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Learning Objectives

This course aims at offering a comprehensive view of the entrepreneurial process, so understanding how entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial ideas can be stimulated, formulated, how can then be turned into structured business model and finally into businesses and start-ups. This aim is fulfilled through an experiential learning approach that allows the application of tools and analytical techniques for developing a new venture or new business idea, strategizing a business model, and acting entrepreneurially. The prominent role of entrepreneurship in any organizational or social unit has been well-documented and in the bulk-eye for years from business people and politicians and policy-maker. So, why does Europe, and thus Italy and other European countries still struggle in such matters? The comparison with U.S. or other global leader country shows that Europe as a top player in relation to inventions and scientific development but lags behind in concretize those in viable businesses and profitable initiative.
This calls for a renewed attention to students and the whole higher education system, that may form future generations of entrepreneurs. Having a brilliant idea can be a common thing but creating and growing a new venture around this or implement it in an organizational setting is a task that few individuals are able to accomplish. The entrepreneurship and innovation module has been designed in a way that students be stimulated to act more innovatively and being change agent of established realities or to pursue careers as owner/managers, foundation of new venture.

A complex conceptual domain of analysis emerges from a closer look at the entrepreneurial process, demonstrating inherent interdependences with other subject areas, with an undeniable practical orientation, opening up to exciting theoretical and empirical discoveries and debates.
This implies the necessity of a basic theoretical scaffolding to increase knowledge and understanding of students about relevant tools for entrepreneurship and business ideas creations. However, beyond this, a holistic and personal development is expected to take place directly in the personal students’ sphere and this is an even more important outcome. As a matter of fact, the module fundamentally wants to stimulate and develop students’ capacity to think innovatively and creatively about business ideas and act entrepreneurially to carry out these ideas. For these reasons, the course will be principally based on practical exercises and simulations, using an experiential learning approach.
The course is divided into three logically consecutive sections that follow the structure of an entrepreneurial process:
• Section I. Creating business ideas: Entrepreneurial acting
• Section II. Structuring business ideas: The business model
• Section III. Concretizing business ideas: Attract resources

Upon successful completion of this module, assuming attendance, active participation, and completion of all formative assessments designed throughout the module, the students should be able to:

1. Acquire and demonstrate a good understanding of the general concepts related to entrepreneurship and business ideas creation specifically:
1.1 Basic concepts of entrepreneurial acting and approaches;
1.2 The entrepreneurial process, from spotting the opportunity to the growth of the venture;
1.3 The business model, its constituting elements and refinement;
1.4. Tools for attracting resources as the business plan and methods to accrue money (entrepreneurial finance).

2. Being able to develop innovative ideas
3. Showing the ability to interpret and elaborate a business model, with implied internal logics

3. Being able to elaborate autonomous strategies and plans to develop and implement entrepreneurial ideas.
4. Showing relational and entrepreneurial abilities to engage with concrete situations so to spot or create opportunities

5. Presentation and pitching skills in reasons of the weekly assignments, final presentation, and oral exam.

6. Ability to move forward in studies of an entrepreneurial managerial nature.




Section I
Creating business ideas: Entrepreneurial acting

1 Introduction and Conceptual map of the module
Syllabus, Slides pack 1, Pellegrini et al. (2021)
A What is entrepreneurship?
B. Deconstructing Entrepreneurship

2 Opportunity recognition
Slides pack 2 Shane & Venkataraman (2000), Sarasvathy (2001), Alvarez & Barney (2007) A. Entrepreneurial concept presentations
B. Effectual business idea

3 Entrepreneurial process
Slides pack 3, Bhave (1994)
A. Effectual business idea presentations

4 Creativity techniques: Six Hats
Slides pack 4
A. Six hats exercise

Section II
Structuring business ideas: The business model

5 Canvas
Slides pack 5, Business model generator, Ch.1
A. Canvas business case
B. Canvas ideas

6 Value propositions
Slides pack 6, Value propositions, Ch.1
A. Value propositions business case
B. Value propositions ideas

7 Strategies for business model
Slides pack 7, Business model generator, Ch.4
A. Business model refinement business case
B. SWOT e blue ocean strategy refinements

8 Zoom in and out business model
B. Business model creation

Section III
Concretizing business ideas: Attract resources

9 Business plan
Slides pack 8
A. Value propositions business case

10 Entrepreneurial finance Slides pack 8
A. Platform pitch
B. Platform pitch video

11 Wrap up session and preparation for the exam
12 Wrap up session and preparation for the exam

A= Seminar and exercise activities performed in class.
B= Home assignments (Learning activities performed outside the class, usually in groups or individually)


A) Textbooks:
• OSTERWALDER A., & PIGNEUR Y. (2010), Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers, Hoboken (NJ), Wiley & Sons Inc.
• OSTERWALDER A., PIGNEUR Y., SMITH A., BERNARDA G., & PAPADAKOS L. (2014), Value Propositions Design: How to Create Products and Services Customers Want, Hoboken (NJ), Wiley & Sons Inc.

• As for the book Business Model Generation (Osterwalder and Pigneur, 2010), the whole book needs to be prepared for the exam.
• As for the book Value Propositions Design (Osterwalder et al., 2014) the following parts need to be prepared for the exam:
1. Ch.1: Canvas (pp. 1-63)
2. Ch.2: Design (pp. 64-171)

B) Mandatory readings for all students (will be provided on the web platform):
• Pellegrini M.M., Ciappei C., Marzi G., Dabić M., & Egri C.P. (2021), A Philosophical Approach to Entrepreneurship Education: A model based on Kantian and Aristotelian thought, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 42(1/2), 203-231.
• Shane S., Venkataraman S. (2000) The promise of entrepreneurship as a field of research”. Academy of Management Review, 25(1): 217-226.
• Sarasvathy S.D., (2001), Causation and effectuation: toward a theoretical shift from economic inevitability to entrepreneurial contingency”. Academy of Management Review, 26(2), 243-263.
• Alvarez, S. A., & Barney, J. B. (2007). Discovery and creation: Alternative theories of entrepreneurial action. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 1(1‐2), 11-26.
• Bhave, M. P. (1994). A process model of entrepreneurial venture creation. Journal of business venturing, 9(3), 223-242.
• Dushnitsky, G., & Fitza, M. A. (2018). Are we missing the platforms for the crowd? Comparing investment drivers across multiple crowdfunding platforms. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 10, e00100.

Slides and other material will be available on the module web site. The upload of the material will be done weekly.
The slides represent only a support to facilitate you in summarising concepts and topics and to guide you in studying the material. USING THE SLIDE ONLY WILL NOT grant you enough knowledge to an effective and successful preparation for the exam.


• Kuratko, Donald F. & Hornsby, Jeffrey S. (2009). New Venture Management: The Entrepreneur’s Roadmap. Upper Saddle River (NJ), Pearson Prentice Hall.
• Kim C. W. and Mauborgne R. (2005) Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant, Boston (MA), Harvard Business School Press.
• Blank, S. (2017). Why the lean start-up changes everything. Harvard business review.
• Lumpkin, G. T., & Dess, G. G. (1996). Clarifying the entrepreneurial orientation construct and linking it to performance. Academy of management Review, 21(1), 135-172.
• Sahlman W. (1996) “Some thoughts on business plans”, HBS, 14 Nov 1996
• Wiklund, J., & Shepherd, D. (2005). Entrepreneurial orientation and small business performance: a configurational approach. Journal of business venturing, 20(1), 71-91.

Teaching methods

The whole module will blend formal lectures, indeed a few, with case study, exercise in class, workshops and students’ presentation and essays. It will place emphasis on developing critical skills of analysis, strategic choices and implementation of innovative business ideas. Methods will include critical reading and thinking; engagement with new business ideas/opportunities from case studies and presentations/pitches; conceptual development of models and theories of entrepreneurial practice; peer-interaction; secondary data research and analysis.
The frontal lecture will be used only to offer a panoramic view on the theoretical concepts necessary facilitate the understanding of the experience. However, this teaching method represents only a limited part of the module and the lectures will be not just characterized by the transfer of knowledge and concepts but rather a strong interaction between the professor and the students.
The substantial part of the module instead will be focused on student-centered and student-led activities, with a series of tools to support the experiential learning process. To offer to students a true possibility of personal development and a glimpse of what could be a real business situation, many opportunities of group and induvial working and critical reflection will be provided, e.g. exercises, simulations, business cases, and presentations will be organized. Students will be expected to demonstrate independent study skills and personal initiative in workshops and seminars, mostly of which are provided as a forum for discussion. As such, there is a strong emphasis on dialogue and interaction between the professor and the students also to share ideas and experiences. These seminars will draw heavily from the students’ own experience and knowledge. This is why the success of the seminars lies upon the students’ willingness to participate. In preparing for seminars, students should ensure:
• Using relevant conceptual analysis in addressing the core issues of tasks/questions/case studies;
• Demonstrating understanding of the relevant and essential reading materials and, where proper, also highlighting alternative perspectives on the issues involved in the discussion;
• Encouraging the overall involvement of the others member during the seminar.

All students are strongly encouraged to actively participate during lectures and constantly engage with the assignments, since this will facilitate the final exam.

Exam Rules

The purpose of the entire module is to give students the opportunity to apply and understand what has been presented during the module. In particular, personal elaboration will be required and therefore also with the use of critical skills and autonomy of judgment to structure a possible concrete business idea.
For this reason, the exam is carried out in two ways:

1.Mid-term assessments (Valutazione in Itinere)
The mid-term evaluations (optional) are functional to the development of an entrepreneurial project step by step.
In particular, there will be 3 evaluation:
1. The construction of a business idea using effectuation theory (second week)
2. The creation of a CANVAS business model (fourth week)
3. The structuring of value propositions specifically with the Value Map model (fifth week)

The assessments are optional and not mandatory, but if students want to use this possibility, they will need to participate in all three evaluations. This will make up 50% of the final grade (so about 12.5% each). Each assessment will be graded out of thirty with the criteria described below. It students do not want to participate in the mid-term evaluations, this is possible and simply the final grade is determined by the written exam only.
For these reasons, the mid-term assessments aim to verify a correct acquisition of knowledge, the ability to apply this knowledge to concrete business cases and the ability to express critical judgments of one's own. Communication skills will also be assessed, in the form of clarity, logical flow, and structure of presentations/essay.

2. Written exam (two hours)

The written exam will contain one case study/hypothetical situation related to an entrepreneurial idea and four open questions about topics covered in this module as indicated in the syllabus. For the case study/hypothetical situation, the students need to interpret the real context offered and elaborate personal strategies, according to the theory, to solve the problem. The problem presented will be the creation of a start-up and the students will need to explain the reasons for the choice and the description of its characteristics, in terms of business model (CANVAS) and value propositions. From exam to exam the only change will be the specificity of the context offered and a major emphasis on one of the highlighted elements. If students have opted for the mid-term assessments, this first part of the written exam is exempted and considered as fulfilled with the assessment developed.
For the open questions, excellent answers are those with an appropriate mix between theory and practice, i.e. business examples in which the theory can be applied. Yet, theoretical connections among different topics/theories, the ability to criticize and reflect upon the validity of the theory, and elaboration of strategies to a better implementation are also evaluated. For these reasons, the case study part aims to develop abilities in making critical judgments mostly; in addition to that, the open questions verify a proper acquisition of knowledge, the ability to apply this knowledge to concrete business cases. Yet, the communication skills, in the form of clarity and logic flow and structure of the answer will be also evaluated.
The mid-terms assessments and the written exam will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
Not Successful: important deficiencies and/or inaccuracies in the knowledge and understanding of the topics; limited ability to analyse and synthesise, frequent generalisations and limited critical and judgement skills, the topics are set out inconsistently and with inappropriate language;
18-20: Barely sufficient knowledge and understanding of the topics with possible generalisations and imperfections; sufficient capacity for analysis synthesis and autonomy of judgement, topics are frequently exposed in an incoherent way and with inappropriate/technical language;
21-23: Routine knowledge and understanding of topics; ability to analyse and synthesise correctly with sufficiently coherent logical argumentation and appropriate/technical language;
24-26: Fair knowledge and understanding of the topics; Good analytical and synthetic skills with arguments expressed in a rigorous manner but with language that is not always appropriate/technical;
27-29: Comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the topics; considerable capacity for analysis and synthesis. Good autonomy of judgement. Arguments presented in a rigorous manner and with appropriate/technical language;
30-30L: Excellent level of knowledge and thorough understanding of topics. Excellent analytical and synthetic skills and independent judgement. Arguments expressed in an original manner and with appropriate technical language.