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Learning Objectives

the course aims to impart the necessary knowledge and skills to the effective use of Office Automation programs, and to practice some of their most common and useful applications. In particular, students will learn:
- basic and intermediate skills with Microsoft PowerPoint
- basic and intermediate skills with Microsoft Word: how to properly structure a document and how to create bibliograpgies and tables of contents.
- basic and intermediate skills with Microsoft Excel: formatting, functions and fomulas, pivot tables, etc.
- knoledge about good practices in making presentations: how to make slides, how to dress, speak and present yourself. it will be used as reference the book “Presentation sectres of Steve Jobs”.
- knoledge about how to use spreadsheets as probem solving tool: dataset analysis and basic statistical tools.




- Microsoft Word: main functions and features, document layout and formatting, bibliography, tables of contents, etc.
- Microsoft PowerPoint: main functions and features, how to insert elements in your presentation, animations and transactions, presentation layers and slide master, etc.
- Microsoft Excel: main functions and features, spreadsheet structure and basic program’s functions, formatting and conditional formatting, use of functions and formulas, the importance of references and the most common and important funtions, charts, pivot tables, dataset analysis as problem solving tool.




Carmine Gallo (2009), “The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs - How To Be Insanely Great in Front of Any Audience”, McGraw - Hill Education

Teaching methods

The course is organized with 4 (academic) hours classes. Computers and Slides represent the main teaching tools used by the teacher.

Exam Rules

The exam consist in a test that the students will have to make with their computer (if they don’t have one it will be provided by the university).
Students will receive some files and will have to execute on them some operations, solve problems and answer questions.
they will have to use all the main Office Automation programs (for example Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel).
The answers will be evaluated on the basis of the correctness of the result obtained and the evaluation will be expressed with a fail/pass judgement.
Students that for some didactical reasons need a mark instead of a fail/pass judgement will be able to ask for it.