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Updated A.Y. 2024-2025

Numbers in parentheses refer to chapter numbers in The Economy 2.0: Microeconomics by The CORE Team. Extensions will not be covered unless otherwise stated


The book is freely available at this link in various formats:



Unit 6: The firm and its employees

The workers and the firm (6.1-6.3)

Jobs, vacancies, hiring and quitting  (6.4-6.6, including extensions)

Employment rents and the labour discipline model (6.7-6.9)

The wage setting model  (6.10-6.11, including extensions)

Power and wages (6.12-6.14)



Unit 7: The firm and its customers

Prices, quantities and costs (7.1-7.4, including extensions)

Demand, Elasticity and revenue (7.5, including extensions)

Profits and surplus (7.6-7.7, including extensions)

Competition and product differentiation  (7.8-7.9)

Markets with few firms (7.10-7.12)



Unit 8: Supply and demand: Markets with many buyers and sellers

Demand, supply and market clearing price  (8.1-8.2)

Competitive equilibrium and gains from trade (8.3-8.5, including extensions)

Changes in supply and demand (8.6, including extensions but only the linear case))

Short run and long run equilibria (8.7-8.8)

Supply, demand and competitive equilibrium: Is this a good model? (8.10-8.11)

Taxes and Price controls (8.12-8.13)


Unit 9: Lenders and borrowers and differences in wealth

Money, income and wealth (9.1-9.2)

Borrowing: Bringing future consumption to present (9.3-9.5)

Lending: Moving consumption to the future (9.6-9.7)

Conflicts over the gains made possible by borrowing and lending (9.8)      

Borrowers and lenders: A principal–agent problem (9.9)

How good is the model? (9.11)

Limited wealth (9.12-9.13)



Unit 10: Market successes and failures: The societal effects of private decisions

Private and social costs and benefits  (10.1-10.2, including extensions but only the quasi-linear case)

Solving the problem (10..3-10.4, including extensions)

Externalities (10.5)

Public goods (10.6-10.7)

Asymmetric information: Principal–agent relationships, and market failures (10.8-10.10)

The limits of markets (10.11)