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Discover here all the available Open Days our BSc course and University offer during the year!


 OPEN DAY 10 July 2024 afternoon


On the afternoon of 10 July 2024 we are waiting for you for the last orientation appointment of the University for the presentation of the training offer of the 6 Areas (Economics, Law, Engineering, Humanities and Philosophy, Medicine and Surgery, Sciences MM.FF.NN.) .

During the event, each Area will have a dedicated room with information desks and in-depth activities.

Students will be able to listen to the presentations and then go to the room dedicated to the area of ​​their interest where they will find teachers and tutors available for further information or clarifications on the individual three-year and single-cycle master's degree courses.  

Furthermore, information stands will be available on University services (fees, scholarships, accommodation and opportunities for students).

Reservation is mandatory:



OPEN DOORS in presence

on Wednesday, March 15, 2023 from 09:30 to 13:00

We are waiting for you! 

Where: University of Rome "Tor Vergata" - Faculty of Economics - (Building A - Ground floor) - Columbia St., 2 - 00133 Rome

For reservations and more information click here


on Tuesday, January 17, 2023 on Microsoft TEAMS at 3:00 pm

The University of Rome "Tor Vergata" is ready to welcome you and offer its support. 

Are you a 3rd, 4th or 5th year student and the time has come to start thinking about university? The presentation of the Economics educational offerings will be held.

For reservations and more information click here