions) is available. Moreover, it is possible to consult books in person or borrow them from the library.

Is it possible to access the electronic resources when I am not at the university?
Yes, students can access some (but not all) journals and datasets using the proxy server. More details are available at the link: https://docs.ccd.uniroma2.it/connettersi-da-casa-ad-una-postazione-universitaria/.

Is a Wi-Fi connection available at the university?
Yes, regularly enrolled students have access to the Wi-Fi connection “eduroam” by entering their student number and password. Furthermore, rooms are equipped with an Italian electrical outlet to charge laptops.

How can I install the Software offered by the MSc?
The software can be downloaded using your student university credentials.
Microsoft 365:
1. Activate the account provided by the university.
2. Access the Office 365 Portal.
3. Login using the email address provided by the university.
4. Set up your account.
5. You can install Office 365 or use the apps online.
Matlab Campus License: http://economia.uniroma2.it/public/finance/files/Guide_Matlab_and_Email_1_.pdf
Stata License: https://economia.uniroma2.it/en/def/software

Where can I buy lunch and other refreshments?
Two coffee shops with meals, sandwiches, snacks and beverages are located at the School of Economics, one on the lower level of Building A (Didattica) and another on the ground floor of Building B (Ricerca). Moreover, the university also has a canteen (Via Cambridge, 115) where one can purchase food at an affordable price.

Tuition Fees, Scholarships and Financial aid

How can I monitor my university fees?
The amount of the tuition fees and their deadlines can be checked on your personal Delphi page.

How can I pay university fees?
Tuition fees can be paid only through the PagoPA payment system. To pay online via credit card through PagoPA connect to https://web.pasemplice.eu/PortaleDebitore/02008/80213750583/89B4747DB7DA/index.do.

I didn’t pay the instalment by the deadline; which is the penalty?
In case of late payment, a penalty will be automatically added to your next instalment:

  • 50 euros for payments within one month after the deadline.
  • 100 euros for payments more than one month after the deadline.

Are scholarships available to cover study expenses?

Partial Exemptions of tuition fees: Tor Vergata University of Rome offers partial exemption to students with an Italian Bachelor Degree with a final grade of at least 110/110 and to students residing in Italy outside the Lazio Region. You can find more information on the Student Guide.

LazioDisco Scholarships: international students, as well as Italian students, can apply for scholarships, accommodation and fee reductions at the student welfare service - LazioDisco. Applications are open from May until July every year. You may apply for scholarships, accommodation, fee reductions, study abroad periods (if already enrolled), and reductions in public transport fees. The amount of the scholarship depends on several factors, including your economic situation. Approximately two months after the application deadline, LazioDisco will publish the names of successful candidates. You can find more information here.

MSc Finance and Banking Prizes: the program offers study grants to the best performing students during the two years of studies, but not at the time of admission. Please note that the student prizes cannot always be offered every year, as many awards depend on annual funding of the program, which varies from year to year.
First Year Prizes: Two prizes of €2,500.00 each are available for the best students for the participation in the ARPM Bootcamp in New York (USA);
Top Graduates Prize: Three prizes of €1,500.00 each are available for students who graduate on time with a degree in MSc Finance and Banking (final grade of at least 110/110).
Please find more information here.

Costs of living in Rome

The cost of living in Italy varies a lot geographically even the costs of living in the state capital is usually higher than in other towns. The other factors affecting the costs are the place where the apartment is (downtown or surroundings) and the facilities (close by the underground or markets or supermarkets, mall, etc.). For example, an average student’s apartment in Rome would cost around € 300-500 per room per month depending on the place, facilities, renovations, etc. plus bills. In CampusX a single room in a double room apartment costs about € 550 per month fees included.

The spending budget of a student is composed of five main elements: Rent & bills, Food, Study material/books, University fees and Nights out. Therefore, what you should expect to spend in Rome in those sectors is:

  • Rent: € 300-500 for a room in an apartment of 3
  • Bills (like gas, electricity, heating): approx. € 30-70 per month/student
  • Food: if you cook you save by buying in the supermarket € 40-50 euro per week
  • University fees: will be dealt with separately here: about € 200-400 per month (paid in two/three installments each year)
  • Nights out: is something that varies from person to person, but Friday and Saturday are generally  nights out and a shot of strong drinks costs around € 5-10, a pint of beer costs around € 5-7, a bottle of wine in a pub/bar (to share with friends) € 15-20.

Therefore, we can conclude that your spending will be between € 600-900 per month, which is what the students actually spend here, according their lifestyle.

When you plan your stay, take into account that during the first months you will be spending X 2-3 times more because you’ll need to leave a security deposit for the apartment (which is usually 2-3 months’ rent), to buy some basic things for the apartment (especially if you choose one without any furniture) and on “newcomer expenses” because it will take you some time to find the less expensive supermarket etc.

Be sure that you have money for around 12-18 months when you come, even if you plan to work or get the scholarship, in order to have some security zone economically.

Useful contacts

Whom do I contact to have information regarding Admissions?

You may contact the MSc Finance and Banking Admissions Office.
Email: admissions_f&b@economia.uniroma2.it 
Phone: +39 06 72595719
Address: Building B (Ricerca), first floor, room 1A.7 

Whom do I contact to have information regarding the Program in general (academic calendar, courses, lectures timetable, extra activities, international opportunities, students’ prizes, etc.)?
You may contact the MSc Finance and Banking Program Office.
Email: msc_finance@economia.uniroma2.it
Phone: +39 06 72595744
Address: Building B (Ricerca), first floor, room 1A.8


Who is the Coordinator of the MSc in Finance and Banking?
The Coordinator is Professor Rocco Ciciretti.
Email: rocco.ciciretti@uniroma2.it
Address: Building B (Ricerca), 2nd floor, Room 44

Who is the Student Representative i.e., the student who represents the study body and attends Academic Council meetings and Quality Review meetings?
The Student Representative is Luigi Barbieri - MSc Finance and Banking Class of 2022/2023
Email: luigi.barbieri@students.uniroma2.eu

I am an Erasmus scholarship winner; who should I contact for information regarding the Exam Approval Form?
You may contact the MSc Finance and Banking Program Office msc_finance@economia.uniroma2.it

Whom should I contact to solve administrative issues such as taxes and contributions, enrolment procedures, registration in academic years following the first year, etc.?
The Students' Administrative Office of the School of Economics is responsible for students’ administrative issues.
Email: segreteria-studenti@economia.uniroma2.it
Address: Via Columbia, 2 - Building B, Ground Floor
Office hours: Mon and Fri 9 am-12 pm, Wed 9 am-12 pm and 2-4 pm
For urgent matters, you may contact the MSc Finance and Banking Program Office.